Thursday, December 26, 2019
Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality - 1930 Words
In recent times, the word â€Å"feminist†and all of its many ramifications have become increasingly more troubling. In the pure, untainted form of the word, a feminist is someone who actively supports the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality of the sexes. This means believing in the treatment of women as equals to men, both intellectually and socially. However, in contemporary culture, it would seem that if you are a feminist, then you must be a feminazi. If you are not, then you must hate women. Regardless of which side of battle one chooses to take up arms for, or if one decides to take no side at all, he or she cannot escape the integral question: why, in this day and age, are men still outperforming women in the professional†¦show more content†¦Some would argue that this is because women place a higher level of importance on more personal goals, such as raising a family or achieving personal satisfaction in life. The former of these goals c an wreak havoc on a woman’s career. Certainly, â€Å"childbirth plays a role, knocking ambitious women off their professional stride for months (if not years) at a time while their male peers†face no such catastrophic derailment (Dorment 698). Nevertheless many women have successfully borne children and returned to work to climb the ranks of the professional ladder. As for the latter of these more personal goals, satisfaction in life will almost invariably mean different things to different people, male or female. Men may obtain more satisfaction from a demanding career while for women it may be spending more time with family and friends. Or vice versa. Regardless of where the individual’s personal satisfaction comes from, this is an important life pursuit. As long as a person is satisfied in the life he or she leads, it should not matter whether or not the individual, man or woman, holds a high-powered professional position. Another proposed reason for the ambition gap is the biological differences between men and women. It is indeed possible that men are more assertive and women more nurturing due to genetics. However, â€Å"in today’s world, where we no longer have to hunt in the wild for our food, our desire forShow MoreRelatedFeminism, The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality1141 Words  | 5 PagesFeminism is defined as the advocacy of women s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Throughout the hundreds of years women have been around there have always been those that fought for more. From fighting for the right to vote to marching down Capitol Hill women have been fighting for equality. Although the fight may have changed over the years these individuals have always fought for the better for people around the world. Now more than ever women are critiqued for contribution to feminismRead MoreFeminism : The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality1645 Words  | 7 Pages- the advocacy of women s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.†Throughout history women have been perceived as these docile,fragile,and inferior type of people. Men were supposed to be the ones in charge and women were meant to follow along. These women back in the day were conditioned to believe that their place was at home being a good little housewife to their husbands. Women’s thoughts and opinions did not hold the same value as that of a man. There were women that were just fineRead MoreFeminism : The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality1934 Words  | 8 Pagesthe advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Even with a topic this controversial you can discover many great works surrounding the feminist movement. Influential women are Mary Wollstonecraft, who wrote A Vindication of The Rights of Women, Susan B. Anthony wrote The Revolution, Benazir Bhutto, the first Muslim woman t o become Prime Minister, Malala Yousafzai who fought for the education of girls, Beyonce who preaches the gospel of strong women in and out of the musicRead MoreFeminism Is The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality1826 Words  | 8 Pageswomen’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. To further break that down, feminism is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. It is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities in this world we live in. Basically feminism is a constant fight for the equality of both men and women. Not the sameness of men and women. A famous argument people like to use against feminism is women are not the â€Å"same†as men therefore no equality. SoRead MoreWomens Movement Impact1449 Words  | 6 PagesThe Women s Movement, including the Women’s Rights Movement and The Women’s Suffrage Movement, had a significant impact on U.S history. In order t o understand if the movement met the set goals, we must look at what the value of women is today. Politically, new laws and amendments were passed to support women and their rights. Socially, women became more respected and accepted. Economically, women were given more roles in society. Educationally, women were given more education and career opportunitiesRead MoreThe Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1369 Words  | 6 PagesWollstonecraft, The Vindication of the Rights of Women. To investigate this, I will first summarize her work and someone else s interpretation of it, then analyze the author, voice, message and significance, and finally analyze the two works to answer the question, What are the current ideas about your philosopher? How have their ideas influenced us today?. My first souce will be the primary source of the Vindication, and my secondary source will be Matilde Martin Gonzalez s interpretation of this workRead MoreThe Impact Of Long Women On Education And Sp orts1323 Words  | 6 PagesForty-three years. That’s how long women have had equality in education and sports. Due to the passage of Title IX, also known as one of the Education Amendments of 1972, it is illegal for educational institutions to discriminate on the basis of sex which includes all academic and extra-curricular programs such as sports. Title IX explicitly gives women equal rights, stating â€Å"no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, orRead MoreWomen s Rights During The 20th Century1302 Words  | 6 Pages Women’s rights has been a problem for a very long time and still is today. Some of the biggest movements to fight for women s equalities happened in the 20th century. People like Betty Friedan, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony helped to make it possible. In the 20th century there were two waves of feminism and third started in the 80’s but still c ontinues today. I talk about the first and second wave in this essay. Then how these waves have changed the role of women in society. OneRead MoreHow Women Empowerment Can Help Overcome Discrimination On The Social And Economical Level? Essay1354 Words  | 6 Pages How women empowerment can help to overcome the discrimination on the social and economical level? Entry 1 Brohan, E. E.