Sunday, May 24, 2020
Causes And Policies Of Financial Crises - 1701 Words
Causes and Policies in Financial Crises Financial Crises are well-known phenomena in economics history; however, after the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 the role that Central Banks play in order to prevent Financial Crises has been questioned. To begin with, it is important to understand that crises consist of highly complex macro-financial linkages that reflect the interactions between the financial sector and the real economy (Claessens 2012). Additionally, it is important to highlight two different financial crises groups: Currency and sudden stop crisis, which have strictly quantitative definitions; and debt and banking crises that depend on qualitative and judgmental analysis (Claessens 2012). Nevertheless, the interconnectivity of the financial sector demonstrates that major crises are a blend of the different types; thus, the effects on real economy are larger (Laevene 2008). In consequence, governments and central banks have the responsibility to develop monetary and macro-prudential policies to appropriatel y supervise and regulate the financial industry (Norgren 2010). However, central banks have failed to appropriately understand the main symptoms that precede financial crises: credit booms and asset booms (Bijapur 2015). In fact, it is essential to comprehend these symptoms in order to develop policies that strengthen the fragility of the financial industry; hence, upholding stable growth and inflation. The last major financial crises demonstrate that theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of â€Å"the Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Effects, Policies and Prospects†Dominick Salvatore, Journal of Politics Society, Columbia University1110 Words  | 5 Pages Analysis of â€Å"The Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Effects, Policies and Prospects†Dominick Salvatore, Journal of Politics Society, Columbia University June 2010 Marija Nikolic December 2012 Global financial crises has brought into focus debate about decisions made by the countries which are leading economic forces, making them to reconsider past living standards and habits. With the aim to examine the causes, effects, policies and prospects for the financial crisis D.Salvatore publishedRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 20071646 Words  | 7 PagesThe most recent financial crisis of 2007 was felt throughout the world, and brought about huge economic consequences that are still being felt to this day. Within the United States, the crisis undoubtedly resulted in a surge in poverty and unemployment, a significant drop in consumption, and the loss of trust in the capitalist economic system. Because of globalization, this crisis was felt through the intertwined global markets, affecting underdeveloped countries even more. Historical eventsRead MoreThe Structure And Operation Of The Global Economy Essay1451 Words  | 6 Pagesmarkets, while maintaining control over t heir firm-specific assets, (Pandya 477). FDI can now account for more than all other forms of capital flows combined. The regulatory framework for FDI in a country is mostly comprised of laws, regulations, and policy guidelines and varies widely between countries. Developing countries tend to be the heaviest users of FDI restrictions as â€Å"ownership restrictions [can be] integral to [their] economic development strategies,†(Pandya 478). The two most prominent strategiesRead MoreThe Banking Crises Of Usa1372 Words  | 6 PagesFinancial institution like banks and other investment company operates to earn profit. However, during the period of business cycle they may come across the situation when their assets gradually or suddenly start to lose its acquired value and they begin to drop profit of the business for a years or many years. Such situation is commonly called financial crisis. Banking crises is associated with financial disorder in stock market, treasury market and bankruptcy of financial institution (Wicker, 2000)Read MoreMarket Liberalisation Success, Failures And Challenges1207 Words  | 5 Pagesinvestment. In the decade after reforms FDI inflows to India has grown by a staggering sixty fold increase to $6 billion (Kletzer, 2004) showing how the India economy has become a major destination for FDI and is reaping the economic benefits. One of the policies causing this attraction is the ongoing gradual privatisation of varied sectors. This gradualism approach has promoted efficiency through competition away from monopolized state owned enterprises but also into global competition. The increased profitabilityRead MoreFinancial Crisis : Fiscal Crisis1542 Words  | 7 PagesFinancial Crisis: 2008-2009 In early 2000s, most private and public budgets in the U.S. were funded through local and sovereign debts. In this regard, staggering mortgage industry, weak fiscal policies, and unscrupulous financial investors principally contributed to the 2008-2009 financial crises. Due to surging inflation and accumulated interests, most borrowers failed to payback their loans due to continued bankruptcy. Consequently, interest rates in various countries were adjusted to balance theRead MoreBanking and Financial System are Heavily Regulated1122 Words  | 5 PagesBanking is a heavily regulated industry that is very protected to prevent crises that can cause huge economic harm. One topic that has been greatly debated in the history of financial systems is whether competition is good or bad for financial stability. It is complex and hard to know which side is right. Pretty much everyone with an opinion at least concedes that there are good points for both sides. All the arguments run both ways, and the evidence is mixed. History can show evidence that bothRead MoreThe International Monetary Fund ( Imf )1310 Words  | 6 PagesIn the last chapter we looked at how incompetent and politically driven economic policy making drove Europe into prolonged recession and high unemployment. The financial crises and fear of a meltdown slowed world economic growth considerably. In October 2010, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected 4.6 percent growth for the global economy in 2013; it ended up being just 3 percent. This difference may not seem like much, but in terms of lost output it is more than $800 billion, and it isRead MoreWhat Were The Main Cause Of The Crisis?815 Words  | 4 PagesWhat were the main causes of the crisis? In the United States in 2007-2008, was not caused by a single but a sequence of crisis that rippled through the financial system and the economy. In the financial system there was a contagion spread due to imprudent mortgage lending and subprime loans were disbursed; at the same time, during the house bubble and this cause vulnerability to the financial systems. The Federal Reserve allowed the housing bubble to occur and this promoted low interest ratesRead MoreMexican Devaluation Of The Mexican Peso Crisis Essay1412 Words  | 6 Pageswhether sound monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies could have prevented the crisis or foreign intervention was inviable to control the crisis because of the effect to the global community. The purpose of this paper is to show that it was the policies of the Mexican government that caused the devaluation of the peso and thus the ensuing Mexican Peso Crisis. The 1994 Mexican Peso Crisis was a relatively short crisis. The economic policies of the Mexican government needs reviewing before going
