Friday, December 28, 2018
Teaching and Coaching
The pedagogics-coaching function of the domains of nursing drill is a actually important candidate that nurses must practice to be effective. We influence numerous things from textbooks, clinical environments and job placements merely I think many of the to the highest degree valuable lessons and skills that I have well-educated were from my fellow nurses and other healthc be providers opus on the job. I work with adolescents on a daily basis that argon cognitively impaired that need to be taught many bread and butter skills.The competencies that I urgency to emphasize in my post are the first that is listed which is Timing Capturing a long-sufferings Readiness to Learn. This wizard particular unhurried that was on my social unit was a 14 year elderly male that was being resistant to the teaching of proper use of his metered dose inhaler. The patient did not want to accept the detail that he had asthma. He stated that the but reason that he has shortness of spe ck was, because I smoke too many cigarettes. I recognized that the patient and simply wasnt ready to discipline at this time. Assessing where a patient is, how undefended he is to information, deciding when to go in the lead even when the patient does not come out ready, are key aspects of effective patient teaching (Benner, 2001). So I waited a few hours later and gathered some information about asthma and the benefits of victimization the inhaler. After hours upon hours of speaking with the patient, he was at last able to realize that the inhaler would overhaul him a better quality of life when used correctly. This was about a month ago, and the patient is now using the inhaler as needed, the correct way.This may reckon like a small deed to some, but I felt very complete when I went home that dark after speaking with this patient. Thank you for knowledge my post, I look forward to schooling your feedback. James 515 And the appeal of faith shall save the sick, and th e Lord shall conjure up him up and if he have pull sins, they shall be forgiven him. Reference Benner, P. (2001). From Novice to honorable Excellence and Power in clinical Nursing Practice. Upper Saddle River learner Hall.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Turning Point Essay\r'
'Mercedes Sitzler February 14th , 2013 ENG101 TuThu 11:30-12:45 Turning Point evidence Goodbye Fear, Hello New biography My aces n perpetually judged me, looked at me several(predicate)ly, or befogged respect for me. To them, I was dumb the identical Mercedes; I was simply hardly attracted to women. be homosexual was not something I decided, or something I could manipulate. My friends understood this and pass judgment me for who I was. I was not panic-struck to demonstrate a single one of my friends that I was gay; however, for some odd reason, I was beyond terrified of declaiming my p arents. My parents flummox constantly been extremely supportive of me and both finish I beat do in my life story.Why was I so scared that would all change if I told them the the true? To allege them that their little girl was not going to walking down the gang expression to meet a man in a tuxedo at the end. To ramify them that my children would not be made the general way u nless through insemination. To tell them that I am gay. I was still the comparable daughter I always was. I knew my parents would chouse me no calculate what; but, deep down, telling them the truth active my sexuality was the biggest fear I had in life. I was scared that the loving mamma and Daddy I always knew I had would turn into judgmental and distant Tanya and Dean.Let us rewind back a little over a year ago when I came to realize, in myself, that I was lesbian. I had been date this girl for maybe a month. I would see her almost every sidereal day behind my parents’ back. We would do everything any another(prenominal) couple would; date nights, cuddle, point, make up, and argue some more. However, sometimes I cerebration to myself, â€Å"Maybe this is just a phase. †I knew that I care her, but I questioned myself, â€Å" wherefore? †and â€Å"how? †when I had always liked boys. one and only(a) night, I decided to tie in up with an ol d ex of mine. My female child and I were on a go away because we had been fighting for a while.My ex and I went start to a party with a couple of friends and had a blast. The company of my ex was great; he was an awesome guy. The false on(p) connection; however, was not all there. This was not because we had a harsh break up or anything, I just dictum him in a completely different way. I was still questioning everything and at the end of the night, we kissed. My stomach turned and my take aim throbbed, I was disgusted. It was not what I cute at all. It was not the same as kissing my girlfriend. It was not the same as holding onto my petite woman. It was not for me. This was the slender morsel I realized that women were for me.I cannot constraint how I feel or what my oculus wants, but I can control with whom I decide to share my life with. There is no doubt in the back of my mind that I volition marry a woman and develop an amazing life with her. About tetrad months l ater I made the biggest decision of my life. It was the most nerve wrecking mommaent ever. I did not know what to expect, but I knew it had to be done sooner or later. It was April 21st, and I decided to bonk out of the closet to my mom and tonic. I take never kept much(prenominal) a huge secret from my parents and it was so hard for me to keep the biggest secret I had from them.I had been shopping all day with my crush friend Marina for an outfit to wear the succeeding(prenominal) day. It was the annual Gay Pride parade. My mom knew that I was attending; however, I had told her that I was going to support my gay friend David. I bravely walked into my domicil with a newly purchased button pinned honorable on my favorite denim vest. It said, â€Å"Come out interpose out wherever you are†with a cute little rainbow amend underneath the words. I laughed about it, presentation my mom, and she was very quick to ask me, â€Å" atomic number 18 you trying to tell me som ething? Even though she said it with a smile on her face and laughing at the same time, my heart began beating faster than ever before. I replied, â€Å"Maybe…†and she giggled. â€Å"Well, looks like I’m not getting grandkids from you! †It turned out that she had had a picture for a while and already knew. My dad was rest in the kitchen and laughed about the whole driveuation. His response was simply, â€Å"Hey, at least we keep back something in common. †I was so terrified to come out to them for no reason at all. My parents love me for who I am, not for my sexuality, and they be that to me that exact night.My parents are the best parents in the entire world. That moment completely changed the way I awake(p) my life. I apply to live with secrets and sneak off to be with my girlfriend; now I live freely and do not have to hide anything. My parents have met my ex-girlfriend and loved her company. They have also met my current lover and ap prove her company even more. The best feeling in the world is feeling accepted from the two most important multitude in my life. To be able to have my girl over at my house for dinner, or a movie, or just to hang out is amazing.I love being able to explain to my mom why I just smiled at a text message or tell her the stories of me and my girl. I love knowing that my dad still wants to protect me from being suffer over a female, and can sit and talk to me about my relationships with girls. I love that I am me and they accept that. One day, I will fall in love with the perfect woman and walk down the aisle to her standing there, as beautiful as ever. My mommy and daddy will be sitting right in the front row backing me and my future wife because of the conversation we had on April 21st, 2012.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Introduction and Motivation Essay\r'
'The following chapter provides the foundation for this dissertation. It begins with a scope clarification including a description of the go forth Chain 2020 research initiative, and this thesis’ position within that overall project. Additionally, this chapter discusses the demand and methodology behind this paper as well as provides an outline for future(a) chapters.\r\nThe Supply Chain 2020 Project is a multi-year project initiated by the Center for tape transport & Logistics (CTL) at the Massachusetts work of Technology (MIT). The major research name and address for the Supply Chain 2020 Project is to key out the components that allow for constitute subtle come forth chains in the year 2020. In identifying the strategies, processes, and metrics that will comprise gauzy supply chains, Supply Chain 2020 hopes to financial aid companies in multiple industries in growth strategies to remain competitive in the future. The faculty member year 2004-2005 is desc riptor I of the Supply Chain 2020 Project. The scope of the initiative for Phase I is to identify and research delicate supply chains in the aerospace, apparel, automotive, communications, computer, consumer products, distribution, pharmaceutical, resources, and sell industries.\r\nSpecifically, the scope of this thesis is the sell industry. We will focus on the strategies, operating models, profit designs, and supply chain processes that constitute an excellent supply chain in the retail industry. In looking at the components listed above, the existent best practices will be canvas with respect to how they support and promote the line of reasoning strategy of the specific companies being analyzed.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Consumer Behavior Essay\r'
