Thursday, January 31, 2019
Atlantis :: essays research papers
AtlantisOver 11,000 years ago there existed an is estate nation located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean populated by a formal and kingful race. The people of this arrive possessed great wealth give thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade and commerce. The rulers of this land held sway over the people and land of their own island and well into europium and Africa. This was the island of Atlantis.Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a baneful woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hammock near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of pissing and land to protect her.Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys who became the get-go rulers of Atlantis. The island was divided among the brothers with the eldest, Atlas, first King of Atlantis, being given control over the central knoll and surrounding areas.At the top of the central h ill, a temple was built to honor Poseidon that housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a carry pulled by winged horses. It was here that the rulers of Atlantis would come to discuss laws, pass judgments, and leave tribute to Poseidon.To facilitate travel and trade, a water canal was put off through of the rings of land and water running south for 5.5 miles (9 km) to the sea.The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water and spread across the plain covering a circle of 11 miles (1.7 km). This was a densely populated area where the majority of the population lived. beyond the city lay a fertile plain 330 miles (530 km) long and one hundred ten miles (190 km) wide surrounded by another canal used to gain vigor water from the rivers and streams of the mountains. The climate was such that two harvests were possible each year. one(a) in the winter fed by the rains and one in the pass fed by irrigation from the canal. & nbspSurrounding the plain to the north were mountains which soared to the skies. Villages, lakes, rivers, and meadows dotted the mountains. excessively the harvests, the island provided all kinds of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An abundance of animals, including elephants, roamed the island.For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them.
Monday, January 28, 2019
There are Ten Amendments ratified to the coupled States Constitution. These amendments are called and known as the elevation of Rights. The first amendment in the Bill of Rights talks about how the freedom of establish of religion, freedom of press, freedom of collection right to petition, freedom of quarrel. They all watch to do with people talk of the town free in the United States and doing what they can with this amendment.The first part talks about the freedom of religion. In these case the freedom of religion lets you be in most(prenominal) kind of religion you want to be in the United States. In the contrary some other countries you could not be whatsoever different from others because you can be considered an outsider or an resistance to the people of that country. In addition, freedom of religion is known to be a human right.The first amendment rights to freedom of the press guarantees me the right to read any news paper, read any magazine, or right about any stor y, or watch any movie without having any fear that my disposal would censor my right to do these things. For example, if I want to release a video on the internet containing any nudity or distasteful language, I have the right to do so without any censorship. The disposal can only regulate by putting some style of warning label on it but can not abate me from doing so.Also, the freedom to assemble allows us the people to gather up for symphonic and legal purposes. Implicit within this right is the right to association and belief. In other words this amendment protects us from what we believe. For example, people can organize a parade for immigration rights, and the government would be ok with it because it falls vote down in legal purposes to assemble. Furthermore, people can in addition gather up to celebrate a Quinsenera without any problems because this would fall down under the peacefully assemble. Now the government may also prohibit people from associating in groups th at engage and promote illegal activities.The right to petition the government for arbitrator of grievances guarantees people the right to ask the government to provide a countenance chance of relief to change something wrong to a right. This petition is make my court or by any other governmental action. For example, a person gets a ticket for speeding , but he or she is more than sure that he wasnt. That person is going to try to appeal that ticket by going to court and standing in previous of a judge to try to dismiss that ticket.The right to freedom of speech allows an individual to articulate themselves without interference or constraint by the government. This amendment gives us the right to express what we feel. We have the symbolic and the uttered way on expressing ourselves. We dont necessarily have to speak in establish to show our emotions we could use the symbolic method to do so. We can express it by wearing clothing that symbolizes what we feel. In the other hand w e also have the most common way, which is uttered. Most people express themselves by making a speech. However, our right is also limited because the government prohibits some speech that may cause a breach of peace or may cause violence. For example, someone might make a apprehension that they hate someone. But just because they hate them doesnt mean they have to kill them.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Fast and Furious Movie Analysis Essay
This prospect is the last scene of the movie. It takes place at the old business firm that the mob lived in when the first movie came out. The crew(Dom, Brian, Letty, Mia, roman, Tej, Han, and Brians child) are ga in that respectd unitedly in the yard. Starting the scene papistic croak under unmatchables skins out of the bear and tells Tej non to burn the barbeque again(implying that this wasnt the first time it had happened, with Tej replying that he neer burned it before. Then it the scene switches focus to Brian, Mia, and their son in which Brian explains that the houses air quality and traffic isnt the best, but he thinks that he will learn to like it. Mia focuses on showing him the service depar 2rk forcet and explaining that it was the place where he could build his first car with daddy. A a few(prenominal) moments aft(prenominal) she said that, Dom responds First car better be a charger jack, which Brian gave a confused look to and replied You mean a skyline. Let ty chuckles as Dom argues Like I said hes a Toretto(fact bring that Brians last name was OConnor). OConnor smiles cover version and responds Youre confusing the kid, as Dom then asks Mia if she was spill to solelyow him get away with those terms(even though all this was just playful, sweet arguments).The focus goes to Han, Tej, and romish as they discus Hans plan to move back to Tokyo, something he feels that he has to do because of the plans he made with his girlfriend, whom had died in the ahead scene. Tej wonders if he was really going to leave, and after Han confirms it, Tej guesss You know we got your back, whenever you need it. The men nod to to each one other and seconds later Hobbs and Elena enter the scene, as Roman makes a joke and Hobbs retaliates. Hobbs, in his stiff posture, walks up to Toretto(Dom) and OConnor and openly expresses that they are now free of all their crimes. Excitement arises, Wasnt whiz-half bighearted having you work for me, says Hobbs. No w we all know you were working for me Hobbs, Dom replies. Brian interferes says that they play off to disagree and thanks Hobbs for what he has usurpe. As the men are gathered, Letty approaches Elena(Tej expressing to Roman that it must be an awkward encounter), and thanks her for everything she had done for Dom and her, then continues by implying that she was an amazing woman. As the two talk they go back and forrard about Dom and end off on good terms, even though it was the first time they had met and they were both in love with the uniform man. once again the scene switches to Hobbs and Dom, as they stand side by side. covered stadium takes a step forward(looking straight ahead past Hobbs) Not bad for a cop he says with a smirk. As Hobbs does the same he replies I never thought Id trust a criminal. Till next time, they both say to one another and part ways. Hobbs gives Elena the sign to head out, but Dom stops her and explains You dont have to go. Elena in constructs him t hat it was not her place, but that this was his home and her home was with the police force. She kisses him and walks away. The original crew mentioned in the beginning of the paper come together at the lunch table and laugh amongst each other, Dom asks Letty, every of this feel familiar to you?, No But it feels like home, she responds after taking a sip of her beer. The scene comes to an end as they say grace as a family. Scene 4 Concept primal GroupsFor this scene, the innovation of a native sorting will be applied. gibe to the book, Communicating In GroupsApplication of Skills, Adams and Galanes define old conventions as groups organise to meet primary needs for inclusion and affection(Adams and Galanes). Although this type of group can be used for a work type situation, it is mostly connected to a close type relationship. Each member shows motives such as love, caring, avoiding feelings of loneliness, sharing, feeling cared about. These are successful only when the me mbers decide to let go of some freedom as one-on-ones. A primary group can come in many different forms, such as friends, sororities, fraternities, etc. However, the group from fast and furious 6, demonstrate the main form of a primary group, a family(even though almost all of them are not blood related). For example, the way Brian and Dom argue about which car the OConnors son will first build, going back to their free-enterprise(a) spirit on what type of car was best. Although they were disagreeing with each other, their words were all out of love for the child and one another.Another example of this concept is the conversation between Han and Tej. Although Han individually wants to go out to Tokyo for himself, he has the support of his closest friends(the crew), and you know this when Tej say You know we got your back, whenever you need it. By saying this, it shows that they care for each other, which is an important factor to be a primary group(need to be caring).To become a p rimary group I had addressed that you must be willing to put away your individual desires. A prime example of this was the one on one reciprocation that occurred between Hobbs and Dom. Once again, Dom says Not bad for a cop, as Hobbs replies I never thought Id trust a criminal. The word trust in these few words is key. As a primary group, a family, you must trust one another and although neither of the two men had got along with each other in previous matters, they became slimly close and finally put aside their individual attitudes to welcome each other in as one unit.According to Preserve Articles, there are some more records in being a primary group, two of which are physical propinquity and identity of ends. Physical proximity is connected with the fusion of personalities at bottom the group(Bhatt), which is exemplified as each of the members get together at the end at one table and enjoy a nice lunch together. This is a symbol of closeness within the characters. Identity o f ends is connected with the fusion of personalities within the group(Bhatt). As this point of the article states, a primary group usually sees the world through with(predicate) the same Letty says No But it feels like home. Letty had lost her memory, which is revealed in an earlier scene of the movie, but they way that she says everything feels like home implies that she was one of them, and that she also seen the world in a very similar, if not the same way as the others(identity of ends).This is the only scene in which the whole tog is based off of the group being a primary group rather than a secondary group.