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs
Drugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster â€Å"brah†you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports that have the most used drugs is Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Golf, all of the sports you can think of. Never had Athletes had more training aids. The downside is that never before have Athletes had more opportunities to cheat mainly†¦show more content†¦To them this makes it more exciting and fun to watch. Also people say that if we try to get rid of all of the players using drugs, then there will be many fewer players playing in leagues like the NFL. I am not saying that the drug using players should be banned but the league should try to do more to get them to stop taking the drugs. Maybe by putting a big big ticket for every player and every time they are caught taking drug enhancement in their body. The athletes may just be using the drugs because someone told them to and as we all know athletes arent the brightest crayons in the BOX. Now these drugs might be making them better players but they are actually really horrible for their health. drugs like steroids have horrible side effects that can cause liver damage reproductive system issues growth issues and in some cases even give you cancer. Athletes should look into this and the next time their coach tries to put a needle in their butt maybe they should stand up for themselves. Did you know that there are many pro athletes participating in sports today that are getting away with drug use. In fact it is estimated that 95% of players in the NFL use a performance enhancing drug such as Steroids. These Pro Athletes are also getting paid a lot of money becauses they are really well in their sport and why are they doing well. It may because they have a lot of talent and put a lot of time into training but also a lot of it could be the use of a performanceShow MoreRelatedSports Enhancing Drugs Is Great for sports: Personal Opinion Essay1422 Words  | 6 PagesSports are full of entertainment and great players. Imagine if the players were boosted with skills and performed like the monster on the movie Space Jam. This would be amazing if you never watched space jam I highly recommended you do so. The movie was great; it had one of the worlds best athletes in it Michal Jordan. He is known as one of the greatest basketball players ever to play the game. Space jam can show how an extra boost can improve players’ game play to the next level. Athletes shouldRead MorePerformance-enhancing Drugs and Athletes674 Words  | 3 PagesWith the change of rules in sports throughout the many centuaries, the most advance form of improving the ability of athletes is known as doping. Doping are performance-enhancing drugs which are used in sports. The uses of these drugs are considered to be unethical as it gives competitors an unfair advantage. Sports is seen as an activity based on full ethics and complete discipline. With the invention of performance-enhancing drugs in sports, it gives athletes a greater opportunity of cheatingRead MoreEssay On Performing Enhancing Drugs1471 Words  | 6 Pages Performing Enhancing Drugs and the World of Sports Sports has become one of the most impactful and influential parts of our culture. Sports has cemented itself as a standard part of society. In fact, taking a look back on myself and coming from an athletic background, growing up my mom would always put me in a variety of sports. When I reached high school age something that was always drilled into me by my coaches was the aspect of hard work. During my high school sporting career there was a multitudeRead MoreAthletes Understand The Danger Of Using Performance Enhancing Drugs1061 Words  | 5 PagesTherefore honor God with your bodies.†(NIV, 1 Cor. 6:19-20.) Most athletes understand the danger of using Performance enhancing drugs (PED). Average length of athlete’s career is about five years; they only have a short time to perform their best. However, some of them still use PED to cheat their way to improve their strength and athleticism. From the article about How Performance-enhancing Drugs Work, Dr. Gabe Mirkin as ked competitive runners â€Å"If I could give you a pill that would make you anRead MoreDrugs in Sport Essay1052 Words  | 5 PagesDrugs in sport The nature of sports promotes a strong desire to win, and many athletes will do anything to rise to the top. Every elite athlete wants to get an edge over their competition, causing many athletes to turn to performance enhancing drugs to gain this edge. Drug use in sport can cost players their super stardom dream career, but more seriously, their own lives. The wide-spread illegal use of drugs has eliminated the question of which athlete has the strongest raw power, to the questionRead MoreDrug Testing Essay1328 Words  | 6 PagesEven though drug testing is very expensive, ALL high school’s athletes should be tested because drugs are bad for your health and very addictive. A simple drug test could save many lives. Many schools around deny the request to drug test their athletes for the simple conclusion that the cost of the testing would just be to expensive. I disagree whole heartedly on that because although it may be expensive, we could save so many lives by requiring d rug tests to play sports. Many students have loveRead MoreSteroids And Their Relationship With Exercise / Sports Science And Chemistry1217 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Project: Steroids The topic I have chosen to talk about today is steroids and their relationship with exercise/sports science and chemistry. You’re probably wondering what are steroids? How and what are they made of? Why would anyone take them? I felt that these four things went very well together and are very interconnected with one another especially chemistry and steroids. First of all, what are steroids? Steroids are derived from the lipid family that also includes cholesterol, steroidRead MoreElite Athletes and Performance Enhancing Drugs1817 Words  | 7 PagesElite Athletes: An Asset or Liability to Sports? Many elite athletes are under great pressure to perform exceptionally well they often times resort to using performance-enhancing drugs to stay competitive. The path to success as an athlete is not an easy track; it is fierce! The fame and the fortune one can attain from being an athlete is only unimaginable to some; it is something worth going the extra mile to reach, for some, there is no limit to the extra mile. After all, in today’s society theRead MoreThe Baseball Hall Of Fame1814 Words  | 8 PagesBaseball’s ineligible list shall not be an eligible candidate.