Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Contrasting Egyptian and Mesop essays
Differentiating Egyptian and Mesop articles Albeit a few similitudes exist, the way the antiquated Egyptians and Mesopotamians saw and adored their divine beings were very extraordinary and affected their day by day lives in changing manners. So as to think about the two societies from a strict perspective, the manner in which they lived and managed their environmental factors must be analyzed. Life for the antiquated Mesopotamians was unstable and everyday. The transparency of the waterway valley lead to defenselessness from both attacking tribesmen and the components. The atmosphere was cruel, with eccentric flooding in the spring and at collect time. There was likewise quick vanishing, prompting the requirement for a dependable water system framework. There were minimal characteristic assets for building purposes (stone and lumber), prompting the requirement for both the foundation of exchange courses and substitute structure techniques. The life expectancy of the urban communities themselves was frequently erratic, generally matching with the water gracefully on which it so depended. The urban areas of Ur, Ashur and Akkad are instances of urban communities that vanished suddenly and completely. The Egyptian delta was viewed as the most inexhaustible desert garden in the area as far as regular assets. Limited on the east and west by desert and on the north the Mediterranean Sea, the area was considerably more effectively defendable than the Mesopotamian stream valley. The accessibility of sandstone and limestone gave copious structure materials. Papyrus was likewise promptly accessible for the structure of pontoons, development of tangling and for composing material. The flooding and even the dry spell seasons fell during a similar time span every year, considering planting and reaping to happen as per a relating plan. The wide, prolific valley prompts simple water system and squanderer preservation. To the Sumerians as observed over, the world would have seemed a cruel and perilous spot. They saw themselves as the hirelings of the divine beings they adored, whom could correct their anger whenever upon ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Thunder Road
Show an absence of poise. For instance, On pages 41-43, a youthful Maori kid had entered the paint shop where Trace and Karen worked at, and had directed the blade at Karen toward present to him some paste. Follow could have clearly ran for It, however to show himself off to Karen he handled the kid down. He was very enticed to show himself. Enticement can be known for an awful reason, and even a decent aim. The character of Trace is fascinating in the novel. This is on the grounds that he builds up a cozy relationship with Devon (his flat mate) , his low confidence and he transforms from a lower to a leader.An intriguing element of Trace is his relationship with Devon. From the outset, Trace wasn't certain about Devon saying, â€Å"l didn't have a clue who I was imparting a space to. †As the novel proceeded with Trace began to invest more energy with Devon in the end turning out to be near the point that he feels that â€Å"we were sibling's man†. Follow had no nearby family and in the novel, Devon became like his family. This was significant in light of the fact that it implied that Trace was eager to help Devon in all that he liked, you would for a family member.Trace's relationship with Devon is intriguing to the deader, on the grounds that it implies that Trace is happy to do things he wouldn't regularly do, including taking the medications. A second fascinating component of Trace's character is his low confidence, which is appeared through his relationship with Karen. Karen is a young lady from a rich family. Her folks are the two specialists and her home is a manor. On pages 50-52, when Trace goes to supper at the house, he feels that both her folks are looking down on him. He says â€Å"They thought I was nothing†. Rather than facing them, Trace sinks lower and beverages a great deal to help his confidence.This brings about him mortifying himself before the family and at last, the finish of his relationship with Karen. Tilt's folks weren't really acting contrarily towards Trace. He Just Imagined that they were a direct result of his low confidence. This Is an Interesting element of Traces character since his low confidence makes him bound to oblige what others need. On the off chance that he had a progressively positive perspective on himself, he may have carried on better at Careen's and may never have obliged Devon. HIS low confidence shows the peruser his inspiration for what he does In the novel.Thunder Road By horseshoes Thunder Road is a novel about the life of a multi year old kid, having no association with of Auckland, New Zealand. In spite of the fact that when love strikes the guiltless Trace, his reality is attacked two. Is road hustling the best alternative or his unrivaled genuine affection? Society, Love and penance, Power of Tradition, however the focal subject of this novel is Temptation. Allurement is generally utilized from a free perspective to portray activities that show an absence of re straint. For instance, On pages 41-43, a youthful Maori kid had at Karen to present to him some glue.Trace could have clearly ran for it, however to show lower too pioneer. An intriguing component of Trace is his relationship with Devon. At before the family and at last, the finish of his relationship with Karen. Pitch's folks weren't really carrying on adversely towards Trace. He Just envisioned that they were a result of his low confidence. This is an intriguing component of Trace's others need. On the off chance that he had a progressively positive perspective on himself, he may have carried on better at Careen's and may never have obliged Devon. His low confidence shows the peruser his inspiration for what he does in the novel.