Mod a Essay Hsc
Analyse how Whos terror-struck of Virginia Woolf? and A manner of integritys permit imaginatively portray individuals who challenge the launch deter tap of their time. Literature is an evaluation of the established values of their time, a manifestation of the composers perspectives wishinging key issues that characte countermandd their zeitgeist. This is evident in Virginia Woolfs polemical essay, A Room of Ones Own (1929), in which she portrays anthropoid anxiety towards women during the post-WWI period.Similarly, Edward Albees 1962 satirical drama, Whos aghast(predicate) of Virginia Woolf (Afraid) projects an analogous fear of female person dominance, although in post-WWII American society. In a further comparison, both composers focus on the importance of wealth in society, w here(predicate) Woolf considers the significance of solid security with regards to fiction writing in face society in the twenties, whilst Albee criticises materialistic values in relation to aff able conformity in American society in the 1960s.Since the late nineteenth century female suffrage movement that empowered women, men feared universe displaced from their traditional positions of authority. Woolf conveys these established patriarchal values through A Room of Ones Own, in her examination of the phallocentric literary sphere of the 1920s, where anybody could import literature, save they were not women. The symbolic title highlights womens drive for material security as a pre-condition to writing fiction, arguing that historically, men urinate denied women opportunities for achieving economic equality.Woolfs ironic use of simile reinforces her hypothesis that if nalwaystheless Mrs Seton had learnt the great art of making money and had left their money, like their fathers to make fellowships. This highlights the historical lack of educational and pecuniary opportunities for women. Further much, Woolf blames patriarchal values for institutionalising jaundiced p ractices in English society. At the fictional Oxbridge, a Beadle indicates that this was the turf on that point was the path, symbolising the established gender exclusion in academia. Her thoughts interrupted, she expresses dashing hopes as they had sent my little fish into hiding.Through this metaphor, Woolf implies that mens protection of their turf denied women opportunities for creativity, portraying an ingrained contextual fear of female intelligence that was perceived as encroaching upon male dominance in every sphere of endeavour. Albees contemporary political satire, Afraid, in addition portrays male and female rivalry, incorporating textual features such as intense drama and dampen stage directions to convey the fierce gender strife of his time. Whilst both texts were smooth in post-war periods, Albees drama savagely critiques the established societal values of small town American society in the 1960s.This is evident when Martha criticises George as a greatbigfatFLOP unable to rise up the departmental ranks. The use of crude colloquial language and competitive stage directions accentuates her frustration as she spits the word at Georges tail, reflecting Marthas authority over him, which symbolises womens growing influence in mainstream American society in the 1960s. Furthermore, Martha recalls the boxing match we had in an strive to humiliate him, an allegory for the gendered power struggle.George reacts negatively, and to regain superiority, he takes a short-barrelled shotgun aims it at Martha and pulls the trigger. Coupled with this stage direction, Albees use of emphasised punctuation in Georges childish point-scoring of Pow Youre wild signifies his desperation to recover his masculinity. In this way, Albee portrays the constant quarrelling between George and Martha as a symbol of anxiety and dysfunctionality in America in the 1960s, depicting the subject area paranoia associated with the Cold War and nuclear warfare.Just as Woolf and Albee represent the gender conflict in post-war societies, they also criticise the wealth inequality and the greed of their time. Whilst Woolf reasons that diversity against women often prevented them from writing fiction, she also considers that poor material conditions likewise throttle their contribution to literature. Through the use of the modal verb to emphasise the importance of financial security, she expresses her contention regarding material needs that a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.The anecdote of the tailless cat is symbolic of the distractions that interrupted women in their writing, then Woolf highlights the need for the privacy of a room of ones own in order to think of things in themselves. Furthermore, she decides that 500 pounds a year for ever seemed infinitely more important than the suffrage movement as it was more conducive to her writing fiction. No longer working like a slave, Woolfs simile highlights that food, house, and clothing are forever mine, reflecting the value of financial security in English society in the 1920s.Thus, Woolf sustains her thesis and highlights the importance of money and privacy, conveying the established attitude that a secure income ensured creative and intellectual freedom in English society. Alternatively, Albees political allegory reflects his criticism of the materialistic mores of American society in the 1960s, portraying human shallowness in a dramatic appraisal of the American Dream, an theme which has resonated inwardly society since the founding of America.It epitomises a but spookd-up national ethos that entailed the possibility of universal prosperity and the pursuit of happiness for all, thus many individuals sought to increase their wealth and social status. This materialistic idea is conveyed through Nick, who crudely boasts, my wifes got some money. In characterising Nick as the typical shallow jock, Albee undermines this concept of the se lf-made man, dramatising a soulless aspect of the American Dream. Additionally, Martha criticises Georges salary, mirroring the contextual attitudes of middle-class America, when status was associated with high income levels.She sneers at George, advising him not to waste dear liquornot on your salary. Here, Marthas mocking tone captures her disappointment as she hopes that was an empty bottle. However, the empty bottle also symbolises her despair as George is only on an Associate Professors salary. This brings to mind the social importance of income but unlike in Woolfs society, where womens economic security may liberate creativity, here economic success serves as a status symbol within the American Dream.Thus, literature, with its distinct forms and features, is influenced by varying contexts, portraying similar concerns that heighten our understanding of the established values of the time. Woolfs polemic, A Room of Ones Own (1929), may differ textually and contextually from Al bees Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1962), which portrays a savage attack on American values, but both texts reflect male fear of women due to their growing influence in post war societies. Furthermore, they focus on the importance of wealth with regard to literary creativity in English society in the 1920s and the realisation of the American Dream during the 1960s.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Rene Descartes and a discription Essay
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was not only a philosopher but also a mathematician and scientist. As a philosopher, he used skepticism as a means of occuring the truth of altogether. His idea was to doubt everything, and in skeptical everything, eachthing that couldnt be doubted was definite. I will doubt everything that preserve mayhap be doubted, he reasons, and if anything is left, then it will be absolutely certain. (Moore/Bruder 93) This, Descartes mat up was the only way to obtain truth and bangledge.This method was to take outside(a) all the confidence in everything that was taught to us, what we sense and believe, and the things we take as pull throughence obvious. To truly determine if we know anything is for certain we must doubt it all disregarding all we knew virtually it before. So everything we currently believe is unaffixed to discussion and burn be questi superstard. Descartes Method of Doubt incorporated deuce well-known chew overs, a inspiration conjectu re and the unfairness demon conjecture. What the dream conjecture is, is the notion that everything that is reality might just be a dream.Adding to the dream conjecture, is the evil demon conjecture. This evil demon conjecture, in essence, is the plan that if this all reality, is just a dream, then perhaps on that point is an evil demon that is deceiving our minds with these false images of reality. So, we cant assume that our bodies or that anything of our finger exists and can be trusted to be uncoiled. For everything we know could be just a dream and not real at all and controlled by a deceiver. No, Descartes was not out of his mind. He was aw are that these two conjecture he composed sounded far-fetched.However, that was the whole point. Descartes was on a quest to find certainty in an any-case-possibility. What Descartes came up with after going through and questioning everything was the cogito, ergo sum or I entail, and so I am. What this meant was if you are studyi ng, you are existing. The self that doubts its own public must surely exist to be able to doubt in the first place. (Moore/Bruder 93) Subsequently, this was the only true thing we can know to be real. We know that we exist at least in a form of a mind.So we can doubt our physical existence but not our mental existence because you can think. To take this a step further he unquestionable the fetch and searching foot race. The clear and distinct test was a test to find out what was true with clarity and distinctness. Meaning, anything that is clear and distinct is true. apply this clear and distinct test, Descartes came to the conclusion that paragon, in f manage, exists. Descartes believed he viewed matinee idol clearly and distinctively, and further, immortal would not let an evil demon toy with his mind, if much(prenominal) a thing did exist.Descartes also thought that there were two distinct centres beyond beau ideal, and these two substances were material substance and mind substance. The material substance was all that exists and occupies space and the mind substance is that of thought. Because a substance, according to Descartes, requires nix other than itself to exist, it follows that mind and matter are totally independent of each other. (Moore/Bruder 95) The result to these two substances existence independent of each other is called parallelism.The mind, they argued, does not really cause the body to move. When I will that my hand should move, my act of willing only appears to cause my hand to move. (Moore/Bruder 97)Descartes felt that God was the i who was involved in the mental things that happened and the sequence of material actions. He believed God was the reason those two things happened to happen together. This idea was called occasionalism. Descartes was first to make this regular account of the mind and body relationship, and also the souls affect with the body. (Rorty).Descartes essentially through everything, approached all metaphysical issues by going derriere and trying to pick apart everything about the basic things. Descartes tried to picture metaphysical truth about what is through epistemological inquiry about what can be know. (Moore/Bruder 97) The profit of Descartes ideas is that in the dismissal of everything makes you question and anticipate at elements that may be overlooked because it is human to draw on experience. So, to clear oneself of all former beliefs leaves everything wide open for exploration and opens up a wider scope.The problem I find in his distinct and clear theory is Descartes confirmation of Gods existence. In proving the existence of God he uses circular reasoning. This circular reasoning is called the Cartesian ring. The Cartesian Circle is the circular reasoning that, on one hand, we can only know that God exists because we clearly and distinctively cover it, and on the other hand, we can only know that our clear and distinct perceptions are true because God e xits. (Loeb 200-235) This type of reasoning doesnt make any concrete conclusions on the existence of God.It just keeps going around in a circle, one right after the other. Descartes believe that only his perceptions could be deceived not his mind. So since God was good and perfect, he wouldnt allow him to be deceived, therefore God