†To this day, there is no mention of performance enhancing drugs being a factor to keep someone off the ballot and into the hall of fame. With that being said, it proposes this question deeply rooted in ethics. Should a player be allowed into the National Baseball Hall of Fame if they at any time used performance-enhancing drugs? There are a few parts in the film Bigger, Faster, Stronger that relate to and talk about the use of steroidsRead MoreShould Sports Enhancing Drugs Or Peds Should Be Allowed? Professional Sports?1608 Words  | 7 PagesWhether or not Performing enhancing drugs or PEDs should be allowed in professional sports is one of the most widely discussed topics amongst fans and league officials. It brings a lot of controversy as well as a lot of upside. Many people argue that there is an unfair advantage amongst â€Å"clean†athletes while others say that there are many health benefits given to the athletes taking these drugs. As most things in our society, there are many things that have pros and cons to their use, it is just
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Effects Of Mammograms And How They Can Save Their Lives
What if the age to get mammograms would drop to the age of 50 instead of 40? According to Ph.D. Diana Zuckerman and Ph.D. Anna E. Mazzucco, this is what the â€Å"U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommends†on doing (Zuckerman, Mazzucco 1). This is a big change in women in that, now women may feel more comfortable with the idea of getting mammograms done, but at a later age. Mammograms have been used for some time now and they have proven to help save lives of women. People might argue that mammograms are not effective, but they are if they are saving lives. In a women’s life it is important to get mammograms so they can detect any abnormality or any cancer that can be developed. With this they can save their lives and protect their loved ones from a tragedy that can happen. Which is why I propose that there should be an organization that informs women on the benefits of mammograms and how they can save their lives. In today’s society many women are not get ting their mammograms done because they feel like they are not necessary or because they are scared of the results of the mammograms. Since women do not get their mammograms done they are more exposed to breast cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, women who get mammograms reduce about â€Å"15% to 20% in mortality from breast cancer†(â€Å"National Cancer Institute†1). If women would get their mammograms the rate number increase and there will be less deaths in women. Mammograms have different benefits whichShow MoreRelatedAngelina Jolie s Effect On Breast Cancer1599 Words  | 7 Pagesmastectomy is painful for women and causes a loss of self-esteem. Cancer cells can spread and return. Sometimes, this dense breast tissue makes cancer cells more difficult to detect. Owing to Angelina Jolie’s effect, breast cancer referral rates rose nearly 2.5 times in the United Kingdom from 2012 to 2013 (Evans, 2014). This effect caused global awareness of b reast cancer and reminded women to notice this disease including a mammogram screening and routine breast self-exam. Annually, more than 200,000 AmericanRead MoreBreast Cancer Prevention and Education Essay1695 Words  | 7 Pagesplan that helps you detect the disease in its early stages. Now, however, treatment options have been expanded and there is a higher probability of full recovery than ever before. Lives can be saved by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and by providing mammograms for those in needs. Therefore, women can increase their chances of surviving breast cancer if they overcome their fears, receive thorough check-ups, and seek proper treatments. Now, what is breast cancer? Breast cancerRead MoreWhy Women Should Start Receiving At The Age Of 401773 Words  | 8 Pagesyour body†¦ wondering, why you? How didn’t I find out sooner? Due to the many health benefits of mammography, women starting at the age of 40 should be required to have yearly mammograms. The discussion of mammography continues to rise in controversy, especially regarding why women should start receiving mammograms at the age of 40. Two conflicts that continue to threaten women against mammograms are the amount of radiation exposure and the evidence that mammograms can cause false positive results.Read MoreBreast Cancer Is Not Just A Disease That Strikes At Women2324 Words  | 10 Pagesjust a disease that strikes at women. It strikes at the very heart of who we are as women: how others perceive us, how we perceive ourselves, how we live, work and raise our families-or whether we do these things at all.†1.3 million women will be diagnose d every year over the next 20 years, and the culprit, breast cancer, will kill 11 million of those women. Breast cancer can be a very deadly disease, but it can also be one of the easiest cancers to get rid of if men and women take the right precautionsRead MoreBreast Cancer : A Dangerous Type Of Cancer1502 Words  | 7 Pagesmen and women. Author Gayle Sulik of Pink Ribbon Blues: How Breast Cancer Culture Undermines Women s Health describes breast cancer as, â€Å"abnormal cells [that] appear in the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) or the lobules (glands that make milk) and, more importantly, have the capacity to spread (metastasize)†(164). Breast cancer can be treated with surgeries and chemotherapy, radiation, and hormonal therapies. However, a person can still die even with treatment if the cancer metastasizesRead MoreHealth Policies and Health Determinants1438 Words  | 6 PagesGrade Received - A Discuss the ways that health can be conceptualized by a society. What are the determinants of health in humans? What is the connection between how a society defines health and how it pursues health? Has increased access to technology changed that perception over the last decade? Discuss the connection between health policies, health determinants, and health. Abstract Health policies, health determinants and health are all categories that are intertwinedRead MorePresidential Powers: A Comparsion of Predencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama1042 Words  | 5 PagesPresidential power can be defined in numerous ways. Political scientists Richard Neustadt and William Howell give different views on what is presidential power. These polarized views of presidential powers can be used to compare and contrast the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Richard Neustadt stated in his book Presidential Power that â€Å"Presidential power is the power to persuade.