What Is Whistle Blowing Philosophy Essay
What Is Whistle Blowing Philosophy Essay Whistle-passing up association individuals from illicit, shameless or deceptive practices heavily influenced by their boss, to people or associations that may influence activity. Unethical practices can be infringement of law, infringement of open intrigue, for example, misrepresentation, infringement of wellbeing/security, defilement and so forth the associations that may influence this activity can be media, open intrigue gatherings, authorization organizations and so forth. Kinds OF WHISTLEBLOWING: Inside whistle-blowing: To report wrongdoing to a kindred worker or senior administration inside the organization. Outside whistle-blowing: Report unfortunate behavior to outside substances or overall population. Moral ISSUES RELATED TO WHISTLE-BLOWING: The for the most part winning perspective on the informant inside business with respect to the administration and associates is that this individual is the deceiver to the association. (Richard DeGeorge) Representatives have both good and lawful commitments to be faithful to their workers. (Beauchamp and Browie) Whistle-blowing is a clashing issue as far as worker reliability. On one hand it might be viewed as steadfast and on another, unfaithful. It is accepted that workers have a pledge to ensure the dealings of the association. Outside whistle-blowing isn't right on the grounds that a representative has a legally binding obligation to be faithful to partnership he is working in. While Ronald Duska says: One doesn't have a commitment of reliability to an organization, even a by all appearances one, since organizations are not the sort of things that are appropriately objects of dependability. This implies it is difficult to connect faithfulness with an organization since it is a theoretical element. Since organization doesn't have its very own psyche, rather, it is comprised of individuals moving in the direction of a similar objective. An informant isn't traitorous actually. We can make a contention that an informant shows more noteworthy devotion when contrasted with the individual who disregards any misbehaviors in the association. Whistle-blowing is a bold demonstration of still, small voice and an individual who blows the whistle may convey overwhelming individual expenses. One ought to make the right decision, lost salary can be supplanted yet lost confidence is hard to recover. IS THERE A RIGHT TO BLOW THE WHISTLE? It's not possible for anyone to answer in the case of blowing whistle is positive or negative on the grounds that the issue is that it has impacts, great just as awful. Now and then whistle-blowing causes more issue than great. On the off chance that there is an issue that must be routed to the top specialists then it ought to be directed through right specialists. On the off chance that an informant begins conversing with his colleagues about certain misbehaviors, the workplace condition gets affected. And furthermore the cases of informant are not generally certified. Accordingly different representatives get hauled into it pointlessly and organization engages in claims. When the organization demonstrates its guiltlessness it has endured lost a huge number of dollars. Informant should move toward the inner authority preceding remotely blowing the whistle. Since once in a while the top administration doesn't know about the issue and representatives exacerbate things by blowing the whistle. A worker has a moral commitment to blow the whistle. It is gainful for him to act morally and show steadfastness by not just complying with the guidelines and guidelines of the organization yet additionally detailing veritable bad behaviors that may influence the general population on the loose. Moral PERSPECTIVES ON WHISTLE-BLOWING: DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS: For instance, an organization is making perilous buyer items so as to set aside some cash. A worker working in that association considers this to be improper and reports the media about it. An informant would do this as per Kants obligation based morals. Moral commitments have nothing to do with outcomes. RIGHTS THEORY: Whistle-blowing isn't ethically required by rights hypothesis. Everybody has a government assistance option to make pay and bolster themselves and their family, so they can't do this without an occupation. By blowing the whistle he/she may get terminated so it is smarter to disregard any acts of neglect in the association. UTILITARIANISM: Utilitarianism depends on guideline to anticipate the results of an activity. Utilitarianism is all the more plainly comprehended by money saving advantage examination. Whistle-blowing has numerous ethical settings. On one side the government assistance of representatives