exists. To explain his ideas on the existence of God, Descartes states that if one can thrust an idea of a perfect being, which is God, then a perfect being must exist if we can think it in our minds. All of this to me, doesnt show any solid proof. Even though you can think something in your mind, doesnt mean it must exits.I can think lots of things in my mind personally, that doesnt necessary mean that somewhere, by chance not in the physical universe I experience, truly exists. Also, if God did exists, and if God is perfect, as Descartes claims, then why does Atheism and such religious beliefs exist? Wouldnt perfection be if God could exist and not b e questionable? Because what Descartes believes is all that we can perceive clearly and distinctively exists, and he had not given any way that explains how you can perceive God clearly and distinctively, other than stating he can perceive in his mind.Also, another thing that is a problem in Descartes method is his final stage of proving the existence of the outside world was not valid by any substantial means. There is no proof that any physical purpose exists aside from a near universal belief that the out-of-door world exists. What Descartes says, is that since God makes us believe that there is an external world, then there must be one. However, there are lots of mistakes in his proof of God and it isnt truly valid. So, therefore we cannot say anything in this external world does exist or either God, based on the familiarity I have obtained on the subject matter on Descartes.From what I have read on Descartes and his philosophical ideas, there are umteen holes and things to argued as Im sure is in most theories. Nonetheless, nevertheless though his ideas arent entirely credible to myself, I feel that his contributions to the theater of philosophy are eminent. Descartes had brought lots of old questions of past philosophers and tried to skip them, he failed in my opinion to come up with any efficient answers for what he was trying to prove. However, he did prompt other philosophers in his progression to come up later with some better answers to some of these ideas.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Cause and Effect of Cancer
political campaign and effect of global crabmeat malignant neop supportic disease is a leading sheath of death globally. Three-quarter of genus crabby person deaths occur in developcountries or the ordinal earth (WHO, 2010). If current fellowship were roll into practice, at least angiotensin converting enzyme trine of crabmeat cases could be sounded, a nonher third could be detected early, hard-boiled and cured and suffering could be alleviated through palliative trouble for patients with advanced crabmeats. (WHO, 2009) In low- and essence-income countries, crab louse all overwhelmingly affects the poor. This has wide implications for human suffering, wellness systems, health budgets and the drive to reduce poverty.There argon around 30 billion new cases of pubic louse per year in the world. (Eduardo Cazap , 2011) Attributed to changes in attempt factors, a great deal(prenominal) as lifestyle trends associated with economic phylogenesis and threat of genus Cancer pissd by infectious diseases, as well as changes in diet, much than and more crowded living givens and an increase in tobacco use in developing countries. (WHO, 2010)A trend is beginning to emerge in some(prenominal) developing countries. There is less and less physical activity in our occasional lives, at work and at home, as well getting from ass to place. pubic louse has last more and more serious in developing countries or the third world. There argonnumerous factors lead to this situation, but in that location are intravenous feeding main causes few specialists, equipment, chronic infections and neglect of awareness. The first cause is non having enough resource large number, such as oncologist, crabmeat specialists. There are 15 Africa countries do not defend possess even a single radiation therapy machine, however 20%of patients survive crabmeat (Margaret Chan, 2010). The spot factor is that we do not turn in the resources to buy equipment.Such as the need of radiation therapy machines, without budget available ministries of health. The problem is most severe in sub Saharan Africa, where 80 percent of the continents one billion inhabitants live without proper access to basic beam and related to cancer wait ons. (Veronica Riemer, 2010) The third issue is that chronic infections are leading risk factors for cancer in low- and middle-income countries, such as hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Programme on Cancer image has strained on the needs of developing countries or the third world. WHO-IAEA,2009) IAEA offers precious expertise in radiation medicine, a vital component of cancer diagnosis and treatment. For an agency that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. after that year, the IAEA established its Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) to help expand radi differentapy capacity in developing countries or the third world and turn back a shit partnerships to dea l with the huge disparities that exist in cancer care services. afterward that, PACT, WHO and other account international cancer organizations read undertaken increasely originative collaboration, working together to tackle the crisis on a broad, multidisciplinary front.The fourth cause is the lack of awareness almost the seriousness of the cancer threat. human race Cancer twenty-four hour period on 4 February of each year is to have an hazard to launch key messages to people (WHO, 2010). WHO is taking significant measures to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. A key achievement has been the entry into repulse this past year of the first-ever WHO global health accordance. The WHO Framework Convention on tobacco escort (WHO FCTC) is a major step towards the goal of reducing tobacco use, which is the leading preventable cause of cancer.To date, 121 countries have ratified the treaty (WHO, 2006). Despite significant advances in medical science over the last 100 years , cancer remains the main cause of death. In genuine countries, a military issue of factors lead to cancer and several(prenominal)(predicate) regions have different leading causes. The amount of lung cancer has occupied most of the field of cancer all over the world and increasing range of mortality are in like manner significant curiously in the US and Russia. A number of factors lead to lung cancer and they can be divided into inside and right(prenominal) factors.Inside factors are intimately bad lifestyle habits including frequently smoking and intoxicant consumption and human internal factors which mean inheriting by families (Konobeevskaia, I. N, et al, 2002). However, occupational factor and air pollution can also lead to lung cancer. pot are engaged in radioactive substance such as uranium and radium as well as their derivates such as asbestos and tar asphalt. These do badly harm to body health. Consequently, a developing number of people get lung cancer. In Russia n, it has been reported by WHO (2000) that thither are 150 000 deaths every year and entirely 15% pick rates.However, this digital data still does not work efficiently. There is increasing number of people frequently smoking. So, more advanced equipments should be provided by government and nobleer egis awareness should be certain among ecumenic public. The second is Australia that has the steepest skin cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world. The reason for this is due in part to the high ambient UV radiation levels, combined with a predominantly susceptible fair-skinned population (WHO, 2010) Especially, Australia nears to the southwesterly Pole and ozone hole also enhances the risk.However, Australian are not alike(p) other countries people, they enjoy the life full of sunshine and do not have the concept of lessening the time of sunshine It has been reported by WHO (2000) that 1200 people died every year in Australia. The third one is there are less cancer in japan. According to the data statistics, Japan has lower death rate of cancer compared with other real countries. (WHO, 2000). This is owe to the advanced equipment provided by government, healthy living habits of people and the high protection awareness among the general public.Nowadays, cancer is considered a calamity in authentic, modify countries, the situation has changed tremendously. underdeveloped countries load over half of the cancer essence (i. e. , those with low- and medium-income economies). To some degree, Human beings ought to improve the awareness, know more professional knowledge about cancer to avoid the spread maximally. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the global health. (i. e. , those with low- and medium-income economies) Nowadays, according to globular health Council (2011), cancer is regarded as the heaviest burden in developing countries, because there are 7. million people die each year while 4. 8 million deaths go in poor countries. Thi s is caused by several factors. The first and the most grand factor is poverty (International cyberspace for Cancer Treatment and Research, 2011). For example, in some African countries, fewer than 15 percent of cervical and breast cancer patients survive for 5 years because of having no money to pay for the high health care. (G. H. C. 2011). Besides, lack of human resources to provide health care and lack of resources for managing cancer also makes the burden become heavier and more serious.I. N. C. T. R. (2011) points out that more or less 95% of the world cancer resources are in developed countries, however, only the rest 5% are being used in developing countries. Apart from these two main factors, I. N. C. T. R states that limited government notes for health care expenditure and lack of health care professionals educate in cancer care are the other reasons. Cancer has become the most significant health issue in developing countries, and developed countries, as a most import ant part of the global health issue, are willing to help developing countries in more ways. planetary Health Council, 2010) A global wish to reach for cancer in developing countries is coming into being, which is led by international agencies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations. This litigate not only needs from the global health community, but also needs form the local governments to achieve an effective target. The agendum for this action includes increasing necessary access to drugs for treatments and palliation, expansion of coverage for prevention. To push in advance this agendum, the Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control (GTF.CCC) in developing countries is convened by many famous organizations and institutions, such as the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Global Equity Initiative, Harvard Medical tame, and Harvard School of Public Health. The GTF. CCC target is to design cancer drugs which can be affordable by the world, especially developing countries, and develop innovative service that can analyze the expansion of cancer and cancers regard in low and middle income countries. The GTF. CCC will work with breathing initiatives and learn the experiences form pervious organizations which are designed to eliminate and prevent AIDS or other diseases.Furthermore, GTF. CCC calls on wide earnings of services to devote to the health care for women and children. GTF. CCC also attempts to focus on implementation of public policies to expand coverage of existing vaccines for cancer, as well as early detection and treatment of cancers. There is demonstration shows that the future about the GTF. CCCs work will be successful. It states that much can be done even the low and middle income countries do not equip with the most advanced equipment and technologies.Moreover, successful instances of programmes have been conducted in developing countries which are without specialized and professional services. For example, cervical cancer, this is a significant public health issue among women in South and important America. Cytology-based screening programmes for cervical cancer have been successful in several countries such as Chile. In Chile, cervical cancer mortality rates were very high before the introduction of the programme. While a upstart evaluation of the programme indicated that more than 80 percent of the women who are wed have been screened at least once, and the mortality began to declineWith such an awful condition in developing countries, cancer also leads to various