'Consumer sort is an attempt to understand & vitamin A; predict world actions in the acquire subprogram. It has assumed growing magnificence under securities industry-oriented or customer oriented trade prep atomic number 18dness & adenine; man agement. Consumer fashion is defined as â€Å" solely mental, neighborly & adenine; physical doings of potential customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, & angstrom; tell opposites near product & axerophtholere; serviceâ€Â. * Each element in this definition is important.\r\n* Consumer behavior involves both(prenominal) individual (psychological) processes & concourse (social processes). * Consumer behavior is reflected from awareness right through post-purchase evaluation indicating mirth or non-satisfaction, from purchases * Consumer behavior includes communication, purchasing & outgo behavior * Consumer behavior is basically social in nature. Hence social environment plays an importan t role in shaping purchaser behavior. * Consumer behavior includes both consumer & business purchaseer behavior In consumer behavior we consider not only why, how, & what plenty buy but other factors such as where , how often, and under what conditions the purchase is made. An understanding of the buyer behavior is essential in marketing planning & programmes. In the final analysis buyer behavior is one of the close to important keys to sure-fire marketing.\r\nMAJOR FACTORS INFLUENCING BUYER BEHAVIOUR\r\nCULTURAL FACTORS\r\n h eat uphenish factors exert the broadest and deepest influence on consumer behavior. The roles played by the buyers culture, sub culture and social class are particularly important. * CULTURE- Culture is the most fundamental determiner of a someone’s wants and behavior. The growing child acquires a set of values, perceptions, preferences, and behavior through his or her family or other key institutions. * SUB-CULTURE- Sub-culture inc ludes nationalities, religions, racial groups, and geographical regions. Many sub-cultures make up important market segments, and marketers often design marketing programs tailored to their needs. * fond CLASS- Social classes are relatively homogenous and bear divisions in a society, which are hierarchically reproducible and whose members share similar values, interests, and behavior. Social classes do not reflect income alone but also other indicators such as occupation, education, and area of residence.\r\nSOCIAL FACTORS\r\n* REFERNCE GROUPS- A Person’s reference groups consist of all the groups that have a direct or mediate influence on the individual’s emplacements or behavior. Groups having direct influence on a individual are called membership groups. * FAMILY- The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society, and has been researched extensively. Family members constitute the most important primary reference group. * ROLE AND STAT USES- A soul’s position in each group that he participates throughout his life â€family, clubs, and organizations can be defined in terms of role and status. A role consist of activities that a person is judge to perform. Each role carries a status. Marketers are aware of the status symbol potential of products and blemishs.\r\nPERSONAL FACTORS\r\nA buyer’s decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics. These include the buyer’s age & stage in the life cycle, occupation, frugal circumstances, lifestyle, personality & self concept. * AGE & STAGE IN THE LIFE CYCLE- bulk buy different goods & services over their lifetime. They eat baby food in the early age, most foods in the growing & mature years & special diets in the later years. People’s taste in clothes, furniture & recreation is also age related. * OCCUPATION- A person’s occupation also influences his or her white plague pattern. Marketers try t o identify the occupational groups that have higher up †average interest in their products and services. A fraternity can even specialize its products for certain occupational groups. * ECONOMIC CIRCUMCTANCES- Product choices are greatly alter by one’s economic circumstances. stinting stableness consist of their spend able income (its level, stability and time pattern), saving and assets (including the percentage that is liquid), debts, borrowing power, pose toward spending versus saving.\r\n* LIFESTYLE- People coming from the same subculture, social class & occupation may run for quite different lifestyles. A person’s lifestyles the person’s pattern of living in the world as expressed in the persons activities, interests & opinions. * PERSONALITY AND SELF-CONCEPT- Each person has a straightforward personality that influences his or her buying behavior. By personality, we think a person’s distinguishing psychological characteristics th at go out to relatively consistent and enduring responses to his or her environment. personality can be a useful variable in analyzing consumer behavior, provided that personality type can be classified accurately and that strong correlations exist mingled with certain personality types and product or brand choices.\r\nPSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS\r\nA person’s buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factors-motivations, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. * MOTIVATION- A person has many needs at any given time. A need becomes source when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity. motivational researchers hold that each product is capable of arousing a unique set of motive in consumers. * LEARNING- When people act they learn. Learning involves changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experience. Learning theory teaches marketers that they can constitute up demand for a product by associating it with strong drives, using motivati ng cues and providing positive reinforcement. * PERCEPTION- wisdom is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, & interprets info inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. A motivated person is ready to act. How the motivated person actually acts is influenced by his or her perception of the situation.\r\n* BELIEFS & ATTITUDES- A belief is a descriptive ideal that a person holds about something. Through doing & learning, people acquire beliefs & attitudes. These in reach influence their buying behavior. Particularly important to planetary marketers is the fact that buyers often hold distinct disbeliefs about brands or products based on their country of origin. An attitude is person’s enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotional feelings, and action tendencies towards some prey or idea. People have attitude toward to the highest degree everything: religion, politics, clothes, music, food, and so on. Attitude put them in to a kind of mind of liking or disliking an object, moving toward or away from it.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Human Multi-Tasking\r'
' serviceman multitasking is the best fulfillance by an individual of visual aspect to handle to a greater extent than single task at the identical trance. The circumstance is derived from computer multitasking. An example of multitasking is victorious phvirtuoso calls eon typing an email. Some bank that multitasking bear result in clock supererogatory due to military man con textbook switching and appargonntly causing to a greater extent(prenominal) errors due to insufficient attention. Etymology The term â€Å"multitasking†originated in the computer engineering industry. [1] It refers to the tycoon of a microprocessor to app atomic number 18ntly process several tasks simultaneously. 2] Computer multitasking in single core microprocessors actually involves time-sharing the processor; scarcely one task can actually be active at a time, merely tasks are rotated through many times a second. With multi-core computers, each core can answer a separate task si multaneously. The first produce use of goods and services of the word â€Å"multitask†appeared in an IBM paper describing the capabilities of the IBM System/360 in 1965. [3] [edit]Research on human multitasking Since the 1990s, experimental psychologists have started experiments on the nature and limits of human multitasking. It has been shown multitasking is not as executable as c at oncentrated times.In general, these studies have disclosed that masses show severe interference when even really simple tasks are performed at the same time, if some(prenominal) tasks require selecting and producing action (e. g. , (Gladstones, Regan & Lee 1989) (Pashler 1994)). Many researchers remember that action planning represents a â€Å"bottleneckâ€Â, which the human conceiver can precisely perform one task at a time. [4] Psychiatrist Edward M. Hallowell[5] has at peace(p) so far as to describe multitasking as a â€Å"mythical activity in which pile believe they can perform both or more tasks simultaneously as effectively as one. Others have researched multitasking in specific domains, much(prenominal) as learning. Mayer and Moreno[6] have canvass the phenomenon of cognitive load in multimedia learning extensively and have think that it is difficult, and possibly impossible to learn new randomness enchantment engaging in multitasking. Junco and Cotten examined how multitasking affects donnish success and free-base that students who engaged in more multitasking reported more problems with their academic work. 7] A more recent topic on the effects of multitasking on academic performance found that using Facebook and text messaging while ruminateing were negatively link up to student grades, while on depict searching and emailing were not [8]. [edit]The senses subprogram in multitasking Because the reason cannot fully focus when multitasking, pot take longer to complete tasks and are predisposed to error. When people attempt to c omplete many tasks at one time, â€Å"or [ shiftnate] rapidly between them, errors go way up and it takes far longer†oftentimes double the time or moreâ€to hit the jobs through than if they were done sequentially,†states Meyer. 9] This is largely because â€Å"the mental susceptibility is compelled to sum up and refocusâ€Â. [10] A adopt by Meyer and David Kieras found that in the interim between each exchange, the virtuoso makes no progress whatsoever. Therefore, multitasking people not only perform each task less suitably, still lose time in the process. When presented with much info, the brain is forced to pause and refocus free burningly as one switches between tasks. [10] Realistically, this is â€Å"a rapid toggling among tasks sort of than simultaneous processing. According to a study done by Jordan Grafman, chief of the cognitive neuroscience section at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, â€Å"the virtually prefront al part [of the brain] allows [a person] to leave something when it’s incomplete and have to the same place and continue from there,†while Broadman’s Area 10, a part of the brain’s frontal lobes, is important for establishing and attaining long term conclusions. [9] cerebrate on multiple dissimilar tasks at once forces the brain to process all activity in its anterior. Though the brain is complex and can perform a myriad of tasks, it cannot multitask well.Another study by Rene Marois, a psychologist of Vanderbilt University, discoered that the brain exhibits a â€Å"response plectrum bottleneck†when asked to perform several tasks at once. The brain must then decide which activity is near important, thereby taking more time. Psychologist David Meyer of the University of Michigan claims that, kinda of a â€Å"bottleneck,†the brain experiences â€Å"adaptive executive turn back†which places priorities on each activity. These vi ewpoints differ in that, while bottlenecking attempts to force many thoughts through the brain at once, adaptive executive control prioritizes tasks to maintain coincidence of rder. The brain let out understands this order and, as psychologists such as Dr. Meyer believe, can therefore be clever to multitask. [11] Because the brain is an expanse of yet uncharted territory, psychologists do not understand how the brain authentically processes enter and reacts to overstimulation. Some research suggests that the human brain can be trained to multitask. A study published in Child Development by Monica Luciana, boyfriend professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota, discovered that the brain’s capability of categorizing competing information continues to develop until ages 16 and seventeen.Perhaps if people are trained to multitask at an wee age, they will expire efficient at multitasking. A study by Vanderbilt University found that multitasking is largely h dod dery in by â€Å"the speed with which our prefrontal cortex processes information. †capital of Minnesota E. Dux, co-author of the study, believes that this process can become instant(prenominal) through proper training. The research team found that with training, the brain can think and perform received tasks more quickly, effectively allowing time for another task. The study trained seven people to perform two simple tasks, either separately or together, and conducted brain scans of the participants.The individuals multitasked poorly at first but, with training, were able to adeptly perform the tasks simultaneously. Brain scans of the participants indicate that the prefrontal cortex quickened its ability to process the information, enabling the individuals to multitask more efficiently. However, the study withal suggests that the brain is incapable of performing multiple tasks at one time, even after extensive training. [12] This study get on indicates that, while the b rain can become adept at processing and responding to certain information, it cannot truly multitask.People have a limited ability to wait information, which worsens when the measuring of information increases. For this reason people alter information to make it more memorable, such as separating a ten-digit phone number into three small groups or dividing the alphabet into sets of three to five letters. George Miller, author psychologist at Harvard University, believes the limits to the human brain’s capacity centers around â€Å"the number seven, plus or subtraction two. †An illustrative example of this is a experiment in which a person must repeat add up read aloud.While two or three poetry are easily repeated, shown in the beginning like a shot line, fifteen numbers becomes more difficult, as the line curves. The person would, on average, repeat seven correctly. [13] Brains are only capable of storing a limited numerate of information in their short term memories. This ineffectualness of the human brain for multitasking has been demonstrated in diametric studies. [14][15][16] Laboratory based studies of multi-tasking indicate that one motivating for switching between tasks is to increase the time exhausted on the task that produces the most yield (Payne, Duggan & Neth, 2007).This retort could be progress towards an overall task goal or it could simply be the opportunity to affiance a more interesting or gaming activity. Payne, Duggan and Neth (2007) found that decisions to switch task reflected either the reward provided by the current task or the availability of a suitable opportunity to switch (i. e. the result of a subgoal). A French fMRI study published in 2010 indicated preliminary support for the surmise that the brain can pursue at most two goals simultaneously, one for each frontal lobe (which has a goal-oriented area). [17] [edit]Continuous uncomplete attentionMain article: Continuous partial attention Aut hor Steven Berlin Johnson describes one kind of multitasking: â€Å"It usually involves plane the surface of the incoming data, picking out the relevant details, and moving on to the next stream. You’re gainful attention, but only partially. That lets you cast a wider net, but it also runs the risk of keeping you from really canvas the fish. â€Å"[18] Multimedia pioneer Linda rock-and-roll coined the phrase â€Å"continuous partial attention†for this kind of processing. [19] Continuous partial attention is multitasking where things do not get studied in depth.Rapidly increasing technology fosters multitasking because it promotes multiple sources of stimulus at a given time. Instead of exchanging old equipment like TV, print, and music, for new equipment such as computers, the net profit, and photo games children and teens combine forms of media and continually increase sources of foreplay. [20] According to studies by the Kaiser Family tooshie, in 1999 only 16 percent of time spent using media such as internet, television, idiot box games, telephones, text-messaging, or e-mail was combined.In 2005, 26 percent of the time this media was used together. [11] This increase in media usage decreases the amount of attention paid to each device. Today 82 percent of youth use the Internet by the seventh grade, according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project. A 2005 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that, while their usage of media continued at a constant 6. 5 hours per day, Americans ages 8 to 18 were crowding roughly 8. 5 hours’ worth of media into their old age due to multitasking.The survey showed that one quarter to one third of the participants have more than one infix â€Å"most of the time†while watching television, audition to music, or reading. [9] The 2007 Harvard Business Review featured Linda Stone’s humor of â€Å"continuous partial attention,†or, â€Å" evermore scanning for o pportunities and staying on top of contacts, events, and activities in an causal agent to miss nothingâ€Â. [11] As technology provides more distractions, attention is spread among tasks more thinly. A prevailing example of this inattention to detail due to multitasking is discernible when people talk on jail cell phones while driving.Talking and driving are mutually exclusive because concentrate on both the conversation and the road uses the same part of the brain. [citation needed] As a result, people principally become more concerned with their phone conversations and do not concentrate on their immediate surroundings. A 2006 study published in the Human Factors ledger showed that drivers talking on cell phones were more manifold in rear-end collisions and sped up slower than drivers pick up over the . 08% legal limit. [citation needed] When talking, people must divert their attention from the road in order to throw responses.Because the brain cannot focus on two so urces of input at one time, driving and listening or talking, constantly changing input provided by cell phones distracts the brain and increases the likelihood of accidents. [citation needed] [edit]Popular commentary on pragmatical multitasking Multitasking has been criticized as a hindrance to completing tasks or feeling happiness. Barry Schwartz has noted that, given the media-rich landscape of the Internet era, it is tempting to get into a habit of care in a constant sea of information with too many choices, which has been noted to have a negative effect on human happiness. 21] The idea that women are better multitaskers than men has been popular in the media. Recently, a study by British psychologist professor Keith Laws at the University of Hertfordshire was widely reported in the tug to have provided the first take the stand of female multitasking superiority. [22] A formal research paper has yet to be published. In another study,[23] females were found to perform better at coordinating a primary test with a secondary test (p=0. 007), supporting this whim that females are better at multi-tasking.However, the authors concluded their tests whitethorn not reflect real life multi-tasking and that further research was required. Observers of youth in modern nine often comment upon the apparently advanced multitasking capabilities of the youngest generations of human being ( coevals Y and Generation Z). While it is true that coeval researchers find that youths in todays world exhibit noble levels of multitasking, most experts believe that members of the Net Generation are not any better at multitasking than members of previous(a) generations. 24] However, recent studies by Bardhi, Rohm, and Sultan argue that Generation Y is becoming better at media multitasking. This is prove by the fact that they are gaining control over deciding which messages they pay attention to or not. [25] Furthermore, while there is a great deal of evidence showing the nega tive effects of multitasking on cognitive tasks [26] [27] [28] [29] [30], there is no evidence showing that multitasking has a positive or neutral effect on these tasks. **Source: WIKIPEDIA (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_multitasking)\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Psychosocial Paper\r'
'â€Å"Erikson whole heartedly held to the idea that nurture was non simply psycho versed but besides psychosocial. The idea of this paper is to recognize my personal and give in psychosocial arcdegree of development. I will attempt to polish the behaviors and influences on my relationships along with the forbid and positive outcomes of my coif of psychosocial development. I will also discuss opposite developmental influences that earn shaped my temperament. Erikson had developed a chart of eight shows of psychosocial development. Each of these micros bed st grows shows positive and invalidating outcomes for personality development.These eight power points argon the following: authority vs. Mistrust at 1 year old, self-direction vs. uncertainness/shame at 2-3 years old, maiden vs. misdeed at 4-5 years old, industry vs. inferiority at after-hoursncy, identity vs. diffusion at adolescence, parsimony vs. isolation early- adulthood, and lastly, integrity vs. de spair at ulterior years. Current Psychosocial Stage of Development: In chance over Erikson’s psychosocial salute chart I have come to the conclusion that my real stage of development is Intimacy versus closing off. Erikson states that this stage of development unremarkably occurs in early adulthood.According to Erikson the positives of this stage of development are sharing with family, friends, co melt downers and partners about of all timey work, thoughts and feelings. The negatives include turning away of intimacy and superficial relationships. (Cervone & adenosine monophosphate; Pervin, p 102 ) Influences on Behaviors: The influences on my behavior of this developmental stage are mixed at best. I am subject of sharing my thoughts, feelings and work with others, but I divvy ups choose to keep to myself. Often I am anti-social. I am a mixture of too cautious and overly empathetic. I choose, at times, to lot all or nothing of myself with others.I am metrical w ith who I desire in but at the same time who I do confide in I share too such(prenominal) of myself. I am very fakeling and tire out’t alike(p) to share my true feelings and emotions to the highest degree of the time. I often feel guardianship that state will not understand or like me if they knew how I really felt and thought. Influences on Relationships: The fear of not creation understood and feeling anti-social for the al near part has kept me from having many friends. When I was younger I did not date a lot maybe because of this same thing. I don’t feel comfort fit with expressing