must be thought of and on the opposite side the purchaser. Utilitarian streamline whistleblowing by delight versus torment issue. On the off chance that whistle-blowing will create less torment than joy, at that point it is a decent demonstration. On the off chance that not, at that point it isn't right and deceptive THE FORD PINTO CASE: In the Ford Pinto case before the creation of this vehicle Ford engineers knew about Pintos potential for fiasco. They had an accident test at a top mystery site and each test at 25mph came about in cracked gas tank of the vehicle. Portage workers under the pledge denied this reality and this vehicle overwhelmed the market for around eight years. An inside money saving advantage investigation showed that it was not beneficial for the organization to make changes sooner. Subsequently, they put money related worth on human life. Complete advantage was $49.5 million and all out expense was $137 million. Consequently, none of the representatives blew the whistle since they had a dread of being terminated from the activity. ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE: Prophet Mohammad PBUH stated: Conversations are private (not dependent upon divulgence) aside from in three spots: shedding unlawful blood, unlawful dwelling together and unlawful aggregation of riches. (Abu Dawud) Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H.) stated: He who saw Munkar (bad behavior) among you ought to forestall it with his hand, in the event that incapable to, at that point with his mouth (for example whistle blowing), in the event that incapable to, at that point (despise it) in his heart and that is the least of confidence. (Abu said al khudri) These platitudes of Prophet Muhammad demonstrated that whistle-passing up Islam. Richard De Georges Theory of Whistleblowing The rationalist Richard DeGeorge recommended that outside whistleblowing is ethically allowable when three conditions are satisfied. Whistleblowing is named as satisfactory by DeGeorge when following three conditions are met: In the event that any item or arrangement cause genuine damage for the overall population. On the off chance that a representative understands an extraordinary risk to the customer of an item the person in question should report it to his director. Accordingly supervisor liable for the assembling of the item ought to know about its danger. On the off chance that a workers prompt administrator doesn't consider the ethical concern with respect to the item, along these lines the inner levels of leadership has been depleted. The firstcriteria clarify the force of issue. The clarification of mischief can be surveyed as far as physical, enthusiastic or money related damage. The second and third models can be deciphered that worker attempted hello level best to address by means of inside methods. DeGeorge holds that whistleblowing turns out to be ethically required when notwithstanding the past three conditions the accompanying two conditions are met: There is adequate open archived proof accessible to persuade a fair-minded person. The representative must have substantial and solid explanation that by opening up to the world, important changes will be brought. Additionally, advantages of whistleblowing must merit the dangers one takes and the risks to which one is experienced. WORLDCOMS WHISTLEBLOWER Cynthia Cooper Case: In March 2002, when WorldCom was battling tocoordinate and coordinate the unpredictable wreckage made by the 65 organizations it had obtained, World-Coms profoundly regarded boss money related officer,Scott Sullivan, moved $400 million from a save account and recorded it as pay in the companys open monetary reports. Made aware of this, CynthiaCooper, the fussbudget head of WorldComs inner review office, started to covertly examinethe companys books. Sheâ soon found that Scott Sullivan and David Myers, for quite a long time had openly announced billionsof dollars as capital uses when they were in genuine the working expenses. Uncollectible receivables were disregarded, and announced asâ income what were reallyreserve reserves, and did this with the assistance of ArthurAndersen, the companys reviewer and bookkeeping firm. In spite of the fact that irately undermined by Sullivan, andrisking her activity and vocation, on June 20, 2002, Cynthia Cooper valiantly met with the auditcommitt ee of WorldComs governing body andâ toldthem what had been going on. On June 25, World-Coms executives reported the organization hadâ inflatedits benefits by over $3.8 billion-a sum laterâ roseto $9 billion-is the best bookkeeping extortion ever. Sullivan and Myers were captured; WorldComs investors lost $3 billion; 17,000 WorldCom laborers lost their jobs.It was the greatest extortion in U.S. corporate history. WorldCom opted for