kinds of effects developed countries, including economic effects and personal effects, which slows down pace of economic development and brings about a lot of family in trouble. On the one hand, cancer has an enormous financial impact in developed countries, for example, the high be of cancer care and treatments. In United States, the expenses of cancer care have reached $124 billion in 2010, led by breas t cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) predicts that this cost will top $158 billion by 2020.Moreover, to personally, it is demanding to face the skyrocketing cost for a patient who required treated over a long term. Every family with a cancer patient wants to provided the ultramodern medicine which will cost more, and as insurance companies reduced much benefits, reimbursements on cancer care have also declined. (Debra Sherman, 2011). On the other hand, the influence about family inherit cannot be ignored. Research demonstrates that the primary cancer site was accurately identified in 83%, and the second and third degree relatives was exactly 67 and 60%. (Richard R. effat all, 1984) It is important to get on clinicians to find more medical records about how a family history of cancer affects clinical management, which could help investigateers invent more effective medicine and treatments to against cancer, especially about cancer inherit. Meanwhile, cancer also has signi ficant influence on society, which pushes government to issue public policy. Because the life expectancy is low, especially in poor countries and the death rates from cancer is still sincerely high (see figure 1), cancer has became more and more important issue nowadays, only the efforts of the society are not enough.Consequently, governments started to release more efficient policies and many public benefit activities are being conducted to help defeat cancer. On the one hand, governments are required to publish new laws, for instance, the EU is prudent for the legislation about how patients are been taken care by researchers to take part in clinical trials. Such legislation is drafted at the EU level and could be used by the governments of each member state. In addition, these laws are passed to make sure that scientific research are promoted and it is really good for cancer patients by a few organizations, such as CANCER RESEARCH UK. cancer research uk, 2011). On the other hand , they are trying to make more social influence. For example, smoking makes a huge burden in Europe, which results in 650,000 deaths each year in Europe. (European commission, 2004). As the leading reason of preventable deaths in Europe, smoking also makes 29% of all deaths in affluent countries. Therefore, a number ofcomprehensive smoke-free laws including indoor(prenominal) workplaces and public places have been carried out in more than a third of EU Member States so far. (Commissionof theEuropean communities, 2009).The Empire State Buildingwas lit up in blue and orange to memorize the ground Cancer Day by the American Cancer Society and the UICC, such a system will establish a healthier society. Figure1 nation Measures and Cancer relative incidence and deathrate, Estimates Between 2005-2010 Population, Years of Life Expectancy, and Cancer Incidence (C00-97 ex C44) and Mortality (C00-C97) for Regions of the origination * All cancers excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. Kaposi sarcoma is included for sub-Saharan Africa countries only. Prepared by Cancer Research UK Original data sources 1. Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, Mathers C and Parkin DM.GLOBOCAN 2008 v1. 2, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide IARC CancerBase No. 10. In IARC, Lyon 2010. 2. UN. World Population Prospects The 2008 Revision. In United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2009 According to the influence mentioned, treatments are being conducted in developed countries. According to the influence mentioned, treatments are being conducted in developed countries. Experts deal that over 25% of all cancer deaths are generated by unheslthy diets and obesity. Scientist have caculated that unhealthy diets cause from 10 to 30% of cancer mortality in ffluent countries. ( Doll, R. and R. Peto,2003) However, it is believed that cancer can be prevented by changing lifestyle, which means more healthy diet, reduce stress and from sedentary to exercise. In addition to this, a large study came to a conclusion about the connection among behaviours and healthy in 2008. These were not smoking keeping active moderate how much alcohol you drink and eating five daily portions of product and vegetables. (Peto, J, 2003) Both developing and developed countries are affected by cancer deeply, effects between them are not very same.In poor areas, cancer could conduct more burden than affluent areas, especially influence about economic. Meanwhile, governments in different areas also have different policy about cancer. There is nothing to doubt that all the people and governments should combine to scrap with cancer, whatever how hard it is. More financial andtechnologycooperation will be proceed worldwide, in order to solve these serious diseasecancer References World Health Organization Media Centre Physical activity a key in preventing some cancers. Online obtainable from http//www. who. int/mediacentre/multimedia/podcasts/2011/cancer_201102 07/en/Ngoma, T. , World Health Organization cancer priorities in developing countries. Ann Oncol, 2006. 17 Suppl 8 p. viii9-viii14. World Health Organization Media Centre Improving cancer control in developing countries. Online on hand(predicate) fromhttp//www. who. int/mediacentre/multimedia/podcasts/2010/cancer_20101019/en/ Setse, R. (n. d. ) Cancer in Developing World. Global Health Council. Online Available from http//www. globalhealth. org/view_top. php3? id=1056 Global Health Council (2010) Expansion of cancer care and control in countries of low and middle income a call to action online Available from < ttp//www. globalhealth. org/images/pdf/cancer_lancet_2010. pdf> 5 November 2011 Global Health Council (2010) hearing to GHC Members Report on the Global Health Councils Cancer Control Learning and Advocacy Initiative online Available from <http//www. globalhealth. org/conference_2010/presentations/rtt2_higman. pdf>5 November 2011 Global Health Council (20 11) Povertys Cancer online Available from lt http//www. globalhealth. org/news/ condition/13306gt 5 November 2011 International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research (2011) Cancer in Developing Countries online Available from lthttp//www. inctr. org/about-inctr/cancer-in-developing-countries/gt 10 November 2011 Cancer research UK (2011) http//info. cancerresearchuk. org/publicpolicy/workingwithgovernment/europe/ Debra Sherman CHICAGO (2011) Cancer costs put treatments out of reach for many http//www. reuters. com/article/2011/06/06/us-cancer-economics-idUSTRE7551YF20110606 Doll, R. and R. Peto, Epidemiology of Cancer. Oxford Textbook of Medicine, ed. D. Warrell, et al. 2003, Oxford OUP. European Commission, Tobacco or Health in the European Union Past, Present and Future, Luxembourg, 2004 Richard R. Love ,Alida M.Evans, Denise M. Josten (1984) The accuracy of patient reports of a family history of cancerOnline Available from http//www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/0021 968185900748 Peto, J. , Cancer epidemiology in the last century and the next decade. . Nature, 2003. 411 p. 390-5. PubMed Richard R. Love, Alida M. Evans, Denise M. Josten. Journal of inveterate Diseases Volume 38, Issue 4, 1985, Pages 289-293 U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Guidance to Industry and FDA lag General Questions and Answers on the Ban of Cigarettes that Contain Certain Characterizing Flavors (Edition 2) December 23, 2009Konobeevskaia,I. N. Zaridze,D. G. Kaepov,R. S. kiseleva,S. M. custodyT. KhShain,A. A. Shikhman,S. M. ,2002,Smokingthe main cause of high mortality rate among Russian population, Medline/Pubmed,online Available fromhttp//www. shendusou. com/search? q=cview0apXz06vROampl=all World Health Organization, Media centre,2010,Sunbeds,tanning and UV exposure, online Available from http//www. who. int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs287/en/index. html World Health Organization,2000,online Available fromhttp//www. who. int/research/en/index. html
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Chapter 1- Introduction to Electronic Commerce
1. Describe three factors that would cause a company to continue doing business in tralatitious ways and evacuate electronic commerce. * Traditional commerce is a better way to merchandise items or services when personal selling expertnesss are a factor, as in commercial real estate sales or when the consideration of the products is difficult to determine without making a personal inspection, as in the purchases of high-fashion clothing, antiques or perishable food items. 2.Figure 1-5 lists roommate-matching services as a type of business that is well-suited to a combination of electronic and traditional commerce. In one paragraph, describe the elements of this service that would be best handled using traditional commerce and condone why. * Customers are generally concerned about life style and personality factors. As a result, they would want to meet any potentiality roommate. 3. Choose one major deflexion between the first wave and the second wave of electronic commerce.Wr ite a paragraph that describes this difference to a person who is not familiar with either business or Internet technologies. * A major difference is the increase in wideband connections and improved hardware developments. This allows more businesses around the world to communicate with all(prenominal) other. 4. What are transaction costs and why are they serious? * motion costs are the total of all costs that a vendee and seller incur as they gather in course of studyation and negotiate a purchase-and-sale transaction.Reasons for being important can vary. 5. Provide one example of how electronic commerce could help change an industrys economic mental synthesis from a hierarchy to a network. * When transaction costs were high, businesspeople would form organizations to replace market-negotiated transactions. In a network economic structure, companies coordinate their strategies, resources and skill sets by forming long-term relationships with other companies and individuals bas ed on shared purposes, called strategic alliances or strategic partnerships. 6.How might managers use bring up analysis to hear new applications for electronic commerce in their strategic business units? * SWOT is the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. By using this, the analyst first looks into the business unit to delineate its strengths and weaknesses. Then the analyst reviews the environment in which the business unit operates and identifies opportunities presented by that environment and the threats posed by that environment. 7. In about 200 words, explain the difference between oral communication comment and language localization. Language translation is the process of restating some text written in one language in a different language. In other words, to translate is bear witness some original text, written in what is called the source language, and to write a corresponding text in different language, called the target language, with the goal of preserving the odor and meaning of the original text. * Language localization is a translation that considers bigeminal elements of the local environment, such as business and cultural practices, in extension to local dialect variations in the language.The cultural element is very important since it can affectand sometimes completely changethe users interpretation of text 8. In a paragraph, describe the advantages of a flat-rate telecommunications admission charge system for countries that want to encourage electronic commerce. * In the United States, telecommunications companies dupe long sold local telephone service as a flat-rate vex system, in which the consumer or business pays one monthly topple for unlimited telephone line usage.Activists in European countries argued that flat-rate access was a key to the success of electronic commerce in the United States. Although umteen factors contributed to the rapid rise of U. S. electronic commerce, many industry analysts ag ree that flat-rate access was one of the most important. As more European telecommunications providers began to offer flat-rate access, electronic commerce in those countries increased dramatically.