†(Neustadt, pg.11) Persuasion and bargaining are techniques that presidents can use to influence policyRead MoreAmerican Cancer Society : A Community Based Health Organization1517 Words  | 7 Pagesthis time raised money for the group and recruited volunteers (Brawley). The mission statement of the American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer, as well as, providing education, research, and service to help prevent cancer and save lives. The American Cancer Society is a non-profit organization that is ran by a Board of Directors, composed of volunteers, that set the policies for the long-term goals of the organization and distributing of its resources (Byers). The ACS has it headquartersRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr ) Essay1401 Words  | 6 PagesNow patients can even view their health care records on the cellphones. Providers can acces s a patient’s health records at home and no longer be stuck in the office. EMR’s changed healthcare greatly, did it change for the better? Positive Effects of EMR More accurate record keeping. Perhaps the most positive change related to the creation of EMR is more accurate records. Everything about a person’s health is kept in one place. Their allergies, immunizations, medications can all be accessibleRead MoreThe Dollar and Sense of Preventive Care1586 Words  | 7 Pageshealth care saves lives and contribute to a better quality of life by diagnosing medical conditions at early more treatable stages. This paper examines the effectiveness of preventive healthcare in containment of health care costs and overall health benefit of consumers. After a brief introduction to preventive health care, the paper provides evidence of prevention activities that generate significant cost saving to consumers, the effects preventive care has on health care providers and how both impact
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Do People Become Serial Killer - 1923 Words
How do people become serial killer? What are the characteristics that can lead someone to become a serial killer? Does it always have to do with psychological gratification or is it simply thrill seeking. Everyone asks these questions when handly a murder case. And not all cases are the same, some might have to do with thrill seeking, or it could be that the serial killer himself/herself have experienced abuse. Whether it was physically, mentally, or sexually. The cause can also come from being in a broken home, but some serial killers can appear normal just like anybody else. Some even have jobs, or a wife and kids, there are also more than one kind or type of murder. The types of murders are first and second degree, justifiable homicide, mass murder, spree killing, and serial killers. Now some people think that mass murder is the same as a serial killer, but they aren’t. There is a difference between all of these. For example, mass murders kill in a large numbers of people, typically at the same time in a single location. Serial killers are people who murder three or more people in a period of over a month, with a â€Å"cooling down’’ time between murders, ( fbis- role-takes-shape/serial –killers-part-1-the fbis`-role-takes-shape). Although psychological gratification is the usual motive for serial killing, and most serial killings involve sexual contact with the victim, theShow MoreRelatedTwo Articles on the Motives and Mind of a Serial Killer1470 Words  | 6 Pages The mind of a serial killer can be very interesting in being able to find out what makes them want to do what they do. Knowing if someone was abused as a child and if this makes them more likely to become a serial killer or not become a serial killer is something I was very curious to learn about. Something that happens in a person’s childhood can affect the way they act when they becom e adults. I found two sources talking about childhood abuse and serial killers. The first source was an internetRead MoreSerial Killers : What Makes Us Kill? Essay1718 Words  | 7 Pageswhat a serial killers mind is like, why serial killers are so popular in American pop culture and, the basic fascination and interest in serial killer cases and, review basic facts and ideas of how we can stop or try to limit cases of serial killer violence and crime, through studies and research. Covering a range of historical, medical and, scientific views in a wide variety of cases and findings, the goal is to expand on the ideas and theories of what causes people to become serial killers. WhatRead More Serial Killers: Monsters or Mentally Ill Essay1571 Words  | 7 Pages Studies show that traits of a serial killer can be seen in a person at a very young age. Most warning signs go unnoticed which is why the growth of the killer continues. A thing such as animal cruelty is one of many clues inside the growth of a serial killers mind â€Å"They often start out their careers by maiming, harming, and torturing small animals.†â€Å"In extreme cases, they have been known to spend hours inflicting a slow death on animals...this is a form of control that allows them the power toRead MoreThe Murder Of Serial Killers1703 Words  | 7 PagesA grieving mother drapes herself over the casket of her deceased son. The 14 year old had fallen victim to one of the most infamous serial killers in history, Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer killed a total of 17 known victims, all between the ages of 14 and 33. In his most recent murders, he often resorted to necrophilia, cannibalism, and permanent preservation of body parts (â€Å"Jeffrey Dahmer Biography†). The mother looks at what is left of her son’s face, the face that once smiled to her every morning beforeRead MoreThe Mind of Monsters1390 Words  | 6 Pagesis a fictional serial killer from Showtime’s series â€Å"Dexter†, but the writers and actors have portrayed a real life serial killer. Manuel Prado is the real Dexter Morgan. Prado was a Miami cop who started with smaller crime and worked his way up to becoming a serial killer. †Prosecutor David Waksman told the Miami Herald: He was very cold. He was doing robberies and went home and slept like a baby. He was proud of what he did.