non-payment in July 2002, after its stocks esteem had declined by $180 billion and its organizer; Bernard Ebbers had left the organization. CynthiaCooper was later perceived as one of the three Persons of the Year by Time Magazine. Examination Based on Kantian Ethics Logician Immanuel Kant is eminent for his moral hypothesis which is classified under Deontological morals. As indicated by his hypothesis it tends to be evaluated that it is the expectation behind an activity rather its results that make an activity decent. Deontological Moral framework depends on the clear cut goal. As per Kant to act from a cooperative attitude is to act from an obligation. The demonstration of Cynthia Coopers whistleblowing fits into this straight out basic of obligation to make the best decision. The sole thought process of the activity is report budgetary wrongdoing; there are no money related increases or self-intrigued intentions. A Kantian view legitimizes Cynthia Coopers whistleblowing as revealing money related wrongdoing is morallyright activity, consequently moral commitment has nothing to do with results. Since Kant accepted that each activity has an adage, we have to inquire as to whether the rule (proverb) of an activity were a widespread law (one that everybody followed up on). Would an existence where everybody followed up on
Friday, August 21, 2020
Meno - Shape free essay sample
Shape is what alone of existing things consistently follows shading. A shape Is what restricts a strong; In a word, a shape Is the Limit of a the play Men, composed by Plato, there is a point where Men solicits that Socrates give a definition from shape. Toward its finish, Socrates is compelled to give two separate definitions, for Men believes the first to be absurd. As the two definitions are perused and thought about, one is compelled to ponder which, if both of the two, is valid, and if neither of them are valid, which one has the most logic.When contrasting the iris collapse of shape: what alone of existing things consistently follows shading, to the subsequent definition: the Limit of a strong, It can be seen that the distinction In importance between the two is extraordinary. Not just as in the first is expressed basically and can be shielded effectively, while the later is increasingly hard to fathom and back up; yet in addition as in the second would need to include the insu bordination of numerical speculations as well as verifications so as to stand valid, while the first doesn't. We will compose a custom exposition test on Meno Shape or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It ought to likewise be noticed that In the main flattening, the word an Is never mentioned.Socrates Is not saying something about a shape or a shading, yet about shape and shading themselves. In the definition given to satisfy Men, Socrates words are a shape and a strong. It tends to be taken from before conversations in the play that the subsequent definition is just a meaning of a shape, instead of a meaning of shape all by itself. Len the straightforward sentence that Socrates initially provides for Men, he has not given then flattening of a shape, rather he has given the meaning of the term shape. For instance, If an individual was asked what a triangle Is. E reaction would doubtlessly be that it is a shape, however shape could never be characterized as shape itself. It is just an article that falls under the class of shape. In this way, in one sentence, Socrates has put a definition to shape, for without shading there can be no shape, there couldn't be a shape to fall under the class that would have once been known as shape. None of the models that Socrates and Men talked about could refute the flattening. In the case of something Is round, for Instance, at that point It Is a shape, and a shape can't exist without color.Therefore, shape must be framed by shading, demonstrating that shading must go before shape and that shape must continue shading. The equivalent demonstrates valid for a square, trapezoid, 3D shape, or whatever other shape that exists. For, a strong must have a particular zone and volume, and the unaided eye can tell that the strong is there and has shading, supposing that it had no shading It would not be obvious, subsequently it would not be known to exist. All together for a shape that Is not a strong, for example, a line, to be seen, It must be drawn or made obvious In some other manner. When that happens, shading Is the thing that has shaped it. BRB> Socrates explanation is additionally questionable. Take the matter of the geometric plane. It isn't obvious. It tends to be spoken to for any reason by drawing it, yet when it is drawn, it is not, at this point a plane for limitations have been put upon it. A plane proceeds boundlessly In all ways. Albeit