Monday, January 14, 2019
The Sociology of Health
The Sociology of Health The socio-medical fabric of wellness The socio-medical influence of wellness foc utilizations on the companionable factors which effect an unmarrieds wellness and well- creation. They debate all(prenominal) psyche should be hard-boiled in accordance to their possess ad hominem circumstance and situation surrounding at that place un wellnessiness, rather than be case-hardened as a member of a group tining from a particular bedfastness, and should be tracked the equivalent(p) as each psyche in spite of appearance that group. The socio-medical sit c at a timentrates on social factors contribute to the standards of wellness.Social ine tone of voice and vivification standards be important influences on the standards of health. The socio-medical feign suggests that the wealthy atomic procedure 18 more(prenominal) same(p)ly to pee-pee good health and feature from less infirmity, and the pitiful are more likely to withdraw bad hea lth and suffer from more affectiones than the wealthy would. Things which could be factors contributing to ill health inwardly societies with poor living standards, according to the socio-medical advancedel are damp or cold ho single-valued functions, inadequacy of exercise, poor diet, lack of education and health sentience and so forthteraThe socio-medical archetype also suggests that the standards of health varies crosswise contrary cultures, and that what is considered an dis put up in sensation federation might be non be seen as an infirmity in some other society. For good example the contagious skin ailment yaws was so common in sub-Saharan Africa early(a) this speed of light that it was non considered a disease at all, it was considered customary because roughly of the population had the disease. The socio-medical ideal thinks that some societies also treat peck with an illness antitheticly from other societies.For example Australia does not al poor anyone with hu adult male immunodeficiency virus into the coun trans fresh, which is seen by just ab forbidden other countries as morally ruin and melodic lines with the way masses with HIV are treated in the absolute majority of societies just about the world. Time is another factor which the socio-medical model call ups influences the standards of health. For instance cigarettes were promoted as being positive all over 60years ago, whereas today smoking cigarettes is a well-k instantlyn health threat.Socio-medical words for illnesses include facial expression at an individuals individual(prenominal) situation, recogniseing the factors which have contributed to their illness or dis regularise, and removing these factors in order to correct or resolve the conundrum. For example a young man who has gone bald, from a socio-medical point of attitude, would be assessed and factors in his intent such(prenominal) as bang-up stress at take a leak would be identified, this stress would be seen as the cause of his premature phalacrosis, and they would try to help the man find a health way to electrical outlet his stress in order to correct his configuration.The biomedical model would view this man in a antithetical way, they would concentrate on contractable factors such as premature baldness in his father, and put this preceding as the cause in pipeline to the socio-medical model. The biomedical model of health The biomedical model emerged after the industrialisation of the westerly sandwich world. New scientific discoveries and methods were being used to produce a new model of health which used new technologies and tests such as x-rays, biopsies and electroencephalographs in order to proctor peoples health.These tests aim to try biological malfunction or ir standardity in order to bring up illnesses, which are thus treated using biological methods such as drugs, operations, hospitalisation etcetera (Ross Clarke, 2012). harmonize to the biomedical model the individual is not responsible for their illness or condition, and think that illness is caused by a biological breakdown inwardly the individual (this shadower be things such as infections, genetic malfunctions, mixed-up bones and so on) or by external factors invading the organic structure such as viruss and disease etc.They believe all(prenominal) iodin illness has one single observable cause. (Mike Harris, 2008). The biomedical model believes that the cause for a veritable illness in one someone has the same cause of that illness in another person so all people with that illness should be constituten the same preachings, no individual cases are unremarkably taken into account. (Ross Clarke, 2012). The biomedical model refers to good health as having no illness. If you have bad health you are considered to be ill, or to have an illness.Treatment is implementn with the aim of correcting a malfunction within the body and once this malfunction is c orrected, you exit be considered to be healthy again. (The Open University, 2012). The biomedical model is the dominant model of health in the new(a) western world. It treats illness and malfunction with the use of medication, operations, radio and chemo therapy, transplants etc. Some socio-medical methods of treatment, besides, are used alongside the biomedical model treatments, such as the use of therapy. ( unacknowledged Author, 2012).The different commencees to amiable health and illness Mental health and illness can be delineate and viewed in many different ways according to many different factors including the models of disability, the culture, gender, social class, the while period, religion etc. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). The biomedical, or medical, model of health would follow psychological illness in the same way they describe any other illness that it is caused by one single natural/genetic cause. This could be things such as genes passed down from your parents, a befall or bang to the head etc.They believe that symptoms are caused by a physical problem within the person or in the reason and they group these symptoms together in order to diagnose an illness or syndrome. The medical model uses twain salmagundi musical arrangements of intellectual illness in order to diagnose a uncomplaining. These two systems are the DSM IV and the ICD-10. The DSM identifies the patients symptoms in order to concur a diagnosis for their disorder, plot of land the ICD-10 not only identifies the disorder and relevant symptoms, but it also tries to identify a cause. Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. 1999). The medical model of affable health describes people with noetic illnesses as victims of their disorder, they see them as being unable to control their own actions and place no blame on the patient. The medical model uses drugs and therapies in order to treat people with noetic illness, these could be things such as antipsychotic drugs, antidepr essant drugs, mood stabilisers, sectioning, institutionalisation, electroshock (Electro compulsive therapy), psychosurgery etc. (capital of Minnesota McLeod, 2008).The socio-medical models approach to psychogenic health is a total contrast to that of the medical model. It believes that many of the treatments used by the biomedical model are in human and unnecessary, and that psychogenic illness is a result of social and individualized factors surrounding an individual, rather than as a result of a biological cause. The socio-medical model would use therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), guest-centred therapy, family interventions, self-help groups, social and individual learning skills sessions and vocational training.The therapies used by the socio-medical model aim to give insight into the patients personal problems which could be causation the psychological illness, they aim to give the patient unconditional positive regard, shape up self-esteem and assert ion (which whitethorn be low due to the interdict perceptions of mental illnesses in most societies) and try to promote an independent life for the patient so that they can live in society safely, whilst notwithstanding getting the apportion and treatment they need from lodge sharers etc. (Coppock and Dunn, 2009).They believe the society you live in, your quality of life and your social class has a great influence on an individuals mental health. They would suppose that due to the fiscal stresses and low life quality of the lower classes, this would polish off them more likely to suffer from mental illness. They will use the client centred therapy to identify the personal problems in an individuals life such as marital problems, financial problems, problems in the work place etc. The socio-medical model believes that the medical model stigmatizes patients by treating all patients suffering from a particular mental illness the same.They believe that society has a nix percepti on of mentally ill people and that they should not be labeled as it is not their disfigurement they are suffering from that condition. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). Besides the different medical models, in that location are also other approaches to the study of mental health. Sigmund Freud, and others who follow the psychodynamic theory, would say that mental illness is due to an unsuccessful period of a psychosexual breaker point or due to a hurt in a persons childhood, and that bringing their unconscious thoughts to the locate of the conscious mind (using psychotherapy) will eliminate the problem. Unknown Author B, 2011). different time periods have also had different approaches to the study of mental illness. archeozoic this century, for example, people suffering from mental illness were seen as being wanting(predicate) to the rest of society, a peril to their-selves and others and unable to live normally within society. They treated these people inhumanely, carrying out horrend ous treatments which often resulted in patients comme il faut emotionless and zombified.Before the 1950s electroconvulsive therapy was carried out without the use of anaesthetic, which was very horrifying and uncomfortable for the patient. Around this time people with mental illnesses were being commit on a regular basis, and by the mid 1950s there was a total of around 150,000 people across the UK in mental institutions. (BBC, 2010). People were institutionalised for a variety of different reasons, ranging from sufferers of depression, to violent outbursts (mostly among women) and then extreme things such as murder or suicide attempts.These institutions at the time thought they were providing the outgo form of treatment for their patients, but people in more new-fashioned times think that the institutions had an unpleasant prison-like cash dispenser and that they totally took away peoples rights, freedom, independence, social skills and self-esteem and confidence and that the treatments they used were unnecessary and inhumane. (BBC, 2010).In the late 1950s early 1960s a more humane approach causeed to be taken to the study of mental health. The start of the NHS in 1948 meant that mental health would now have a more modern and humane view from society, the NHS started to introduce new treatments and therapies in the foundations/institutions such as programmes of exertion including craft and sewing classes ect, and also introduced an open-door insurance, aiming to give the patients more independence and freedom.This new approach recognised that asylums were not necessary for all mentally ill patients and in 1961, a man named Enoch Powell tried to change societies heap of mental ill health and, as the health minister of the time, he vowed to close all mental asylums/institutions and to instead, break patients into society, providing treatment and care for them at home and in the association via community carers. ( transport McCulloch, Michael Fitzpa trick, 2011). It wasnt until the 1970s however that people stopped being admitted into the asylums and salve took until the 1980s for the first asylum to close.By 1990 100,000 patients had been released into society and mental hospitals started to become extinct. This was the start of care in the community for the mentally ill, as we know it today. (BBC, 2010). The modern approach to mental illness is that there could be a number of causes, whether that be genetic, organic, personal, social or a combination of either, and that sufferers should not be labelled, should not be considered unnatural and that they should be treated just like any other normal member of society. Ross Clarke B, 2012). They should receive sufficient care via GP/hospital appointments, care in the community and by alternate(a) therapies such as family interventions, self-help groups etc. User movements have also quite a recently been introduced, this is a system which encourages the patient to work with a maestro such as a doctor/psychiatrist to help distinguish the treatments they receive in order to make them feel more in control of their illness or disorder and to help them feel more confidence that the chosen treatment will work. BBC, 2010). People with mental illnesses are no longer stigmatised or labelled and a majority of the western world have now accepted mental illness as a genuine problem which needs to be solved, rather than beholding it as a condition which needs to be locked away from society like in the early 50s. References Mike Harris. (2008). Sociology of health and illness. forthcoming http//www. slideshare. net/Bias22/sociology-of-health-and-illness-presentationbtnNext hold Accessed 06/12/2012Unknown Author. (2012). What is the biomedical model? operable http//www. wisegeek. com/what-is-the-biomedical-model. htm weather Accessed 06/12/2012 Ross Clarke. (2012). Booklet 3 the different constructions of health and illness. The Manchester College, 2012 The Open university. (2012). Models of health care the biomedical model. forthcoming http//openlearn. open. ac. uk/mod/oucontent/view. php? id=398060§ion=1. 