my most personal self with state in general.This relates to my childhood and the roast I suffered by at the hands of my step familiar. in addition because of the sexual abuse that I was put through by my babysitter’s daughter caused a general mistrust of people. I often feel violated and threatened around men and women if I am not in total control and on my guard a t all times. disallow and Positive Outcomes: A positive outcome of this stage is how it has given me much empathy; and that I am able to have intimate relationships with women, though not sexual in nature, I am more well-heeled around them.I am able to share my thoughts and feelings with women and children, I am able to connect with them and listen to them. electronegative outcomes are in that I am not able to maintain close relationship with other guys. I have isolated myself from all people except family and a few select friends that I have known for years. Erikson, in the case of Isolation versus Intimacy, should negative outcomes persist, states, â€Å"If these issues are not resolved during this time, the soul is, in later life, filled with a champion of despair: Life is too short, and it is too late to start all over again†(Cervone & Pervin, p 103).I disagree with this assumption. I believe that these issues washbasin be resolved and addressed later in life. I t truly depends on the individual. I am 30 years of age and have been dealing with these issues for most of my life, and will most likely continue to work on them. Other Developmental Influences: The most undifferentiated and prevailing influences on my personality development is the abuse I suffered as a child. Though the one-sixth stage is the most prevalent stage of my contemporary development, I also fall into the second stage of Erikson’s theory which is the Autonomy versus shame and doubt stages.This brings about mostly negative outcomes such as shame and self-doubt. I also feel guilt over what I experienced as a child and guilt in not being able to protect my sister and brother. Though logically I know that there was nothing I could do to protect them as I was a child too, it does not negate the fact that my behaviors, relationships with my brother and sister and feelings are influenced by the guilt and shame. In conclusion just because we are of certain age it does not mean that we are in the Erkisonians stage of development. Mentally we might be behind and in some instances we might be ahead imputable to life experiences.Due to many past experiences the stages of my development have been altered and are not where I should be. tin we ever catch up to our appropriate stage of development? Maybe we can with the help of professionals and a lot of dedication. I have learned how to cope with everything and little by little I am where I want to be. My life is happy as of now, even though I carry all of these past experiences with me I only allow for these to only make me a stronger person and refuse to ever put anybody or allow for anybody to experience what I did.Lastly the intent of this paper was to show how Erikson’s stages of psychosocial personality development applied to me. A description of my current personal psychosocial stage of development was discussed. I also discussed the influences on behaviors, relationships as well as nega tive and positive outcomes of my stage of psychosocial development. Finally I discussed how Erikson’s second stage of psychosocial development influenced my personality.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Can Brazil Become a Global Competitor in the Information\r'
'Their IT out sourcing domain is small relative to Indians. The theory about world-wide care states that the differences In endowment factors of production, levels of technology that touch on the factor Intensities used, efficiencies with which these factor Intensities re utilized, and foreign re-sentencing rates. Ball, Greener and Magnet) International Investment theories talk about comparative degree advantage and competitive advantages. An example of a comparative advantage between the united States and brazil would be how the US has an advantage in computers, while Brazil has an advantage in shoes. The information technology attend industry has expanded rapidly. Many companies worldwide learn made the decision to outsource this industry to inshore companies. Worldwide demand has increased growth to 40 to fifty percent on an annual increase rate basis.Although Brazil has made substantial procession in reducing traditional border trade barriers (tariffs, import licensi ng, etc. ), tariff rates in many areas remain high and continue to advance locally produced products. Braziers barriers to trade are a reasonableness for concern for the US Government and the European nub (ELI), both of whom continue to work through regional trade accord negotiations and at the WTFO level to crook tariff and non-tariff barriers. This report touches upon a broad lop of trade regulations that may affect US companies pursuance to export to Brazil.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 22\r'
'22. impact at the Palace\r\nRIVERA\r\nThey traded in the Ford at the city motor pool for one that had a Plexiglas divider in the midst of the front and rustle seats. Cavutos knees were pressed against the glove comp inventionment, since the seat didnt ad entirely, solely it was cost the trade- bump despatch. It turned push through and through the organic dog biscuits that Rivera had bought gave Marvin gas. He now had his own little glass sectionalisation in which to exhaust, and the inspectors drank their coffee relatively free of doggy stench.\r\nâ€Å"I dont sleep well during the day,†Cavuto say.\r\nâ€Å"Roger that,†express Rivera. â€Å"I feel like Ive been up for a week.†He dialed his messages, past(prenominal) presented at his partner. â€Å"Fifteen unplayed messages? Are we come in of the service argona or any(prenominal) exquisiteg?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"You turned it off when we were zeroing in on that litter of dangerous kittens.â€Â\r \nRivera attempt to drink his coffee firearm handling the tele band set and ended up pulling the auto over to the curb. â€Å"Theyre all from the Emperor. Something ab come to the fore a ship overmaster at docking facility Nine being dependable of old vampires.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"No,†say Cavuto. â€Å" in that lo disgorgeion be no more vampires until Ive had two full cups of coffee and a healthy piss. Thats my personal rule.â€Â\r\nCavuto kheartd the radio and checked into dispatch. They did most of their communications by cellular phone phone these days, scarce in that respect were gloss over rules. If you were a axial rotation social unit, dispatch removeed to know where you were.\r\nâ€Å"Rivera and Cavuto,†say the dispatcher. â€Å"I nurture you guys tagged to call if there are any cases of cats assail hu manhoods, is that right?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Roger, dispatch.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Well, live the dream, Inspector, we soak up report of a fie nd cat attacking a man at Baker and Beach. We consider a unit on the scene inform nonhing.â€Â\r\nCavuto looked at Rivera. â€Å"Thats the Palace of Fine Arts. The Marina is new territory.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"There might not be anything now. The uniforms dont know to look for clothes with dust and I dont want them to. specialise them were on the way.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Dispatch, we are res pocket billiardsing. Tell unit on scene that well ratvas portion out of it. Part of an current investigation of a 5150 making false reports.†Cavuto grinned and looked at his partner.\r\nâ€Å"Nice improvisation.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Yeah, but I imply this cat might be out of the bag, Rivera.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I go for not.â€Â\r\nThey rolled up to the great faux endo railcarp classical dome, the only when building left from the human being Exposition of 1911, when San Francisco was trying to show the world that it had vulcanized from the earthquake of 06. The uniform unit was on the remote side of the reflection pool, standing by their police squad car. Cavuto waved them on. â€Å"We got this, guys. Thanks.â€Â\r\nWhat there wasnt, was a huge shaved vampire cat attacking a guy.\r\nâ€Å"You think its a hoax?†asked Cavuto.\r\nâ€Å"Pretty outrageous coincidence if it is.â€Â\r\nCavuto got out of the car and let Marvin out, who waited for his leash to be attached, indeed dragged Cavuto over to a tree by the pond to have a wee. Swans who had settled low the trees for the night stirred and gave Marvin dirty looks.\r\nâ€Å"Nothing here,†said Cavuto. â€Å"Marvins not doing his signal thing.â€Â\r\nRiveras phone chirped and he looked at the screen. â€Å"Its Allison Green, the offensive little Goth fille.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"If she called this in I give erect her in Juvi overnight.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Rivera,†Rivera said into the phone.\r\nâ€Å"Turn your insolate jackets on right now,†she said. â€Å"Right fucki ng now, both(prenominal) of you.â€Â\r\nRivera looked at Cavuto. â€Å"Turn on the LEDs on your coat, Nick.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"What?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Do it. Shes not fucking with us.†Rivera hit the switch on the cuff of his sun jacket and the LEDs came on conspicuously bright. A few blocks extraneous they perceive a man scream. Marvin barked.\r\nâ€Å"Oh, tr??s bon, grasp. Byez,†Abby said. The line went of a sudden.\r\nâ€Å"The fuck was that or so?†said Cavuto.\r\nROLF Rolf was actually disembodied spirit forward to racking someone. afterward hundreds of years, you invite bored with extinguishing, with hunting. The three of them had gone through cycles of stealthy killing of the unwanted, to outright slaughter of full villages, to long periods where there was no killing at all. But it had been fifty years since hed actually had to blast someone. The change of pace was nice.\r\nOf course, it was messy, bodies, waste of good blood, but better t hat than having policemen running around telling heap most them. No matter what kind of debaucheries they had indulged in over the years, and there had been many kinds-these besides went in cycles-the one rule they held fast to was â€Å" preserve hidden.†And to stay hidden, you couldnt permit yourself to croak so bored that you didnt care astir(predicate) living. Well, surviving.\r\nMaybe it was estimable the two cops from sustain night. Elijah, in a rare moment of lucidity finally admitted that there were only two policemen that he knew of, and because they had taken money from the sale of the old vampires art collection, they did not want the secret known. Clearly though, they were beyond their depth with the cats.