geometric planes can't be seen, It Is a numerical reality that they exist, despite the fact that It Is not known for certain If shape, however it is a shape that can't be seen, a boundless shape, and one that requires no shading to be called so.But the riddle of the geometric plane in relationship to this capacity has not been understood, for an item, for example, a circle can't exist without a geometric plane, yet a geometric plane can exist with an article. All in all, since it has been expressed by Socrates that shape can't exist without shading, what ought to be said when a circle existing exclusively in light of shading is on a geometric plane? The geometric plane must exist, as the hover is on it and as the circle can't exist without it, yet is the plane considered a shape since its territory is infinite?There is unquestionably the likelihood that there are the individuals who don't consider it a shape since it has no limitations UT on it, however on the off chance that this was all in all, for what reason did Socrates exclude this in his definition? It could have been on the grounds that by shape he implied objects with unequivocal structure. There is the likelihood that, in the psyche of Socrates, his definition is unfunded, for it might have been that he didn't see a geometric plane as a shape, however just as something that has a region which expands limitlessly. On the off chance that this was the situation, at that point his announcement is indisputable.However, if that was not the situation, he may have expressed it to find how far he could extend Mens rationale. In any case, there is additionally the distant chance that Socrates didn't consider the entirety of the alternatives and models that were documented under the class of shape, and hence he could possibly be off-base. In this circumstance it is hard to tell how honest this definition is, for what was happening in Socrates mind around then can't be known to us. It is for each to make an inference from. BRB> Then the inquiry emerges with regards to reality and rationale associated with Socrates second definition, which is offered absolutely to satisfy Men. The difficult that happens when this announcement is made is that it is scientifically difficult to have a limited number of expectations; along these lines, there are a boundless measure of solids, implying that a strong can't be constrained. A shape can appear as though anything; it can have any structure, yet the moment that even the littlest piece of that shape is moved or moved, it turns into an alternate shape altogether.Several models exist that can demonstrate this announcement false. Take the word round, which Socrates utilized as a guide in a model that was given to Men in a past piece of the content. A ball, for example, is a round strong (round being any shape that has an outline), so the end can be arrived at that the ball is an old and round is its shape, thusly the shape is restricted by just the strength of the ball. Consequently, this doesn't bolster Socrates definition, for it shows that the shape is restricted by the strong, not that the strong is constrained by the shape.In expansion to this, there is another debate against this meaning of shape utilizing the word round. A hover is round, but then it's anything but a strong. Along these lines, this announcement doesn't characterize the term shape; rather it characterizes on a specific sort of shape, a strong shape. The rationale that Socrates had in expressing his second answer in those specific arms could have been a few. It would have followed the subject that is seen all through the play of the Men and Socrates taunting one another. Socrates realized that the appropriate response that would please Men the most would be the one that sounded the sharpest however appeared well and good. Notwithstanding, Men doesn't appear to understand this, and acknowledges Socrates answer. This ought to have made it particularly type of Georgia. Men is continually concurring with him, and consolidates his focuses into a large number of the discussions that he will in general hold. Not exclusively is Socrates subtly taunting Men, he is likewise ridiculing Georgia. BRB> At first appearance, the two definitions appear to hold some weight.However, upon further examination, the second can be precluded as truth out and out. The main holds a lot of weight, and unquestionably contains a higher level of truth inside it than the second. Be that as it may, the discussion about whether all shapes can fall under his unique definition is as yet begging to be proven wrong; having numerous solid focuses, yet one feeble point. Regardless, the end that, on the off chance that one of the two must be picked as reality, the principal meaning of Socrates would definitely rise successful.