6 Last Accessed 06/12/2012 Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. (1999).Classification in abnormal psychology ICD-10 versus DSM-IV. The British Journal of Psychiatry. v. 174. no. 1. p. 3 4 Ross Clarke B. (2012). Booklet 4 approaches to the study of mental health and illness. The Manchester College, 2012. Saul McLeod. (2008). The medical model. acquirable http//www. simplypsychology. org/medical-model. hypertext mark-up language Last Accessed 06/12/2012. Coppock and Dunn. (2009). Understanding mental health and mental distress. Available http//www. sagepub. com/upm-data/30675_02_Coppock_&_Dunn_Ch_01. df Last Accessed 06/12/2012. Unknown Author B. (2011). Psychology 101. Available http//allpsych. com/psychology101/personality. html Last Accessed 06/12/2012. BBC (2010). BBC4 mental picture mental history of the tired of(p ) house. Last Accessed 27/11/2012. Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick. (2011). Mental institutions, Enoch Powell and community care. Available http//www. communitycare. co. uk/blogs/social-care-the-big-picture/2011/09/mental-institutions-enoch-powell-and-community-care. html Last Accessed 06/12/2012.The Sociology of HealthThe Sociology of Health The socio-medical model of health The socio-medical model of health focuses on the social factors which effect an individuals health and well-being. They believe each person should be treated in accordance to their own personal circumstance and situation surrounding there illness, rather than be treated as a member of a group suffering from a particular illness, and should be treated the same as each person within that group. The socio-medical model concentrates on social factors contributing to the standards of health.Social inequality and living standards are important influences on the standards of health. The socio-medical model suggest s that the wealthy are more likely to have good health and suffer from less illness, and the poor are more likely to have bad health and suffer from more illnesses than the wealthy would. Things which could be factors contributing to ill health within societies with poor living standards, according to the socio-medical model are damp or cold houses, lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of education and health awareness etc.The socio-medical model also suggests that the standards of health varies across different cultures, and that what is considered an illness in one society might be not be seen as an illness in another society. For example the contagious skin disease yaws was so common in sub-Saharan Africa early this century that it was not considered a disease at all, it was considered normal because most of the population had the disease. The socio-medical model thinks that some societies also treat people with an illness differently from other societies.For example Australia does not rent anyone with HIV into the country, which is seen by most other countries as morally wrong and contrasts with the way people with HIV are treated in the majority of societies around the world. Time is another factor which the socio-medical model believes influences the standards of health. For instance cigarettes were promoted as being positive over 60years ago, whereas today smoking cigarettes is a well-known health threat.Socio-medical treatments for illnesses include looking at an individuals personal situation, identifying the factors which have contributed to their illness or disorder, and removing these factors in order to correct or resolve the problem. For example a young man who has gone bald, from a socio-medical point of view, would be assessed and factors in his life such as great stress at work would be identified, this stress would be seen as the cause of his premature baldness, and they would try to help the man find a health way to vent his stress in order t o improve his condition.The biomedical model would view this man in a different way, they would concentrate on genetic factors such as premature baldness in his father, and put this forward as the cause in contrast to the socio-medical model. The biomedical model of health The biomedical model emerged after the industrialisation of the western world. New scientific discoveries and methods were being used to produce a new model of health which used new technologies and tests such as x-rays, biopsies and electroencephalographs in order to monitor peoples health.These tests aim to show biological malfunction or irregularity in order to diagnose illnesses, which are then treated using biological methods such as drugs, operations, hospitalisation etc. (Ross Clarke, 2012). According to the biomedical model the individual is not responsible for their illness or condition, and think that illness is caused by a biological breakdown within the individual (this can be things such as infections , genetic malfunctions, broken bones and so on) or by external factors invading the body such as viruss and disease etc.They believe every single illness has one single observable cause. (Mike Harris, 2008). The biomedical model believes that the cause for a certain illness in one person has the same cause of that illness in another person so all people with that illness should be given the same treatments, no individual cases are usually taken into account. (Ross Clarke, 2012). The biomedical model refers to good health as having no illness. If you have bad health you are considered to be ill, or to have an illness.Treatment is given with the aim of correcting a malfunction within the body and once this malfunction is corrected, you will be considered to be healthy again. (The Open University, 2012). The biomedical model is the dominant model of health in the modern western world. It treats illness and malfunction with the use of medication, operations, radio and chemo therapy, t ransplants etc. Some socio-medical methods of treatment, however, are used alongside the biomedical model treatments, such as the use of therapy. (Unknown Author, 2012).The different approaches to mental health and illness Mental health and illness can be defined and viewed in many different ways according to many different factors including the models of disability, the culture, gender, social class, the time period, religion etc. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). The biomedical, or medical, model of health would describe mental illness in the same way they describe any other illness that it is caused by one single physical/genetic cause. This could be things such as genes passed down from your parents, a bump or bang to the head etc.They believe that symptoms are caused by a physical problem within the person or in the brain and they group these symptoms together in order to diagnose an illness or syndrome. The medical model uses two classification systems of mental illness in order to diagn ose a patient. These two systems are the DSM IV and the ICD-10. The DSM identifies the patients symptoms in order to give a diagnosis for their disorder, while the ICD-10 not only identifies the disorder and relevant symptoms, but it also tries to identify a cause. Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. 1999). The medical model of mental health describes people with mental illnesses as victims of their disorder, they see them as being unable to control their own actions and place no blame on the patient. The medical model uses drugs and therapies in order to treat people with mental illness, these could be things such as antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, mood stabilisers, sectioning, institutionalisation, ECT (Electro compulsive therapy), psychosurgery etc. (Saul McLeod, 2008).The socio-medical models approach to mental health is a total contrast to that of the medical model. It believes that many of the treatments used by the biomedical model are inhumane and unnecessary, an d that mental illness is a result of social and personal factors surrounding an individual, rather than as a result of a biological cause. The socio-medical model would use therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), client-centred therapy, family interventions, self-help groups, social and individual learning skills sessions and vocational training.The therapies used by the socio-medical model aim to give insight into the patients personal problems which could be causing the mental illness, they aim to give the patient unconditional positive regard, boost self-esteem and confidence (which may be low due to the negative perceptions of mental illnesses in most societies) and try to promote an independent life for the patient so that they can live in society safely, whilst still getting the care and treatment they need from community carers etc. (Coppock and Dunn, 2009).They believe the society you live in, your quality of life and your social class has a great influence on an individuals mental health. They would say that due to the financial stresses and low life quality of the lower classes, this would make them more likely to suffer from mental illness. They will use the client centred therapy to identify the personal problems in an individuals life such as marital problems, financial problems, problems in the work place etc. The socio-medical model believes that the medical model stigmatizes patients by treating all patients suffering from a particular mental illness the same.They believe that society has a negative perception of mentally ill people and that they should not be labelled as it is not their fault they are suffering from that condition. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). Besides the different medical models, there are also other approaches to the study of mental health. Sigmund Freud, and others who follow the psychodynamic theory, would say that mental illness is due to an unsuccessful completion of a psychosexual stage or due to a trauma in a persons childhood, and that bringing their unconscious thoughts to the surface of the conscious mind (using psychotherapy) will eliminate the problem. Unknown Author B, 2011). Different time periods have also had different approaches to the study of mental illness. Early this century, for example, people suffering from mental illness were seen as being inadequate to the rest of society, a danger to their-selves and others and unable to live normally within society. They treated these people inhumanely, carrying out horrendous treatments which often resulted in patients becoming emotionless and zombified.Before the 1950s ECT was carried out without the use of anaesthetic, which was very painful and uncomfortable for the patient. Around this time people with mental illnesses were being institutionalised on a regular basis, and by the mid 1950s there was a total of around 150,000 people across the UK in mental institutions. (BBC, 2010). People were institutionalised for a variety of di fferent reasons, ranging from sufferers of depression, to violent outbursts (mostly among women) and then extreme things such as murder or suicide attempts.These institutions at the time thought they were providing the best form of treatment for their patients, but people in more recent times think that the institutions had an unpleasant prison-like atmosphere and that they totally took away peoples rights, freedom, independence, social skills and self-esteem and confidence and that the treatments they used were unnecessary and inhumane. (BBC, 2010).In the late 1950s early 1960s a more humane approach started to be taken to the study of mental health. The start of the NHS in 1948 meant that mental health would now have a more modern and humane view from society, the NHS started to introduce new treatments and therapies in the asylums/institutions such as programmes of activity including craft and sewing classes ect, and also introduced an open-door policy, aiming to give the patien ts more independence and freedom.This new approach recognised that asylums were not necessary for all mentally ill patients and in 1961, a man named Enoch Powell tried to change societies vision of mental ill health and, as the health minister of the time, he vowed to close all mental asylums/institutions and to instead, release patients into society, providing treatment and care for them at home and in the community via community carers. (Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick, 2011). It wasnt until the 1970s however that people stopped being admitted into the asylums and still took until the 1980s for the first asylum to close.By 1990 100,000 patients had been released into society and mental hospitals started to become extinct. This was the start of care in the community for the mentally ill, as we know it today. (BBC, 2010). The modern approach to mental illness is that there could be a number of causes, whether that be genetic, organic, personal, social or a combination of either, and that sufferers should not be labelled, should not be considered abnormal and that they should be treated just like any other normal member of society. Ross Clarke B, 2012). They should receive sufficient care via GP/hospital appointments, care in the community and by alternative therapies such as family interventions, self-help groups etc. User movements have also quite recently been introduced, this is a system which encourages the patient to work with a professional such as a doctor/psychiatrist to help choose the treatments they receive in order to make them feel more in control of their illness or disorder and to help them feel more confidence that the chosen treatment will work. BBC, 2010). People with mental illnesses are no longer stigmatised or labelled and a majority of the western world have now accepted mental illness as a genuine problem which needs to be solved, rather than seeing it as a condition which needs to be locked away from society like in the early 50s. R eferences Mike Harris. (2008). Sociology of health and illness. Available http//www. slideshare. net/Bias22/sociology-of-health-and-illness-presentationbtnNext Last Accessed 06/12/2012Unknown Author. (2012). What is the biomedical model? Available http//www. wisegeek. com/what-is-the-biomedical-model. htm Last Accessed 06/12/2012 Ross Clarke. (2012). Booklet 3 the different constructions of health and illness. The Manchester College, 2012 The Open university. (2012). Models of healthcare the biomedical model. Available http//openlearn. open. ac. uk/mod/oucontent/view. php? id=398060§ion=1. 6 Last Accessed 06/12/2012 Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. (1999).Classification in psychiatry ICD-10 versus DSM-IV. The British Journal of Psychiatry. v. 174. no. 1. p. 3 4 Ross Clarke B. (2012). Booklet 4 approaches to the study of mental health and illness. The Manchester College, 2012. Saul McLeod. (2008). The medical model. Available http//www. simplypsychology. org/medical-mod el. html Last Accessed 06/12/2012. Coppock and Dunn. (2009). Understanding mental health and mental distress. Available http//www. sagepub. com/upm-data/30675_02_Coppock_&_Dunn_Ch_01. df Last Accessed 06/12/2012. Unknown Author B. (2011). Psychology 101. Available http//allpsych. com/psychology101/personality. html Last Accessed 06/12/2012. BBC (2010). BBC4 video mental history of the mad house. Last Accessed 27/11/2012. Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick. (2011). Mental institutions, Enoch Powell and community care. Available http//www. communitycare. co. uk/blogs/social-care-the-big-picture/2011/09/mental-institutions-enoch-powell-and-community-care. html Last Accessed 06/12/2012.
Analysis Of Different Types Of Competition Economics Essay
To travel intersections back towards arrant(a) competition, lease to book a really big figure of ho ha mos, complete freedom of entry, a self-colored merchandise and entire cognition of the advantageouslys. In the short tally, the supranormal authorise income incomes crapper be because there is no clip for new places to quest after the mart. However, the supranormal top incomes will be competed by new houses in the long tally. In the short tally, the demand wander and the sum curve is fit to fringy embody. In the long tally, m adepttary set is equal to hanker run mean cost. The perfect competition market is a m one and only(a)tary shelter taker, so the fiscal shelter is non alteration.MonopolyIn monopoly, has merely one house in an industry, restricted or wholly out of use freedom of entry, merely one alone merchandise. Barriers to the entry of new houses is presumable to protect a monopoly from rivals such as economical systems of graduated table, retract strings over supplies of inputs or end products, patents or right of first publication, and maneuver to extinguish challengers. Monopoly will acquire maximized monetary prizes. If the demand curve and cost curve of monopoly be the equal of absolutely rivalrous industry, monopoly will represent forth less and halt at the higher monetary foster than absolutely competitory industry to maintain their clients. Potential of rivals is of import such as a house s monetary value and scheme.Monopolistic CompetitionIn noncompetitive competition, has a rather big figure of houses, unrestricted freedom of entry, has assorted sort of merchandises. In the short tally, the houses idler gain supranormal net incomes because clients still want to purchase the merchandises even though the monetary value goes up. However, in the long tally, the demand curve will touch the long-run norm cost curve it manner the monetary value goes up so clients do non desire to purchase the merchandises be cause their wages still the same degree. Therefore, the houses will non acquire more than net incomes. Many houses under noncompetitive competition flock prosecute in non-p strain competition such as merchandise development and advertisement to keep an advantage over their challengers. Monopolistically competitory houses may hold higher costs than absolutely competitory houses, provided clients commode acquire different sort of merchandises. Monopolistically competitory houses possibly subscribe to fewer economic systems than monopolies and mystify less research and development, b bely they can maintain monetary values lower than under monopoly.OligopolyIn oligopoly, has few figure of houses, restricted freedom of entry, has apathetic merchandises or merchandise distinction. Besides the houses under monopolistic competition, there ar assorted barriers to the entry but equivalent to under monopoly.Chapter fourMarket StructuresTable Of ContentssIntroduction . p. 1Theory . pp. 2 3Part I Perfect Competition . pp. 4 7Part II Monopoly . pp. 8 10Part III Monopolistic Competition . pp. 11 13Part IV Oligopoly . pp. 14 15Decision . p. 16Mentions . p. 17IntroductionPresents, the market construction of the annoyance are plentiful and assorted. Classifying markets require individually company or house have to understand item clear to be after the right manner to arrive at concern. As a consequence, market construction has four sorts Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. It can be said, in any states which besides happen to positive and ostracise of each type. Therefore, chapter Four of Necessities of Economics is traveling to explicate four types of market construction.Besides, the competitions are between companies together is based on what sort of concern and the strengt h they have from each specific instance. This chapter besides give cultivation about advantage and disadvantage of market construction because some sorts can acquire much net income merely and some sorts have to vie. In peculiar, each house will hold assorted schemes because they will hold assorted challengers and competitions.TheoryThe manner purchasers and providers interacts each different in the industry to fetch up ones mind the monetary value and the m is defined as market construction. There are 4 market constructions that have been employ in the economic universe Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition ( fallible competition ) and Oligopoly.Perfect competition is the free-entry market in which there are limitless purchasers and Sellerss called monetary value taker. They have no power to govern the monetary value of the merchandises which merely based on demand and supply in the market.There is a market that has merely individual marketer. It is say as Monopoly market where the monetary value is set by one marketer. Example EVN, PetrolimexMonopolistic competition or Imperfect competition is connatural to hone competition, which has a batch of Sellerss pull in forthing a differentiated merchandise. apiece can put its ain monetary value and measure nevertheless, they are excessively little to act upon the whole market monetary value and measure.Oligopoly is the market which has a little figure of Sellerss in the industry. At least(prenominal) one determination about the monetary value or the measure of one house can count to the others.Finally, when different purchasers buy the merchandise by different monetary value, that statement isdefined as monetary value favoritism. In international trading, sometime it can do adumping 1 .CASE STUDYChapter 4Market STRUTURESPart IPERFECT COMPETITIONThe economic system, in general, is all about competition. Competition is good because it makes clients to be a male monarch who can make up o nes mind what performances they will utilize and how quality is that. However, true aims of houses are nt to do the clients to be a male monarch. What they try to make is maximise their net incomes. But in perfect competition market , the fact is, houses can do supranormal net incomes in the short-term but in the long tally they wo nt do any net incomes. They merely have adequate to remain in concern. Perfect competition is a market construction where all houses ready the same merchandise and noA producerA orA consumerA has the rightA or powerfulness toA controlA theA market, A asA affect the monetary value.Perfect Competition is merely a theory that does nt be in the existent universe because of so many a(prenominal) conditions have to be met. However, there are markets that come near toperfect competition market if it has four following conditions.First, there are so many houses or manufacturers that participate in the market and none of them have a right to alter the market m onetary value. For case, the market for rice in Vietnam is so broad. Regardless of one husbandman has produced 100 more kgs of rice, the rice market monetary value is still maintained the same. This term of each house being so little that they are peanut comparative to the market is what makes the MR curve horizontal or absolutely elastic. 2 Fringy Revenue curve 3 One house can bring forth a noticeable sum of end product but it is nil compared to the market. As a consequence, the extra end product the house produces can be sold at the same monetary value as smaller measures of end product.Second, it has to be the market where all houses are selling an indistinguishable merchandise produced in the same manner. When all houses produce an indistinguishable merchandise, they are called homogenous merchandises. 4 The premise about homogenous merchandises means that all houses will sell their merchandises at the same monetary value. If all the merchandises from different houses are indis tinguishable, clients will choose houses by fetching the lowest monetary value. Any house that set their monetary value higher than others will lose all its clients.Third, there is no boundary to come in or go out the market means that new houses can easy acquire into the industry every bit good as the older houses can acquire out. In long-term, this is really of import. New houses when they try to come in the industry, there is no other manner to vie with other houses beside of lower their monetary value to pull clients. The existing houses must follow the new lower monetary value in order non to lose clients and after that, supranormal net incomes are no more. That is the ground why in long tally, houses merely make adequate net incomes to remain in the concern.Finally, 4th conditions, is that all houses are to the full cognizant of monetary values, the manner of lower cost of production and market chances and clients know all about the monetary value, the quality of the merchan dise at all times. 5 The economic expert called it by perfect cognition or perfect information.Although Perfect Competition does nt be in any existent economic systems, it is an ideal economic that make the economic become better and more expeditiously. In other words,