†(International, 2012) Real life serial killers do not have any empathyRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Serial Killers1369 Words  | 6 Pagesmany different causes for people wanting to commit mass murder (serial killers), but these murders also affect the lives of many other peo ple and their families. There are no positive effects when this happens, there are only negative effects on every person involved. The cause always starts with the serial killer, the victim never causes it. There are multiple effects on the serial killer, victim, the victim’s family, and the community (Violent Loss). Many serial killers are created due to psychologicalRead MoreSerial Killers Essay1122 Words  | 5 Pagesthese people who commit crimes, some of them become the most dangerous criminals, known as serial killer. A serial killer is a term to describe that human being who commits series of murder. The word ‘serial killer’ was given by Robert K. Russler (FBI Investigator) in 1975 after he encountered series of murders. Serial killers are just not murderers but also the victim of bad society or the bad environment in which they grew up in. The serial killers are psychotic and mentally insane people; usuallyRead MoreCharles Manson Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesonly Manson who was affected and had an effect to counter-culture, many psychologists have concluded serial killers, such as Jeffery Dahmer, the Zodiac Killer, and Ted Bundy, have had the same affect by the social changes happening at the time. So, how has serial killer culture affected society? Many of us cant deny the fascination of a murders psyche; how they killed, who they killed and why they do it. In addition, these criminals have affected our public perception to view them as popular figuresRead MoreSerial Killers in Modern Society1558 Words  | 6 PagesSerial Killers in Modern Society Introduction For hundreds of years, serial killers have actually been a huge fascination all over the world. Even though society has an undeveloped idea as to what a serial killer is and how they function, there is much more to serial killers that people are probably unaware of. In spite of classic myths regarding serial killers which are displayed a lot in movies, this essay will recognize serial killers as irregular as the individual that utilizes various strategiesRead MoreThe Mind Of A Serial Killer937 Words  | 4 PagesIn the Mind of a Serial Killer Hearing about a serial killer on the new or by a person bring a lot of attention to us. We want to know all about the killer. What he did? Why did he do? The serial killer becomes into a celebrity like figure. Even though he fears of coming into contact with that person we are still open to hear about them. We physically do not want to come in contact with this person because we fear of being their next victim or become hurt by them. But since we are nowhere near this
Is Conflict A Motivator The Workplace - 2386 Words
Feng Zhao CWT1-Joe-1005 Is conflict a motivator in the workplace? Introduction Conflict is inevitable in all organizations, project teams are no exception (Nicholas, 2012, p. 535). Negative effects of team conflict have usually been focused by the early conflict scholars. However, is conflict always detrimental to team performance? Recently, with the significant changes happened in the study of conflict in the organizations, the view of conflict has been changing gradually (Brown, 1983). It also poses a great challenge for the managers who are given high expectations especially when conflict occurs (HAMMER, 1994). Conflict may be classified on the basis of organizational levels, such as intrapersonal,†¦show more content†¦A case analysis of conflict happened between manager and boss will be analyzed firstly. Meanwhile, the skills that managers take to deal with such conflict and barriers to these skills which resist manager to receive better conflict management performance will be discussed. Finally, the rules containing the basic elements of const ructive conflict management and a constructive conflict management process will be presented. Case analysis and evaluation Dealing with the relationship with the boss as believed to be one of the important parts, probably the most difficult parts for manager to face in the workforce. It is undeniable that there are many different kinds of bosses. Managers all have certain stereotypical image about bosses, most of who are believed to be powerful, hope everything in control, expect respect, or more clever than ordinary staff. These imaginations also have a significant impact on the way managers work with their boss, these may also influence the relationships between managers and those who manage them, especially they are in conflict with their boss. (Crawley, 1996). So how do managers overcome their stereotypical feeling? How do managers receive what they want from people who manage them? To resolve conflict arising between managers and their
Archetypes rough draft free essay sample
?Archetypes are used in almost every story ever told. Some may be basic, while others can be more elaborate. The most important archetypes are those used in characters. If one was to compare characters from different tales, no matter the time period in which they were created, a strong similarity would be strikingly apparent. This is because of archetypes. An archetype sets the tone for a certain thing. The archetype of the color white, for instance, is innocence. This causes one to associate the color white with innocence. The same goes for character archetype. The archetypes of characters effectively placed unto the plotline of Beowulf both make Beowulf stronger, and essentially destroy him as well. These influences, combined with the heroic archetype shown in the character of Beowulf, have set a model for some modern tales of a hero’s journey. An example of this is The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. In the hobbit, many of the character archetypes as first presented in Beowulf appear again. In Beowulf, you will see many archetypes used in characters placed into the story to move it along. Many will change the premise of stories forever. The use of archetypes in Beowulf both influence Beowulf in his quests as well as modern literature today. Out of the many archetypes shown in Beowulf, two characters show the greatest influence and biggest impact on the life and success of Beowulf. One of those characters is Wiglaf. He becomes a faithful follower of Beowulf towards the end of the tale, and in the end sets the tone for the character of a loyal sidekick. While most sidekicks accompany a hero on all of his endeavors, Wiglaf is only there for the last. The last, however, turns out to be the most important; as it is the las t thing Beowulf will do. Wiglaf is the only one to support our hero at this point, and does not give up on him even though he is well aware that Beowulf will go down in his last battle. He also knows that he is risking his own life as well, yet he goes without hesitation, â€Å"quote â€Å" ( ). This illustrates the type of character Wiglaf is, thus creating an archetype for the â€Å"sidekick†character, a common character used in most stories. An example of this is [ ] in [ ], â€Å"quote â€Å"(- ). This is an example