Perfect weekend
Perfect weekend Oh, its been such a good weekend. Friday I went into the lab for a short day which included transfecting some rat hippocampal neurons in culture, developing four Western blots, and preparing some plates for splitting cells over the weekend. (NOTE: As I was writing that sentence, I said, [Totally inappropriate four-letter word]! I have to go into lab today! Good thing I started writing this entry, because I would be up the proverbial creek without the proverbial paddle tomorrow if I didnt split my cells today.) I ate lunch at ABP, which is a special treat for me because its a bit of a walk from the lab and because its kind of expensive for lunch. Its on TechCash, but since Ive graduated, theres no more reservoir of parental TechCash money, and I actually have to pay for all my meals myself. It kind of sucks. But anyway, it was a nice sunny day, and I ate my soup and sandwich outside in Kendall Square while reading a book. After leaving work, I walked home along Vassar Street listening to Summer in the City on my iPod. There is basically nothing better than walking home in the summer heat listening to that song, unless you happen to be wearing a sundress and flip-flops, which I wasnt. I got home and started getting together my sources and protocols to begin writing the first draft of the paper on my project. Adam got home around 5, and we picked up our friend Mark 07 for dinner and a movie. After the movie (where I saw Bryan!), we came home and watched House and ate chocolate-covered blueberries. Saturday We got up around 9 and picked up Mark 07 and Stephanie 08 for a trip to Water Wizz, a water park on Cape Cod that Adam used to go to when he was little. We drove down to the Cape with the radio on and the windows down, and I got to sing a bunch of awesome songs along with the radio. Sidenote: I love Cape Cod because it is slightly cheesy and touristy, but still really cute. Adam says (with typical South Shore resident disdain) that most of the Cape looks like it was constructed in the 1950s, and I dont disagree. There are seafood restaurants and mini-golf places everywhere. I love it. It was a pristine summer day, hot and breezy, and there was hardly anybody at the water park. We went on all the water slides, lazed in the lazy river, splashed around in the wave pool, and went mini-golfing. (Yes, this is a combination water park-mini golf place. Best idea ever.) I even managed to not get sunburned, which is really kind of a feat when one is as sheet-white as I am and when one is trying not to get skin cancer. I got to prance around in my new polka-dotted bikini, too. We left the park around 4 PM, and stopped a mile down the road for Cool Dogs, my absolute favorite summer treat. You can buy them at the grocery store, or order them on from Beantown Dogs, but I prefer to eat them only in the summer at this one particular mini-golf place that Adam and I always go to on the Cape. So lets make a list of Things that Remind Mollie of Summer in Boston: 1. The smell of SPF 50 sunscreen 2. A Cool Dog piled high with whipped cream and hot fudge 3. Summer in the City by The Lovin Spoonful 4. Sundresses and flip-flops 5. Eating frozen blueberries and whipped cream after dinner After eating our delicious Cool Dogs, Adam and I took Mark and Steph on a tour of Plymouth (Americas Hometown). Adam showed off his high school and elementary school, and we drove through downtown to see Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower. Adam and I have been together long enough now that I know all his stories, so I was the tour guide. ;) We went to Adams house, and his parents took all of us to dinner. Plymouth Rock, in the flesh. Isnt it nice that it says 1620 on it? How thoughtful of the Pilgrims. Mark 07, Stephanie 08, and Adam 07 outside the shrine which houses the rock. And yes, the one with the thumbs up? Im marrying that one. Voluntarily. Adam and me with the Mayflower reproduction ship in the background. Sunday This morning, Adam went flying remote controlled airplanes with his dad and Col. Pete Young, whos a senior lecturer in the Aero/Astro department. So while the boys were out having a good time, I slept in until 11, ate a leisurely lunch, and went into the city to shop a little. It was really hot in Boston today (the heat index was about 96F), so I was glad that all the stores I stopped in had air conditioning. I picked up a cute pair of khaki capri pants and a cropped yellow sweater at HM and checked out the shoe selection at Macys. (I also found the church I want to get married in, but Im pretending that wasnt the actual point of my outing, so play along.) After I came home, Adam and I went to the grocery store and bought our groceries for the week. Were having steak tomorrow! I headed into lab for about half an hour to split my cells (thanks to this entry); Adam cleaned the apartment and I cooked dinner. And now its almost time for The 4400! Questions! 1. Evan B. asked Sodo you know if youre going to get to keep your blog next year? I think it would be great to get the graduate perspectiveplus all the bloggers are awesome, and Id hate to see them go. Well, this blog will still exist as an archive, just with no new postings. :) At any rate, Im sure my graduate school life will go something like this: Wake up. Go to lab. Come home. Go to bed. 2. zel asked, Hmmm so way back in the day when I was doing my college visits, I was at [reputable state school] where the general admissions people touted the schools new undergraduate research program. When I asked one of the engineering professors about the program, he said something to the effect (although much more nicely put) that undergrads dont know jack, so its pretty pointless to try to get them working in labs. This made sense to me, and I kind of took it for granted until I heard about MITs 80% UROP rate. Now Im really interested in doing