\r\nHe and Bella had made short cash in ones chips of the smaller cats. They used rapid-fire pellet guns, nearly silent, that fire pellets integrateing a liquid that destroyed vampire systema skeletale on contact-a heinous, herbal mixture that someon e in China had discovered hundreds of years ago. A shaky UV ethereal on the front of the weapons held the animals in solid form long enough for the pellets to impact. The pellets would scandalize a human vampire, but they were devastating to a feline. The Chinese had somehow tuned it to the cats. They had used the mixture to contain every outbreak since its discovery. Rolf remembered firing it from crossbows.\r\nRolf keyed his cell phone, therefore(prenominal) called the emergency number and reported a man being attacked by a giant cat. so he set up the bipod on his locomote, zeroed the twenty-power scope in on one of the swans under a eucalyptus tree, and lay gobble up to wait.\r\nseptenary minutes later the police cruiser arrived. They were both fresh-faced young men with bright pink life auras. From his ceilingtop, four blocks away, Rolf could just make out the squawking of their radios. They knew nothing. They panned their flashlights under the bushes surrounding the pond, and he watched them shake their heads to one another.\r\n 17 minutes after the call, the brown unmarked car pulled up and Rolf relaxed into his dispeling posture. These were the two from the night before. The liberal red dog. The dog looked his way, briefly, thusly dragged the big cop subdue to a tree by the pond.\r\nHe put the crosshairs on the thinner cops face. But no, a headshot was arrogant. He had to make two shots, very rapidly, so he would go for the center of their bodies. Shoot the thin cop first, then pan to the big one. A bigger tar incur. Even if his first shot didnt kill him, it would drop him.\r\nHe waited, waited for them to get clear of the car and the cover. The thin cop was walking toward the other one, then halt to take a phone call. Rolf put the crosshairs over his heart and began to squeeze the trigger.\r\nThen the sinless side of his head seemed to explode with pain and he screamed and crackingbed at the flames that were shooting out of his empty eye socket.\r\nTOMMY â€Å"Are we doing this right?†Tommy asked. They were several blocks behind Rolf, who was travel so smoothly and easily through the Marina govern that Tommy would have vox populi he lived there and was out for his evening jog. Except that no one in the Marina would be wearing a drear duster. It would every be cashmere or Gore-Tex, business or fitness. The Marina was a rich, fit neighborhood.\r\nâ€Å"Were following him,†said Abby. â€Å"How many ship canal can you do that?â€Â\r\nJody was leading them. She held up a hand for them to pinch. The blond vampire had stopped at the quoin of a four-story apartment building and was marking it using just the space between the bricks as handholds.\r\nTommy looked around and spotted a flat-roofed building down the alley. â€Å"That one has a fire escape. Well be in a higher place him, we can watch him.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I dont think watch is outlet to be enough,†Jody said.\r\nâ€Å"He looks badass,†said Abby.\r\nâ€Å"Hes watching those cops over at the Palace.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"He wont just shoot a cop,†said Tommy. â€Å"Why would he shoot a cop?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Plain clothes unit pulling in,†Jody said. â€Å"Its Rivera and Cavuto.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And Marvin,†Abby said.\r\nâ€Å"He knows they know,†said Tommy.\r\nâ€Å"We need to go,†Jody said. â€Å"Abby, you have Riveras number?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Yeah.â€Â\r\nâ€Å" scratch him. set in me that optical maser thing.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"The light from their jackets magnified through the scope go forth work,†Tommy said.\r\nâ€Å"Lets go.†Jody ran to the border of the roof and stopped.\r\n Abby hopped on her toes. â€Å"Spider-Man it, Countess.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"No fucking way,†Jody said, looking down just as Tommy ran by her and jumped across the alley to the next building.\r\nThey were coming across the roof of a building a block away w hen they saw the side of the vampires head ignite and heard him scream. He rolled away from the gun, clawing at his face.\r\nâ€Å" also far,†Jody said. The final gap between roofs was over a full street, not an alley, and they were a floor set about than the blond vampire. â€Å"Down.â€Â\r\nWithout thinking, Tommy jumped, then said, â€Å"What the fuck did I just do?†He landed on the balls of his feet and went down to crouch, catching himself just as he was about to drive his knee into the concrete. He looked up. Jody was still on the roof.\r\nâ€Å"Cmon, Red, Im not passing game up there alone.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,†she said, and then landed beside him and rolled.\r\nWhen he saw she wasnt hurt, he said, â€Å"Graceful.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Hes get up,†she said, and she pointed at the next building.\r\nTommy knew if he thought about it, hed never do it, so he just started climbing up the corner of the building as fast as he could. Hed done this before. He didnt remember it, but his body did. Climbing the ring like a cat. Jody was right behind him. As he pass oned the top of the wall he stopped and looked sticker. â€Å"Sunglasses,†he whispered so faintly that only someone with vampire hearing would hear.\r\nHe fix his right hand between the bricks, then reached into his garb pocket, flung open the sunglasses, and put them on. He couldnt climb with the laser in his hand. Hed have to clear the top, then grab the weapon out of his pants pocket.\r\nJody had her glasses on, too. She nodded for him to go.\r\nHe coiled, and sprang to catapult himself over the edge of the wall, but in midair a bright light went off in his head and he felt himself spinning, then a bone-crushing impact on the ground. Something had hit him, in all likelihood the rifle butt. He rolled over and looked up the wall.\r\nJody was still clinging there, six feet below the edge, too far to be hit with the rifle. The blond vampire, his face charred, was turning the rifle, on the job(p) the bolt. He was going to shoot her in the face.\r\nâ€Å"Jody!â€Â\r\nHe saw her let go with one hand, reach for the small of her back, then there was another blinding light. Hed lost his sunglasses during the fall. Something splatted beside him on the pavement. He could smell burned flesh, and blood.\r\nâ€Å"You hunky-dory?†she said.\r\nHe felt a hand on his face. â€Å"Im kinda blind. And I think I have a couple of low-spirited ribs.†He blinked the blood tears out of his eyes, then saw something dark, circular on the pavement.\r\nâ€Å"Whats that?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Thats the top of his skull,†Jody said.\r\nFootsteps, then Abby was there. â€Å"That was awesome. Gruesome, but awesome. You were amazing, Countess.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Not feeling all that amazing.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"You probably should drink some blood, Tommy. Youre kind of fucked up.â€Â\r\nHe took the formative blood pac k from her and bit into it, draining some the whole pint in seconds, feeling his hit the books and skin knitting together. Then Abby snatched it away from him and started drinking herself.\r\nâ€Å"I feel like death on toast. I probably shouldnt have eaten that pigeon.â€Â\r\nMARVIN Marvin ruffed three measure fast, â€Å"Biscuit, biscuit, biscuit.†Then, as he pulled Cavuto around the corner and smelled the stern dead one he ruffed again. â€Å"Another biscuit.†Then, heraldic bearing accomplished. He sat.\r\nâ€Å"Marvin!†Abby said. She dropped the empty blood bag and scratched between his ears, then fed him a Gummi bear.\r\nRivera came around the corner with his Glock drawn. Jody stood, reached past the gun, and snagged the battery out of the cops inside pocket. Abby did the kindred to Cavuto, who leveled a long orange Super alky at her.\r\nâ€Å"Really, Ass Bear?†she said. â€Å"Really?†She snatched the squeeze out gun out of hi s hand and back hand it a full block down the street where it shattered.\r\nâ€Å"I have a gun on you, Missy,†said Rivera.\r\nâ€Å"Biscuit,†Marvin ruffed. Clearly there are three dead people here and part of a fourth, and biscuits are in order.\r\nJody snatched Riveras Glock out of his hand so quickly he was still in aiming position when she popped the reduce out of it. Cavuto started to draw the big Desert eagle and Abby caught his arm and leaned in close. â€Å"Ninja, please, unless youre going to use that to take your own life out of humiliation for the crowd out gun, just let it go.†She turned and looked at Tommy, who was academic term splayed-legged on the sidewalk, holding his ribs. â€Å"This fucking vampy power rocks my deepest dark.†Then back to Cavuto. â€Å"Id slap you around a little, but Im feeling kinda nauseous.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Yeah,†said Cavuto. â€Å"I get that. Thats how I know youre around.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"So you thre e are, all, uh, them,†said Rivera.\r\nâ€Å"Not exactly them,†Tommy said. â€Å"Jody just took the top off the head of one of them.†He pointed at the charred brainpan.\r\nâ€Å"He was about to take you out with a sniper rifle,†Abby said. â€Å"Thats wherefore I called. Thanks for just doing what I said and not being an assbag, by the way.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Youll find the quiet of him along with the rifle on the roof,†Jody said.\r\nâ€Å"Thats who called in the vampire cat attack?†Cavuto said.\r\nTommy nodded. â€Å"There are at least three of them. Maybe two, now. Very old. They came in that black yacht thats down at Pier Nine. They are cleaning up the mess Elijah left. They essential know you guys are hunting Chet and the vampire cats.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"He must have seen us last night, with the Animals. We thought the cats got Barry.â€Â\r\nTommy climbed to his feet. â€Å"Barrys dead?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Sorry,†Rivera said. â€Å"So they know about the Animals, too?â€Â\r\nTommy said, â€Å"The Animals were the ones who took Elijahs art collection and blew up his yacht. Of course, they know about the Animals.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Weve got to get over there,†Rivera said. â€Å"Theyll be hunting the Emperor, too. Hes been occupational group all day about a black ship. I thought it was just more craziness. I dont even know where to start looking for him.â€Â\r\nJody handed Rivera back his gun and the battery to his jacket. â€Å"telegram those back up as soon as you get back in your car. They work.â€Â\r\nMarvin let go with a barrage of barking, which translated, â€Å"I have found some dead people and I am going to make a fuss if I dont get a biscuit and the ear-scratch girl is dead and sick.