of the sidekick archetype appearing in more modern literature, proving the impact that archetypes have. In Beowulf, Wiglaf encourages Beowulf to finish the dragon before he perishes, which he inevitably will. That is the job of a sidekick. A sidekick’s job is not to rescue the hero, or to step in and save the day, but to support and encourage the hero that he or she is so devoted to. If it had not been for Wiglaf’s support, Beowulf may have withered away without finishing what he began, killing his legacy with him. â€Å"Begin with Grendel quote†¦. †( ). Grendel is perhaps the most important archetypal character in the tale; his archetype being â€Å"the creature from the nightmare†, shown when he savagely destroys the men in Herot; â€Å"Grendel quote†( ). This shows that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Alkalosis and Gastrointestinal Symptoms †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Alkalosis and Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Answer: Introduction: This is to be noted that the leading companies can significantly recognize the requirements of specific and successfully meet them in terms of offering services and products. According to the business analysts and academics have named this process or procedure as market segmentations. However, the significant entrepreneurs would like to call this method nothing but common sense. It can be said that the collection of the multiple products have taken place on the showcases of the markets on the basis of different requirements and interests of individual customers. This is to be mentioned that the diversity of products and services depends on the different buying practices and elementary differentiations of the clients desires. The opportunities they access from the multiple services and products are equivalent to the interests and desires of the clients. It can be stated that every individual cannot be impressed with the same facility of a particular service or products. This is to be understood that the Woolworths need to facilitate their products and services with variety in order to satisfy the different needs of different customers. Therefore, the brands and companies realize the significance and importance of focusing on a particular sort of clients instead of getting into the wholesale market. The number of companies who stick to specific group of clients is significantly increasing. This particular method of identification or acknowledgement of target client group is being named as market segmentation. This is the method where the companies aggregate the clients into small unites on the basis of their similar interests, needs and buying features. The Henry Ford Model T philosophy can come into consideration here in order to evaluate this method of clients segmentation. One can select a color apart from black as black is not the suitable one for this. This is to be noted that the number of companies who decide to be in the league of targeting mass have fallen down because of multiple causes. It can be stated that the target orientation attitude gets developed on the basis of categorically distinct market segmentations. The concept of Boots can be discussed in this situation. The Boots had once an identical concept. However, there is a tough competition between Boots Pharmacy, Boots variety store and Boots Health and Beauty (Randall, Seow and Walsh2015). The methods of clients being targeted with particular products have emerged with the introduction of Green International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. The companies targeted the clients with particular products such as unleaded petrol. It is to be mentioned tha t this sort of petrol is trademarked distinctly from the leading petroleum brands. This trend is rising. It can be said that the mass market products have been disappeared with the passing time. The case of salt can come into the consideration. This is to be noted that the salt with low sodium replacements are being available in the market to meet the health conscious clients requirements. It is to be mentioned that Woolworths, possibly the last leading company in the mass market league also gave up on the procedure and start focusing on the method of targeting clients from the year of 1980 (Drake?Brockman et al., 2015). This can be suggested that the base of the market segmentation depend on the requirements in the academic marketing press and popular marketing press. Woolworths have witnessed how the effective and operational execution of market segmentation and consequent targeting lead them to success. However, the target segmentation is only one factor to reach success. It does not play the ultimate role to achieve success. This is to be stated that the method of segmentation can be applied with the help of three elements such as segmentation, targeting and positioning. The transformation of the requirements and the desires of the consumers in a significant perceptible mix of merchandises, market, price and distribution and the quality of the service with the supreme approach can be acknowledged as the major challenge. The number and type of target segments differ as per the market, product and company. It can be assumed as a complex method. However, the impact of this execution is distinct. This is to be noted that the quest for essential positioning requires to be moderated. It can be observed that there is a common tendency to overlook the matter that consumers interest and expectation play the pivotal role in market segmentation (Wasserberg, Kirsch and Rowton 2014). This can be said that the specific service or production may lose their particular importance and individuality as they aim to fulfill the clients requirements. The particular capacities of the particular company will determine the position of particular brand of services. This depen ds on the practical and physical characteristics of a specific product that come into consideration. This is also the matter of competition that how they can fulfill the needs of the particular client. It can be stated that the success of the particular company or product are being determined by the number of loyal clients. Therefore, it is important to modify the marketing strategies regularly and acknowledge the messages they receive from the consumers in order to make the service or product beneficial to them. This can easily be said that the conscious segmentation of the particular market is always helpful in recognizing the different market goals and scopes. It is important to have a strategic understanding to assess how the scopes can be realized. This understanding generates from the improvised analyze and understanding of the interest of the customers in the target group. The promotional activities or proper service or product stylization or prize discounts can be introduced in order