-E. (2010). Self-stigma, empowerment and perceived discrimination among people with schizophrenia in 14 European countries: the GAMIAN-Europe study. Schizophrenia research, 12. Summary Economic development of countries and concept of women empowerment are positively related. It is the policy commitment for equal representation of women on the economic level that can help in eliminatingRead MoreGender Equality And Gender Discrimination1429 Words  | 6 PagesGender equality has been actively sought out for, chiefly by women, throughout history with a goal to establish equal rights and opportunities among all genders. While extensive progress has been achieved towards women’s rights throughout the twentieth century, women continue to experience gender discrimination on a daily basis. Even with the Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution which refrains from inequality of rights concerning sex, gender inequality continues to persist Gender discrimination
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Interview Summary Network Interview Essay - 834 Words
Networking Interview at Avtex Interview Summary: The interview consisted of two Vice Presidents in the same company. The reason for interviewing two people in the same company is simple. Avtex, an IT firm that offers customer experience (CX) solutions has undergone a lot of change recently. Two of the most critical positions in the company are the VP of Sales and the VP of marketing. Both positions have seen recent termination and replacement in the last few months. Avtex has had issues finding a way to make sales and marketing get along, and the company finally had enough, as they replaced the positions with Steve Jackson and John Seeds. The questions asked with each of them were as follows: 1. As a leader, what are your highest values? Steve: â€Å"I value the ability to get through to people directly. I want to cut through the bull. In order to do that, I have to be transparent on my end as well. Nothing is more valued to a leader then the loyalty of those following him.†John: â€Å"I value listening first, acting second. I believe the mistake so many leaders in companies make is not listening to the people that work for them.†2. What s the contribution you want to make as a leader? Steve: â€Å"I want this company to see an increase in revenue as a result of my leadership. My job is to help our sales team reach that revenue goal, and if I can’t achieve that, I have not been successful.†John: I want to be a solution provider.Show MoreRelatedResearch And Analysis Of Hr Recruiting Event For A Financial Analyst Position1709 Words  | 7 Pages Final Paper Milestone #2 Student Nan Liu United States University: MGT504 HR Leadership 10/04/2015 Professor Jennifer Newmann Executive Summary This paper provides details about the research and analysis of HR recruiting event for a financial analyst position in a credit card company named Discover Financial Services in their headquarter Riverwoods, Illinois. Discover Financial Services is a leading firm, whose main product Discover card is one of the major credit cards in US market.Read MoreA Research On Individuals Born Between 1980 And 2000996 Words  | 4 Pagesresidence in northern states. All participants will be active members of at least one of the following social networks: Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram. Additionally, all participants will verify in advance that they login to at least one social network at least two times a week. B. Data Collection 1. Pre-Verification Survey First, to obtain participants who meet the age, gender, and social network habits qualifications, a survey will be transmitted via a survey sampling service online. The survey willRead MoreInterview Technical And Non Technical Staff1268 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the data gathering phase it is crucial to interview technical and non-technical staff to determine if the security policies are being followed. Any staff who have access to the computers or systems in the organization should be interviewed in the security audit. System users, managers, and even cleaning staff should be considered. During the interview it will need to be determined what access the staff have to the systems and what their usage patterns are. If they have administrator accessRead MoreRecommending a Marketing Mix for a Service ‘Lumia’ 800 of Nokia Mobile Company’1429 Words  | 6 Pagesnumber: ZMSC22222 Tutorï ¼Å¡ Maqui Due Dateï ¼Å¡ November 19, 2012 Date submitted: November 19, 2012 Word Count: 1249 words Table of Contents Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Research Methodology 3.0 Research Findings 4.0 Discussion 5.0 Conclusion and recommendations Reference List Executive Summary When technology change the way people interact with each other in daily life, those writing days were gone with letters and postcards and personalized greetingRead MoreProfessionalism, Integrity, Accountability, And Excellence1453 Words  | 6 Pages1. Professionalism Summary: In this video, Ramon, the boss, tells Jason that he is late and tells him that professionalism includes getting to work on time. Jason seems unprofessional, as he comes in late and is tired. 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In the business strategy for 2015 it was decided to launch a completely new project – Fidà ¨le Magazine. Digital migration of readers to the online platforms has been one of the factors of print magazine circulation decline and the reason for companies to invest more money into digital marketing (Hucker, 2014). 1.1 Business Plan Aims This business plan carries out a detailed proposal of theRead MoreAnalytical Analysis Of Community Health Assessment1458 Words  | 6 PagesAnalytical Summary of Community Health Assessment Introduction Community health assessment is a process of systematic identifying and examining health indicators in a defined population. The purpose of this community health assessment is to gather and analyze information about health status, factors that can have an influence on community members’ health, and needs of the population within the target community. The collected data allow comparing the health status and needs of the residents inRead MoreAn Effective Substance Abuse Counselor1268 Words  | 6 Pagesand willingness to incorporate new ideas which will help their situation. Summaries are brief statements that focuses on the client’s main points in an individual counseling session. The three types of summaries include: collecting, linking, and transitions. Collecting summary involves gathering information from the client and then for accuracy the counselor will repeat the information back to the client. â€Å"Linking summaries seek to contrast ideas heard in the pre sent moment with information that has