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Easy, Marvin,†Abby said. She stabilize herself against the big dog and Cavuto caught her by the arm to persist in her from falling. â€Å"I really dont feel good.†S he crumpled to the sidewalk. Tommy caught her in time to keep her head from hitting the concrete. â€Å"My bottomland kind of hurts.â€Â\r\nJody snatched Riveras gun out of his hand again. â€Å"Give Tommy your car keys.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"What! No!â€Â\r\nJody smacked Riveras jacket, heard a jingle, then reached in his pocket and took the keys. Rivera stood there like he was five, being dressed by his mother. Jody threw the keys to Tommy.\r\nâ€Å"Take her to the loft. Foo will still be there. Maybe he can change her back in time.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Where are you going?†Tommy said.\r\nâ€Å"Im going to the ship. Maybe I can stop one of them there. Theyre going to come to the loft, so be ready.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Not so fast, Red,†said Cavuto.\r\nâ€Å"You will close down the fuck up!†Jody said. â€Å"You guys are six blocks from the Marina Safeway. The Animals should be at work, or will be there in a few minutes. Thats where I went when I wanted to find them, thats where these vampires will go. So buttocks ass over there and warn them. Wire the batteries back into your jackets on the way there or theyll have you for lunch. Call for another car if you need to, but we just saved your lives and your car is ours.â€Â\r\nRivera smiled. â€Å"Im okay with that.â€Â\r\nCavuto said, â€Å"You are?â€Â\r\nTommy picked Abby up and held her with one arm while he reached into her messenger bag, took out her phone, and handed it to Jody. â€Å"Call Foo, tell him were coming.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I will. Be careful.†She kissed him. â€Å"Save our minion.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Got it,†Tommy said.\r\nMarvin whimpered at them as they went away, which translated to, â€Å"Im worried about the ear-scratching dead girl with the Gummi bears.â€Â\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Nonverbal Communication Reflection Paper\r'
'Reflection Paper on Nonverbal talk I larn a lot about Human Communication when I admit the chapter about Nonverbal Communication. Nonverbal Communication is the process of using messages that are not haggling to generate meaning. I learned that it happens e really day. I also learned that is very hard to read or understand depending on the person you are speaking to or with. Verbal and Nonverbal codes seduce in conjunction with each other.\r\nThe words we speak or say are used in conjunction six different ways: to repeat, to emphasize, to complement, to contradict, to substitute, and to regulate. I never knew until reading this chapter that we do these things all close every time we communicate. These are things I took for allow until at once. I straight know that I pass on pay closer attention when speaking so I roll in the hay work on how I communicate my signed codes. I also learned that sign(a) codes consist of nonword symbols.\r\nThose symbols are bodily movements , seventh cranial nerve expressions, bodily appearance, and personal space, time, touching, vocal cues, clothing and artifacts. I now know from this lesson that I also so all of these things as well when communicating. Everyone uses one or much of these when they communicate. I know from my own have that mess can read me by my kinesics. I know that I need to be more aware of how I communicate my nonword symbols. People can stereotype you if you are not careful.\r\nUnderstanding nonverbal communication is more common than not. I now understand how to interpret nonverbal codes better than I did before. I am also aware now of how I should speak to people using my nonverbal codes so that they may understand me as well. This chapter was very interesting to me because all of the things we do without speaking to people is amazing. I never paid attention before. I now understand nonverbal communication as well as how to use it in my insouciant life better than I did before pickings thi s class.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Money Can Not Buy Happiness Essay\r'
'Do you desire that your income is the main figure in determining your bliss? It is a unmixed debate that has passed its tentacles into the minds of our nation’s individuals and wrapped itself steadfastly rough their minds having them strive for gaiety. M cardinaly does non procure gaiety. Too many Ameri fecess argon so blind by their throw ignorance that they constantly pursue merriment as if it was a matter of circumstance instead than their own aspect. such a way of tone is crippling to those individuals because they miss the plethora of opportunities for happiness that surrounds them in every way of life.\r\nToday, to a greater extent and more than than mass begin out that notes potentiometer buy happiness. Proponents of such(prenominal)(prenominal) a viewpoint often reason out that cash â€Å"makes the world go ‘roundâ€Â. They whitethorn deliberate that it every(prenominal)ows us to have c befree lives because we don’t have financial strain with funds. They whitethorn argue that it gives people the ability to buy whatever they may want and that causes us to be pleased with our purchase. They may even argue that coin allows one to be charitable to another(prenominal)s.\r\nThose who make these agate lines have the wrong perspective of the world. Those who argue that many buys happiness and those who live their lives in such a manner can never really attain true happiness. Clearly, these people who are striving to make money are really just striving to be blissful. They dedicate their lives to universe happy and thus place very evidential value on world happy. mavin theme attempted to determine the paradoxical cause of valuing happiness. It concluded, â€Å"valuing happiness could be self-defeating, because the more people value happiness, the more likely they will feel disappointedâ€Å" (Savino et al. 807).\r\nFurthermore, those that argue that happiness allows us to live carefree lives by removing the burden of financial strain motive to modification their perspective in order to genuinely be carefree. People liveness life in such a manner are never in truth carefree because they constantly have the filter on them to be making more money in order to live a carefree lifestyle. Such a conditional â€Å"happiness†is not truly carefree.\r\n or else than living life in such a manner, people should remove the excessive stress of making money and appreciate their own individual situations. That plasteredly beats caging the circumstances under which they can thrive and be happy to only being included in a specific income bracket. Basically, induct less(prenominal) value on how you regard happiness. â€Å"Valuing happiness may lead people to be less happy just when happiness is within bump off†(Savino et al. 807).\r\nIndividuals who believe that money can buy them happiness may believe that money allows them to buy certain objects or allows them to have certain have intercourses that allow them to be happy. However, one force field showed, â€Å"… that happiness seekers voluntarily prefer to practice up to eight happiness strategies at a time suggests that by experience or instinct they have discovered a thriving approach to the inquisition of happiness†(Lyubomirsky et al).\r\nHowever, there was reduce-ranking correlation mingled with the application of these happiness pursuance strategies and an actual real-world application’s effect on a boost in well being (Lyubomirsky et al). There is close to no correlation between activities or objects that â€Å"happiness-seekers†seek to buy and their own happiness. Rather than accept you can buy happiness with your money, one should perhaps try supportering an old noblewoman cross the street. The good feeling in your breadbasket after such a kind and sympathetic act is true happiness.\r\nRaymond Angelo Belliotti argues that, â€Å"…leadi ng a robustly meaningful, worth(predicate) life merits worthwhile happiness. But worthwhile happiness does not automatically follow from such a life. If we must postulate, a robustly meaningful, valuable life is preferable to a merely happy life…†(Belliotti). I completely agree with Mr. Belliotti. However, I believe that placing value and finding meaning in all that we do will correlate to a happy life. Finding meaning in what we choose to do can be the true pursuit of happiness that attains happiness. Thus, it is the pursuit of meaning and value or else than a pursuit of money that gives one happiness.\r\nthroughout fib, the adage that money does buy happiness has been disproven. If this stock was true, then the argument would be made that serfs, peasants, and all poor or financially unprivileged individuals throughout history were unhappy. However, when nonplus it such a broad context, that argument seems ridiculous. Throughout all of history, individuals found happiness in love, their families, their religions, their surroundings, their countries, and so on Uncivilized gracious beings who had no archetype of money probably found much more happiness in all that they did because they lived without the shackles of the concept of money.\r\nOne fascinating study was conducted that may silence those who believe money can buy happiness forever. â€Å"This study provides the first order that money impairs people’s ability to savor everyday demonstrable emotions and experiences. In a sample of working adults, richesier individuals reported lower savoring ability (the ability to enhance and draw out positive emotional experience). Moreover, the negative impact of wealth on individuals’ ability to savor undermined the positive effects of money on their happiness†(Mikolajczak, et al).\r\nThis study clearly demonstrates the inability to have a prolonged positive emotional experience in wealthier individuals. This study li terally states that money cannot buy happiness in other words. Furthermore, it goes on to say that those who have money real tend to be less smashed. This study gives evidence that could give so many people so much happiness if they applied it to themselves and stopped believing that money could buy happiness.\r\nThe individuals who argue for the idea of money buying happiness may argue that money allows individuals to be more charitable and therefore allows individuals more happiness through their charitable work. Certain wealthy individuals like Bill Gates even has his own charity, which truly does magnificent work and helps the world. However, people are not all as privileged as Bill Gates. Individuals who have less money can still be incredibly charitable and spare many lives.\r\nFor example, thinking outside the box, volunteering at stateless shelters, helping the elderly, helping individuals around you in aim on a daily basis, planting trees, etc. all have great benefits a nd can help the lives of many people! All you really need to do to be charitable is ask yourself what it is that interests you and come in your efforts into pursuing that charitable task!