to attract the interest of the clients. The profits can be established with the case of Woolworths. This can be seen that consumer demographics and the benefits services are being sought based because of the segmentation of the market in case of Woolworths. This method can be recognized as one of the significant procedures to aggregate people in groups. The essential characteristics such as age, gender and individuality can be considered as the general characteristics in the customer markets. This is to be noted that Woolworths have acknowledged the specific requirement of a particular group of consumers in the significant market. The identification of the particular segments can be acknowledged in the field of socio-economy in the first place. The segmentation of target groups can play the major roles in the global market by using the essential and operative segmentation in order to achieve a position with a specific role. This is because the segmentation aims to recognize the different scopes by leaders from different brand. However, the market strategists of Woolworths utilize the method of market segmentation in a profitable and significant manner. This is to be mentioned that the four sorts of products and service scopes can be applied. Market Presentation: This section aims to increase the proportion of sales in the global market by competing the significant rivals in terms of contemporary consequences. Product Development: This section is to offer improvised and polished products and services to contemporary markets by the growth of the wide range of product. Market Development: This section is dedicate to sell the current products and services by identifying the new presentations and applications. Diversification: This section is focused on providing original products while stepping in to a new market. This is important to recognize the multiplicity of market scopes with the help of segmentation. However, the wrong application or execution of this particular method can lead the company to failure. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the effective and essential segmentation in order to meet the multiple criteria. The lists of segment include Recognizable: These sorts of segmentations are simple to describe and measure. Practicable: These types of segmentations are huge to be possibly beneficial. Saleable and manageable: These sorts of segmentations are simple to highlight the factors with the help of sales and advertising work. Steady: These types of segmentations are large in terms of taking particular actions. This is significant and important to ignore the threats of the specific tunnel vision. It is important to understand that the companies should identify segmentation as the only and correct method for working in a specific market. This can be predicted that the changes in terms of customer trends and stationary sales can act as a positive hint of targeting policy. Woolworths plays a major role in this specific industry of Australia. It can be stated that this company have accomplished specific level of advancement and progress among the Australian retail industry for significant reasons. There are multiple issues that help this company to enter in the leading league. This is to be noted that a leading company such as Woolworths have their own critical strategies to perform. It is important to analyze the strategies of Woolworths to understand the significance of the position of this particular company. This is to be stated that this company has successfully executed the strategy plans in a positive way. The strategies that Woolworths follow include target segmenting, denoting of target market and positioning accordingly. It is to be mentioned that there are significant strategic elements that need to be considered and evaluated in order to understand the strategic position and contemporary state of the company in both the local and global mark et. This is to be noted that the target market denotes a group of clients a particular product or service aimed at. It can be said that Woolworths is popular as one of the leading supermarket retailers of Australia. This should be remembered there is a primary target to Woolworths is to increase their sell. It would be beneficial if they could target the mass irrespective their political, social and economic structure. However, it is difficult to target people from the different backgrounds at the same time with the same product. The lifestyle of an individual depends on the circumstances and the situations they born and brought up and lives at. These factors have an essential impact on their interests and requirements. Therefore, Woolworths decided to target people from one or two different class. It can be said that the people who have ample amount of money can have much options. It is not possible to receive loyalty from them as they can switch the brands and products. They do not compromise with the quality. They always look for the new and fresh options. Therefore, they basically target the middle class, lower middle class and the labor class people. It can understood this company strategically low down the price of their products in order to attract significant number of people. There is one significant and essential point to add in terms of Woolworths strategies. It offers verity of products under the same roof. This is to be said that Woolworths have correctly recognized the market segments. They have decide in which market they need to enter at the primary stated. This particular company has made a definite marketing program which comprises the essential materials of the beneficial marketing mix. They have crafted a marketing mix to identify and meet the precise needs of the specific segments they targeted. This is how Woolworths dominate the other retailer chains with the help of proper strategy. This company has correctly realized that it was not meant for exclusively upper end of the significant market as that had comparatively low volumes and high margins of unite. The consumer profile is shown as follows: Segmentation criteria Details of consumer Geographic Mary Williams living in suburbs region of Sydney Demographics She is 25 years old, and a company secretary in successful organization with the income of $400,000 per year. She is high income family Behavioral Mary is a brand loyal customer and therefore limits her buying behavior. Psychographics Mary is highly community minded. She gives high attention on innovation. Woolworths have taken the significant decisions that how many groups and what kind of groups they need to target at the first place. The specific target groups segmented by Woolworths can be recognized to understand the contemporary situation and circumstances. The options they kept listed while segmenting the target clients comprise: Focusing on one particular segment with