research, and as youve mentioned, its very important for grad school. I think that was very snotty of him to say, particularly since undergrads are really just grad students with less experience. (And point in fact, undergrads can even be better researchers than grad students Adam had a grad student working for him at Draper, because Adam knew how to design things well and the grad student didnt!) I will note too that undergrads at MIT are given quite a bit of freedom and respect in their undergraduate research. Professors at MIT know that undergrads can produce absolutely outstanding work, given some instruction and training, and theyre generally very eager to work with us. Is there any way to get UROP experience without experience? If I wanted to say, do some research in physics, are there entry level positions for me to start out in? Would the professors and senior researchers actually bother to teach me procedures? (I assume theyre quite busy.) Most definitely to all of the above. When I interviewed for my UROP, I was coming in with very little experience (just a 10-week internship at the NIH), and Morgan was very well aware that my postdoc was going to have to teach me a lot of protocols. The one thing he did ask was that I only take the job if I was serious about sticking around the lab for a year or more, because it does take a long time to train a new UROP, and he wanted to make sure all that training time wasnt wasted. Professors and senior researchers are very busy, but they were all undergrads once, so they have a pretty strong commitment to training the next generation. When you apply for a UROP, you will generally tell them what sort of experience you do or dont have, but not having experience isnt a particularly terrible liability as long as you indicate that youre willing and excited to learn new things. 3. Hannah asked, Im curious, how does one become an admissions blogger? Well, for me personally, Ben noticed that I posted quite a bit on CC, and that I generally like to answer questions and explain things. He did some sort of administrative magic to look up my real name, and he offered me the job. New blogger(s) for next year will need to have a proven track record of regularly musing in cyberspace in an amusing fashion. Ben says: There is no formal application process, but please note that we only hire experienced bloggers, and therefore your current blog (i.e. your portfolio) is the major factor in whether or not we choose you. The quality and frequency of your content (and how long youve been keeping your blog) will all affect your chances of being chosen. 4. Anna asked, how do you feel about working with animals in labs. even though youve only run them through mazes, which is pretty harmless, but how would you feel if youre doing cancer research and have to inject harmful substances into them? Well, Ive had to dissect rodents for hippocampal neuron cultures before, and I dont like it. MITs Division of Comparative Medicine is in charge of animal protocols, and they make sure all the researchers at MIT are treating their experimental animals with care and respect, so I certainly dont feel that Ive ever done anything unethical. (After all, an unhappy animal is never a good experimental subject, so its really in my/any researchers best interest to keep our animals happy.) I prefer to avoid doing things that make me sick to my stomach hence the reason Im not going to medical school but when I have to do those sorts of things, I can, as long as I talk myself into it. 5. Larisa asked, Also, could you give me a link or something to your cell article? My bio teacher loves cell and always clips out articles from it for the class. Oh man, that situation is a story and a half. So when you send a paper off to a journal, they will often return it with questions that you have to answer to the reviewers satisfaction before the paper will be accepted. Our paper came back with a few questions about our electrophysiology experiments; unfortunately, the collaborator who did our electrophysiology had just moved to England. So my postdoc had to train a new electrophysiology person from scratch, which, as you might imagine, has taken a really long time. So the long and short of it is that the papers not officially submitted yet. 6. Helen asked, Can the courses taken to fulfill Hass-D requirements also fulfill Hass Concentration? Yes, but only one class for the concentration can be HASS-D. Mostly this is not a problem (there arent too many concentrations that would contain more than one HASS-D anyway, and certainly not more than one HASS-D in different categories). Foreign languages are probably the major exception, because you can take multiple foreign language classes as HASS-Ds. If you concentrate in a language, you can only count one of your upper-level language classes as both HASS-D and concentration. (Did that make any sense?) Whats the difference between a minor and double majors? Mollie, suppose you take a minor in course 9, can you dance with two diplomas when graduating? If not, how will it be? And can a take double majors and a minor? A second major will take more classes than a minor. For example, the minor program in biology only requires five classes, while a major in biology requires ten. A student who double-majors is also required to take 270 units outside the GIRs, while a student who does a major and a minor is still only required to take 180 units outside the GIRs. If you get a major and a minor, I know you dont get two diplomas, although you do get some sort of notation on your diploma that you completed a minor. The most any student can officially have is two majors and two minors. (My friend Swapna 05 graduated with degrees in Chemical Engineering and Biology and minors in Biomedical Engineering and Comparative Media Studies. She is, in fact, a beast.)
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