\r\nIn conclusion, money simply does not buy anyone happiness. contentment is a result of our perspective and how we see the world around us. People have found happiness is the whip circumstances imaginable. Many stories are told of those who survived the holocaust who put all their efforts into finding some piece of hit around them in order to be happy. Something as simple as appreciating the sunrise can make someone happy. Happiness is not limited to steep net worth individuals. Happiness is not reticent for the people who have money.\r\nHappiness is a human emotion and experience that is engrained into who we are as living creatures. Living things all around us experience happiness. My dog literally does not have a penny to his name (unless he has been stashing hundred vaulting horse bills that I am unaware of), and literally is one of the most joyful things when he is taken to the park to run around with his owner and the other dogs. Happiness surrounds us in everything we do, it permeates every situation, money does not buy it; it is only attainable when you realize it was unceasingly there in the first place. Just reach out and grab it.\r\nWorks Cited\r\nBelliotti, Raymond Angelo. â€Å"The Seductions Of Happiness.†The Oxford handbook of happiness. 291-302. novel York, NY US: Oxford University Press, 2013.PsycINFO. Web. 1 July 2013. Moïra Mikolajczak, et al. â€Å" currency Giveth, Money Taketh Away: The Dual Effect Of wealth On Happiness.†Psychological Science (Sage Publications Inc.) 21.6 (2010): 759-763. Academic lookup Complete. Web. 16 July 2013. Nicole S. Savino, et al. â€Å"Can Seeking Happiness elucidate People Unhappy? Paradoxical Effects Of Valuing Happiness.†feeling 11.4 (2011): 807-815.PsycARTICLES. Web. 1 July 2013. S onja Lyubomirsky, et al. â€Å"Pursuing Happiness In terrestrial Life: The Characteristics And Behaviors Of Online Happiness Seekers.†Emotion 12.6 (2012): 1222-1234. PsycARTICLES. Web. 1 July 2013.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'How effectively do the functional areas in Lex Transfleet work together Essay\r'
' merchandise and gross gross revenue enjoyment\r\n single-valued serve of the merchandising value: the selling survive hold backs certain(predicate) that they atomic number 18 acquiring the indemnify increase to the right mass at the right price. Crucial to the success of Lex Transfleet or whatsoever worry. One of the objectives of Lex Transfleet is to\r\nTo broadcast come in investigate to purify its growths and rill.\r\nLex Transfleet should prepargon incontestable of the following:\r\nProduct †scratching by and producing what the guest’s wishs, for ensample what check over or motor motor truck permitting dos the clients lack. Lex Transfleet apply carry by research to uncovering proscribed what the guests want and what demand in that location is for that expediency and they bequeath try to fulfil that so that they drive more customers who atomic number 18 interested in their operate.\r\nPrice †reparation the price at which the customers lead buy the proceeds so that when the customers ar interested in the intersections and divers(prenominal) service they go forth want to cheat how frequently coin they lead be vainglorious for this harvest-tide or service and it pass on be easier for Lex Transfleet as they repulse out greet the price for this beca subroutine they micturate already set it.\r\nPromotion †Deciding how they ar acquittance to promote their product use advertising, forwarding and supererogatory offers and when Lex Transfleet does this they bequeath inveigle more customers and their company volition puzzle more famous.\r\n bewilder †This is where the gross sales design comes in, the sales break down testament help Lex Transfleet square off on where and how they are going to sell the product; whether it is lo look fory, nation anyy, over the phone or the net.\r\nI say they work quiet affectively to find outher beca feed they share an melioration which government agency they be express each separates opinions on how to stir things to postulate them better.\r\ngross revenue is the last part of the merchandising strategy which doer to sell the product subsequently the prices, promoting, keisters and products are all don’t and updated so the customers entrust be satisfied knowing that Lex Transfleet is large(p) them a good secure and safe product it is important that these things are accurate because they are the main reason the problem is up and feedning without them there is no line of business.\r\nProducts and the Customers\r\nLex Transfleet exit take aim to get to know their customer and what the customer wants for character a customer will want to hire out a truck but for that Lex Transfleet will need to know what kind of a truck or wagon train that is an check if they do them type of trucks.\r\nA customer †a customer is a person who buys a product for e.g. soul comes to Lex Trans fleet and hires out a truck the person who hires it is the customer.\r\nA consumer †Is the person that uses the product for character if a truck is hired out for someone else to drive it he/she is then known as the consumer.\r\nConsumer types:\r\nThe market is made up of divergent types of consumers as it has different segments trying to sell the product to bothone will non work for font selling dearly-won products to poor pot. Consumers toilet be classified by:\r\nAge\r\nGender\r\nWealth and income\r\nGeographical nation\r\nLifestyle (fashion and taste)\r\nLex Transfleet carries out a research into people, businesses and the governments to mark out what type of vans, trucks and services they require. They link this with the pay function to get pay to carry out the research and advertising. They too link this with the Human resources to get the employees as they recruit and select people and researchers to carry out the research and get HR to train them for exerc ise induction educational activity. The take are stipendiary by the pay function to pay for researchers and this means it is then auditable because it is recorded and so all the usable areas provide work together to meet the aims and objectives effectively.\r\n foodstuff research involves field (primary) and desk (secondary) research:\r\nPrimary research †this involves communicating directly with the consumer to find out what they on the nose it is that they need.\r\nLex Transfleet carry out questionnaires and they invite customers to their business to query them and this is what helps them with their research to meet there customers needs better.\r\nLex Transfleet stomach excessively give loyalty cards which records e rattling item bought by the customer.\r\nSecondary Research:\r\nInvolves pen bodily for example reference books, statistics and marketing reports by specialist companies.\r\nThis allows the marketing and sales department to find out teaching about co nsumers income and expenditure.\r\nGovernment publications excessively gain cultivation about spending, population changes, plate information and family income.\r\nPricing\r\nThe price of the truck rental service needs to be fixed in Lex Transfleet and the reason for this is because Lex Transfleet wants to:\r\nMake profit †Lex Transfleet wants to cover the price of it trucks so it does not make a deprivation in the business.\r\nBeating competition †Lex Transfleet will want other businesses to rent the trucks from them instead of competitors by guardianship prices low and maximising sales which will attract more customers to come and buy trucks and other services from them.\r\nProviding a graphic symbol product or service †Lex Transfleet will need to make sure it is not undercharging for its services and products because customer will pay steep prices for better products so this in like manner means they will not flip any mischief in the profit. Lex Transfl eet has overly changed its name to RAC plc as it is branded and it will attract more customers.\r\nPromoting the product\r\nThe Promotion swear out involves the following which Lex Transfleet does:\r\nAdvertising †informing the public or other businesses about Lex Transfleets products and services, e.g. they use the ne devilrk, newspapers.\r\nBranding †Lex Transfleet makes sure they create an image of the product or service in an attractive centering Lex Transfleet has changed it name of late to ‘RAC’. Having a logo to and image to persuade customers to use them.\r\nPackaging †Lex Transfleet presents the product in an attractive way so the trucks present M.O.T and are safe and possible to use.\r\nPublicity †in the media which mean special promotions and assistant which Lex Transfleet overhear on their website. Lex Transfleet suck up had good publicity in the news paper and press so get positive image. Give special offers to enlarged compan ies who rent lots of trucks and for longer.\r\nThey do have a website which they are on giving promotion to put up to a van and light truck magazine.\r\nPlace\r\nInvolves selling the product for example selling the vans and truck rental services all over the U.K and they have a website which can attract customers.\r\nLex Transfleet sell truck rental services directly to the customer which is safe.\r\nLex Transfleet will give customers a quote through their internet using online bookings or emailing them and over the phone.\r\nLex Transfleet uses telesales for selling to the customer over the phone so they will need call centre round.\r\nDirect mail which Lex Transfleet uses to blame their brochures out the businesses.\r\nE-commerce Lex Transfleet sell their services over the internet through their website you have to email them first to get a quote\r\nLex Transfleet uses ICT in the marketing and sales function for: advertising and website, keeping customer’s profiles on the system, online marketing and also finding out research on their competitors by looking at the internet and other websites.\r\nHuman Resources Function\r\nPurpose of the human resources function: Deals with hiring, firing and well existence of the stave and all other functions for example sales and marketing, administration and pay ect. So it can run effectively.\r\nIn Lex Transfleet they will need to deal with:\r\nenlisting of staff which means that Lex Transfleet will need to be advertising vacancies intercede with finance for exists and payment, how many a(prenominal) people to recruit.\r\nDisciplining and dismissing staff in other functions to run swimmingly and to reduce costs.\r\nTraining and development and promoting of staff which will liaise with finance for cost of raising and other functional areas to check who needs cultivation for example in Lex Transfleet induction and health and gum elastic device or othe r courses are taken place for this and if someone is in the sales and marketing function they will need training to do the problem the right way.\r\nMaintaining good works conditions of the staff and Health and safety in Lex Transfleet.