single product or service. Providing the product and service to multiple numbers of groups. Create the value base of a particular target while targeting one particular group of clients. This can be stated that the selection of the groups or individuals that Woolworths have targeted can come into the contemplation in order to generate the sources and the executions of the specific strategies in a proper way. The specific activities of Woolworths denote the confirmations that it is impossible to target the mass in terms of distribution of a particular product or services. It is evident that every individual has his/ her own choice. It is not possible for a company or a product to satisfy the requirements of every individual or to meet the desires of every individual at one go. Therefore, Woolworths finally decided to segment their customers and meet their needs accordingly. This is true that they can earn the reputation by catering the upper class people. However, it is evident that they can earn significant revenues by lowering the prize of the products. This is how they can increase their sell and earn profit (Ayvaz, Balaban and Kong, 2017). Therefore they decided to target the less earning and less privileged class with their products. However, it can be suggested that even there are diversity of choices and interest in the same class people. This is why Woolworths decide to focus on one particular group of people with one particular product. The success of this company lies in their wisdom. It can be said that the growth of this particular company as the leading retailers is dependent on this single segment strategy. This is to be noted that Woolworths has developed an idea and mix of contributions with the steady approach. Positioning: This is to be noted that the specific companies should determine how the target segments work in order to promote and sell the products and services. It can be stated that the requirements of the specific clients need to be transformed into physical mix of price, product, promotion and distribution. The customers perception regarding the service or the product and the place of positioned have a connection to the rivalry is specifically complex. This is to be mentioned that the clients do not identify a product as per the desire of the manufacturers (Rundle-Thiele, Dietrichand Kubacki, 2017). Therefore, Woolworths does not expect to meet the expectations of their own. However, they do not give up and do not fail to put the entire effort on their services. This to be noted that the theorist Wind has stated a significant theory on market positioning. According to him the particular product should be professedly the specific target clients in order to provide a different image. It can be said that the product positioning basically denote the place where a product subjugates in the specific market. This method takes place as per the perception of the significant group of clients (Scrinis, Parker and Carey, 2017). The entire procedure is known as the target segmentation of a particular market. Harrison has also stated an important theory on the perception of target clients (Urwin, Dwyer and Carr2016). He stated that the position of the particular product defines the average of the important elements usually attributed to it by the significant number of the customers. This is to be mentioned that the positioning has actually nothing to do with the product or the service. It basically is formed in the minds of the target clients. This is necessary to produce an image of the idea that has been generated by the clients interest. A number of cosmetic changes can take place in the significant product or service (Radon et al., 2017). Woolworths found it important to let the selection be done by the customers. However, they decide to control positions termed and conditioned by the different elements that would be significant for the customers as well (Phillips 2016). This is to be noted that the price play the pivotal role in case of shopping grocery, selecting a venue to go or purchasing significant element. This is important to research in order to understand the perception of clients of the multiple products available in the market. Woolworths understand with the help of vivid research how the customers can access products and which products may attract them. The market research highlights the perception of clients towards the multiple brands or the services (Leonidou et al., 2015). The research also is evaluating this perception and the operation accordingly. It is to be noted that the perceptual mapping is basically a strategy developed by the dealers and the market researchers to give a clear idea of the perception of target client group. It also highlights the process of prioritizing products as per the perception (McLawhorn et al., 2015). It is stating an instance where the clients assume that the range of the product and price play the role of significant feature of the market. X denotes the "perfect" position: high merchandise range measurement and above regular price (Greenland, Johnson and Seifi, 2016). Through perpetual map the positioning of Woolworths can be ascertained to know that the products and services are acknowledged by the buyers and also purchase it. Moreover, Woolworths products are of high quality and sold at high prices that aim to create a distinct position in the society as compared to its competitors. Recommendation: It can be suggested that the position of the product include its quality, the pattern of the group of users who want to access it, the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities and the threats of the particular brand or the company. The method of positioning begins with a particular product or service. Then this method comprises the material of the product, the efficiency of the provided services, the particular company, organization or even an individual. The changes may include the name of the product, price, wrapping, stylization or placement. These changes may incorporate into the product in order to promote the specific image of the product that has been visualized or perceived by the target clients. This is to be mentioned that the particular service or product must have a different image and position than its rivals. The wide range of multiplicity can be assumed as the pivotal reason of success in case of Woolworths. The diversity can be considered as the key of brand positioning of Woolworths Conclusion: Woolworths has therefore attained a crucial position within the retail segment of Australia. The major strategy of the organization includes expanding Woolworths leadership within all its existing market segments. The company also maintains its target market by satisfying the demand of the individuals with premium quality products. 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