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Collaborative Interventions Manage the Patient Care †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Collaborative Interventions in Nursing. Answer: Collaborative intervention Collaborative approaches to patients involve therapies that require skills and expertise given by the different health professionals in the medical arena. For patient care to be achieved, it requires numerous perspectives and patient handoffs among the different practitioners professionals in the health care sector. The need for building team collaborations among the health care practitioners is essential when passing out critical information on the care practice of the patients, (Hughes, 2008).The most important part of this the case study is the priority problems part. It is well articulated led brief and concise. The problems are categorised into three distinct needs that relates to patients X and her planning is based on the three o problem statement. Collaborative interventions have been practised in areas of rehabilitative Medicare care, mental health, geriatric care, palliative care and community based care. Currently collaborative models of care have been implemented in a hastily manner without building effective partnerships with the health care professional at large, (Ericsson, Whyte Ward, 2007). In the management of the patient, full assessment was done and there is need for additional information for the planning of the patient care program for achieving a restoration on the health status. On the part of interventions, theirs need to provide additional information on how they are going to be handled. The information on interventions was effective in the way that it builds collaborative of the different health care practitioners role in the management of care for patients. Additional information is needed which improves the assessment of the patient. Hey include checking on the left side for acute pulmonary oedema caused by pressure within the lungs section. Further there is need for conducting lab tests results of further assessment and study guide in the assessment process. The patient cue information has been covered which include the medical history, patient assessment conducted and the medical knowledge previously held have been included. Information has been processed through the various lab tests conducted and counter confirmed and interpreted appropriately and effectively. The various medical and lab results have been assessed and appropriate medical goal is described. In the problem identification, the diseases path physiology had been undertaken with the key dynamics of the diseases being considered for prioritizing the different health problems of the patient, this will assist in the diagnosis of the patient in getting appropriate care and for careful and appropriate care management. In stabling goals, the case study has outlines three key goals which are aimed at solving the problem of the patient, which include ineffective breathing system, elevated fluid level for glomerular filtrate reduction and activity intolerance for oxygen ratio balance. This are aimed at establish the key priorities for the patient and to describe the desired action that you need to do and the exact time frame for the patient. The case study has outlined the plan of action which facilitates the process through clear objectives and actions aimed at assisting the patient, also the interventions used are very clear, this makes this case study more applicative and educatio n for e purpose having a clear plan of action. An important aspect in clinical processes to evaluate the overall process for the case study, in this presentation the overall assessment of the patient was done. The critical and core assessments were done for the patient, which include the breathing pattern, fluid atria and patient tolerance on activities as per the goals of these plan. The case study presentation utilized the clinical reasoning model, (Levvett-Jones,2000 ) ,of case management, and information which seemed lacking were the measurements of the systolic and diastolic measurements. also the her critical vitals were not included in the presentation and various clinical sings ought to have been done, which include, assessment of coughs, pulmonary oedema, orthopenia among other tests. The referencing style for the task was appropriate, with use of up to date journal articles as it portrays the current state of affairs in the field of research. Generally the case study review was above satisfactory as it used the recent use of literature. References Ericsson,K., Whyte, A. and Ward. J. (2007). Expert performance in nursing: reviewing research on expertise innursing within the framework of the expert-performance approach. Advances inNursing Science. 30 (1), 58-71.Groopman, J. (2008). Hughes, R. G. (2008). Chapter 33: Professional Communication and Team Collaboration. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Levett-Jones, T., Sundin, D., Bagnall, M., Hague, K., Schumann, W., Taylor, C. and Wink, J., (2010). Learning to think like a nurse. HNE Handover: For Nurses and Midwives, 3(1).
Monday, December 2, 2019
Living with Mental Disorders free essay sample
A discussion of the implications of living with mental disorder, including medical issues and the reality of daily life. Using ADHD as an example, this paper discusses issues related to living with mental disorders. Diagnosis and medical concerns are addressed. The reality of living with such a disorder and its impact on various aspects of daily living, such as school, work and social functioning are examined. For many years the field of psychology has had medical guidelines set for it in the diagnosing of mental disorders. The DSM-IV lists symptoms and criteria required to diagnose certain mental disorders and it explains how those disorders manifest themselves medically. Once the disorder is diagnosed however, there are often daily life adjustments and implications that are discovered as well. The treatment of a mental disorder involves not only a proper and thorough diagnosis but also treatment that understands the daily implications of having a mental disorder. We will write a custom essay sample on Living with Mental Disorders or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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