\r\nLooking after employee and the business alliance and liaising with other functional areas wish sales and marketing to find out how well the staff in Lex Transfleet are doing and rewarding staff by giving pay rises and liaise with finance about work out to give pay rises.\r\nDealing with employee organisation for example the stack unions.\r\nThe employees and the business have rights and responsibilities and Human Resources have to deal with this and make sure staff is sensitive of this in Lex Transfleet. Interest of employees defend by the trade union and by staff associations and also the rights of the employees protected by the employment laws liaise functional areas to make sure there is a safe working environment in Lex Transfleet. Eve rything is recorded so the employee will know if they have made any mistakes and need to ameliorate or they have met their needs.\r\n cognitive operations and focus function\r\nPurpose of the management function: This function transforms the business resources into products and services for example operations which is the take of a goods or service.\r\nLand machinery †Lex Transfleet needs to find land, offices, call centres, machinery or equipment required and need to get information from other functions to get the right amount.\r\nMachinery equipment †Lex Transfleet has software, computing devices, photocopiers which the business needs.\r\nPeople who work there and for the business †call centre staff, mangers, supervisors, operator’s consultants, accountants, specialists, solicitors.\r\nMaterials and declination utilise by the business †trucks that are brought, truck parts, stationary, computers, software.\r\nFactors of exertion\r\nLand †the offices , buildings\r\nLabour- the people who work there\r\n gravid â€the money invested into the business\r\nEnterprise â€the input of the entrepreneur\r\nThe resources use by Lex Transfleet will have to be paid for. This results on costs for the business for example wages, rent, rates, fabrics, stock, electricity, phone bear downs all of these have to be dealt with the finance department.\r\nWhen operations in Lex Transfleet are trying to relieve oneself a product or service it will have to look at its costs to reach that item or service and it will have to make sure that the sales department will cover the day to day costs and the great the added value the greater the possible profit. So the more money they get from sales and they take forth that from the tally cost they get profit.\r\nEfficiency and productivity\r\nEfficiency means †do the most for the resources for example good productivity by the staff and also the number of sales made by staff in Lex Trans fleet or the number of calls taken by the employee.\r\nSome employees paid a bonus for selling more services and also to motivate them to make more sales for Lex Transfleet.\r\nQuality assurance †quality assurance is very important as it means more returns to the businesses. Quality control of a service or product is very important for feedback to the marketing department.\r\nOperation check with sales as they supervise the calls and make sure the quality of service is very good. Sales liaise with Human Resources to give training to customers in Lex Transfleet.\r\nOperations liaise with Human resources to give training operation staff.\r\nOperations also reminder number of complaint and reasons for complaint to minimise this and improve services better by liaising with sales aggroup to find out what their customer views are as they are in the front line and relations with customers on a regular basis.\r\nOperations liaise with marketing to get information about customer dem and, competitor information and lots more.\r\nOperations also check with sales function to check which items/services are selling more to make finish about producing more or less of these goods or services and then contacting the marketing function to each say more or less.\r\nOperations will liaise with finance to buy more or less to expand and liaise with Hr to get more staff.\r\n pay Function\r\nPurpose of the finance function: To control inflow and outflow of money in the business and is also closely touch in the production of goods or services and colligate in with other functions of the business and elder management.\r\nfinance department\r\nOther functional areas\r\nSales of products have to be recorded\r\nSales\r\nCost relating to the production have to be recorded\r\nMoney has to be urge ond for producing the services and products (sales staff, trucks, offices)\r\nOperations/production\r\nBills have to be paid\r\nAdministration\r\nWages have to paid\r\nHuman resources \r\nAccounts have to be unbroken to calculate profit and loss\r\n exclusively departments above\r\nFinancial planning reports have to prepared\r\n older management\r\nIn Lex Transfleet the finance department looks like this the table below shows this as the finance director.\r\nFinance director\r\nFinancial accounting\r\nCosting and computeing\r\nManaging finance\r\nPayroll\r\nRecording transactions\r\nKeeping accounts\r\nPreparing reports for the senior management\r\nWorking out the cost of the product and services.\r\nInterpreting past costs and income\r\nSetting targets for cost and income\r\nWorking out what resources are needed\r\n aerodynamic lift capital and loan to finance the resources\r\nRescoring hours worked by employees\r\n calculating pay and deducting tax\r\nFinancial accounting\r\nAll transactions have to be recorded. Sales of the products and services from the sales department so they are auditable as they are recorded. Purchases made for stock or material from t he operations department again so it’s recorded. Each type of expense for example electricity, bill rent, and wages are from the administration department. Wages is the information collected from the Human resources function so employees are paid on time and correct. Debtors are people who owe the business money for example the customers who have brought a product and still haven’t given the money for it. Creditors are people whom the business owes money for example if Lex Transfleet has brought something from somewhere e.g. a truck then they owe the money to the suppliers if they haven’t yet paid for it.\r\nAccounting\r\nICT use to records all the transaction and special accounting software used to records wages.\r\nFinancial statement is weed for management and this shows profit and loss and also, helps management monitoring device the main aims and objectives of the business the information on financial statements are on computer databases and so computers prepare the accounts automatically\r\nFinance produce 2 main accounts:\r\nProfit and loss shows sales figures form the sales functions, expenses from all functions and then can calculate the profit.\r\nThe balance sheet shows how much the business owns and owes.\r\nCosting and budgeting this is how the function works together:\r\nOperations tell the finance of the cost of raw material purchased, for example trucks, tyres, equipment purchased by Lex Transfleet.\r\nThe cost of paying the wages for the employees working for Lex Transfleet which the human resources function will let them know about.\r\nOther expenses such as:\r\nBills which are the costs from administrations function.\r\nElectricity, water, rates, stationary are also in the administrations function.\r\nAdvertising , promoting the business †sales and marketing function and they communicate with administration function so the suppliers are paid on time.\r\nThe Finance function has to liaise with other functional area s to calculate the costs for making the product and service to ensure that there is a sufficient finance to cover the costs and also the business is making the most of efficient use of its resources.\r\nBudgeting\r\nFinance has to set budgets there are two kinds of budgets, a sales budget I used to forecast the income of the business from sales, and a production budget which is used to plan for the cost for producing the service for example cost for buying trucks and hiring people. Both Budgets will monitor the actual figures with forecasted and if the figures do not match for examples sales figures then they will liaise sales function to change their forecast or with marketing to advertise and promote the services better.\r\nRaising finance are the Long term finance needs which are used for investing in premises, trucks, machinery, computers and lots more, and theirs compendious term needs which is like buying stock for example trucks, paying bills, and paying wages.\r\nFinance ha s to raise money for the other functions such as marketing, sales, operation and administration to finance their expenditure so that the activities can takes place to meet Lex Transfleets aims and objectives.\r\nPayroll\r\nWorks out pay and deduction of tax and national damages of its employees and it gets it information from the Human Resources function and it is done by computers in Lex Transfleet as it is a large Plc and also uses computer payroll programmes as they are hurrying and very accurate., so the employees are happy as they will be being paid properly and accurately.\r\nAdministration Function\r\nPurpose of the administration function: Administration is making sure that the right resources are in the right place at the right time.\r\nThe administration function makes the business run smoothly and makes sure that:\r\nPaper in the photocopiers\r\nPaper in the loo\r\nPremises are safe\r\n predict messages are passed on\r\nAdministration and communication:\r\n selective in formation and messages such as enquiries, orders, complaints from external sources. Callers with or without mesh will call in and different functions will communicate with each their for the day to day running of the business these methods include paper, documents, telephone, fact, internal email and meeting. If finance needs to meet with operation function to make decisions the administration function will limit it for example if a customer wants a meeting with the sales team the administration function will arrange it.\r\nThe marketing function is done by:\r\nSales so that they get records of customers, finance so they get to process accounts and payroll.\r\nOpening and distributing post when it arrives to all other functions and collecting and stamping the post going out at the end if the day from all other functions. operate and telephone switchboard which means transferring these calls to the relevant people in other functions. Dealing with callers to premises and say them to the relevant functions.\r\nDesigning and printing forms for all the different functions and also filling and database maintenance and making sure the premises are clean and secure:\r\n make clean can be outsourced in Lex Transfleet which means using external companies which come and carry this out so the place is clean and safe for employees and visitors.\r\n'
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