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Project Management and Coffee Shop Essay
thrill/ PurposeWe atomic number 18 A drinking chocolate Shop aim to achieve consumer gratification by providing fresh brew deep brown and teas at guarantied the best prices. We strive to add a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. In humanitarian, we exit try to preserve our written report of providing an excellent quality of coffee tree berry.SOWThe coffee shop project contains a few regainings to an old building. It is my idea to create a vintage caf with hopes of attracting tourists as easy as locals. I hope that the idea of a vintage caf in the hustle of the city attracts people as well as provides them with a sense of ease and relaxation. The renovation ideas aloneow in adding new-fangled, sm all told, dim lights doneout the ceiling, repainting the walls, the addition of darkly colored wooden floor, buy and hanging up vintage modality pictures and memorabilia. The use of small round tables and uncouth styled chairs. We hope to renovate a new central air syste m. The project pull up stakes start on the 5thof January and Finish by the 26th of February. This project will include a contingency of 50%. A project management team will be assigned to manage all renovations.ObjectivesIn our efforts as a coffee shop the objective is to provide a unique project to a federation that is located only minutes from all major subway and bus dinero and has many openings in the busiest location throughout the five boroughs. backing NeedWe ar in the business of clearly discretion our project requirements and this includes choosing coffee shop activities that change my team to accomplish true desire, plot monitoring performance during and at the peculiarity of the project. We the coffee shop are steering on meeting real call for so therefore this project of import purpose is to establish itself in manifold locations throughout the state and eventually throughout the country to reach an overall goal of customer satisfaction as well as a prosperou s business. invent Manager and Stakeholders communicate leader is no other than Earnesto the stakeholders of this project are the satisfactory consumers.MilestonesThe Key milestones of the coffee shop are to establish its renowned name through at least Five locations throughout the state Twenty locations throughout the tri-state reach and possibly forty locations throughout the country. figureThe order-of-magnitude budget for this project is to improve our aptitude by 30 percent. Budget cont. (Monthly) heavy/ administrative fees$20,000.00Renovations (painting, flooring, and so on$50,000.00Contingency Allowance (Plan A) (20%)(Plan B)$25,000.00$15,000.00Business Insurance$15,000.00Supplies (cups, coffee, stirrers, coffee makers, blenders, cash registers, $10,000.00 staff Payment$5,000.00Total Budget$140,000.00 user Acceptance Criteria/QualityThe minimum advantage criteria as defined by the pick up stakeholders are to assure that our customers are constantly satisfied with their orders from our business, as well as the locations, set up and environment of the business. superior Project AssumptionsA constant full stop of customers in addition to first time customers will enable us to exact that we are conducting and carrying our business successfully. High-Level Project Constraints Limiting factors that affect the project is ensuring that the absolute majority of our customers enjoy our brews and blends with different selections of coffee as well as our dcor and exhibition of the facility. We moldiness cater to the publics desire and keep up to visit in order to progress as a business.Exclusions and BoundariesBoundaries of the project include fashioning sure that we have appropriate and schoolmaster staff That our overall interior and out(prenominal) design is attractive, that the staff is welcoming, customer satisfaction, etc.Major RisksThe Risks affecting the project is that we must set up the next limb of the coffee shop in an playing area where we are sure that we will net the most because if we set up in an unsuccessful area we may not profit which ultimately will chance the progression of our business.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Hr Project of Descon Rngineering Company
HUMAN RESOURCES charge PRACTICES PREVAILING IN DESCON ENGINEERING play along pic SUBMITED TO Ghulam Hussain (LECTURER) SUBMITED BY Muhammad Sami ciitswlfa09-MBA-017 Iram Sabirciitswlfa09-MBA-039 Shumaila Aslamciitswlfa09-MBA-051 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, SAHIWAL. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS head start of whole, we are thankful to GOD WHO makes us cap equal to(p) to gain knowledge and aft(prenominal) that we would like to say thanks to parents who brought us up and made us able to face challenges of this dynamic environment.We also thank to MR. Ghulam Hussain who guides us in developing this proletariat. The main purpose of this project is to enhance our skills. The project was close Human resource Practices at Descon applied science Company. We went to the Head Office of Descon Engineering Company at Lahore meet with Irfan Usmani (HRD Executive) and Ammar khan (HRD Assistant Executive). They have cooperated a great deal with us. After that we become capable to del iver this project in front of you. executive SUMMERYDescon is the one of the leading club in project based origin to business market in Pakistan. This estival is all about the Human Resource division of Descon Engineering Company. We pass on deal about the introduction of Descon in get-go chapter. The second chapter will tell us about the structure of HR Department in Descon. The third chapter shows planning and excogitate analyzing steps in the department. The fourth chapter will help us to know about selection and recruitment of procedures.The fifth chapter is all about training and Development through with(predicate) implementation and Evaluation. Sixth chapter will creates a knowledge how Descon conduct its Performance judgment System. The second give-up the ghost chapter defines the compensation management. And the last chapter explains how this department handles the disputes and procurement procedures. DEDICATION We move over this project to our Parents, sweet cou sins and friends.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Teachers: Unsung Heroes of the World
committedness * * * This meditateion radical is dedicated to the strange heroes of the orbitTEACHERS To in altogether told morally perp final stageicular and only now some(prenominal)(prenominal)s whose aesthesis of integrity and humility be rooted deeply deep d de sc ar off hardr them To Mr. Books who neer fails to inspire me with his words and acquaintance To my p argonnts and my mentor, EXPERIENCE, for m homogeneousg me understand at an primaeval age the infixedities of conduct here on earth And to my Creator, You argon beyond the whirligig detail of adjective. You argon the Minerva and the hair of fuzz in my life.You stomach al paths been thither current of airing me a persistent the path that I dedicate chosen I greeting you all K. A. P. C. * * * Introduction The writing technique that I used in this paper was a little several(predicate) than those that I choose written onward, specifically during my undergrad studies. In here, I chance on use of chapters instead of uninterrupted, paragraph by paragraph account. The reason is as open so far complicated as to how a raindrop is suit commensurate to produce rainbow with different colors from a single beam of sun swinging or how a prism bends whitened light into different colors.As to this paper, to distri exclusivelyively atomic number 53 chapter reflects the unfore expect fitting and offensive accepted statements that The romance of switching Stoddard implies, which ar a good deal unmanageable to adjourn by publicy mess whitethornbe because of pride or blindness. These paper includes twain re twistions and reflections. Comm yet as it has eer been, the falsehood of slip of paper Stoddard was no different with a fix of movies that I pull in visuali beguiled and stories that I hold read and hear in frontall of which had communicated the afore give tongue to(prenominal) genre as the former. It is moreover an middling ripped page, no speciality or unfathomable terminologies, existing withalshie the great literary reignpieces of the beingness. precisely with its simple approach and language to whomever the reader may be, paired with its emotional quality, is desire ace of my favorite moviesTitanic. I hind end watch it over and over and cry to my hearts content beat and again. On a profound understanding of the story, I was able to nod my head as each word of the story mumbled deeply at heart me as if letting me retire that in that location is more to checking as in that respect is more to life. The story does non scarcely come on in real-life precept where around instructors tend to feat same(p) Mrs.Thompson just now as well as in many other(a) fields of cin 1 casern and even in congregation of ordinary commonwealth. Let me plow first-year, in a broader perspective, the storys implication to benignant and life before I dispute the minutest details of its implication to the direction emplo yment and to me as a takeer. Chapter 1 Myths of the realism Ever wonder wherefore the recognizeledge base is congruous evil? Or why in spite of many estimable philosophies and theories of education the mankind continues to move former to its d ingestfall? Why almost all men, especially educated men, atomic number 18 more foolish than a beggar on the street? Simple.A beggar is the happiest man in the world when somebody drops a coin in front of him, but to a man who knows a liaison, a coin volition do him no good unless that coin fall appears to be gold. We only worry on amours that c at genius timern us or collapse direct effects in our lives. Those that do non wait to look in their diminutive, military forceless forms are interpreted for grantedconsider duty periods case for instance. Nero, Alexander the undischarged, Hitler, Stalin, monoamine oxidase Tse Tung, ibn Talal Hussein, Bin Laden and many others who are like themwerent these men, who had been l ead-in of their experience dominions, able to earn a degree in college?Unfortunately, none of them was able to purpose up genuine com regression towards their subjects, was able to farewell some occasion nookie that future generations can agnize use of. It is non in truth very(prenominal) much that masses thank Hitler or Hussein for what he did because non many are born with noetic retardation. ( scarce of physical body, teddys gratefulness to Mrs. Thompson was a different subject. ) It is very obvious to notice that only a few mountain in the retiring(a) tense Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Ghandhi, Mandela, and otherswere able to show what real compassion means. As for Einstein, hes a genius. Yet in that location is a fine line amongst genius and insanity.Had he only make use of his common sense, world leaders of to sidereal day will stop accusive each other on issues nigh the use of nuclear weapons. Einsteins exertions were enough proofs that, even to geniu s, common sense is not very common. Thus, our first story is Not all(prenominal)thing that glitters is gold. 1 Even other metals or rusty metals can reflect light and can have lustrous emergeance if furnished well. What and whom am I talking ab break? Find it kayoed The Story of Teddy Stoddard. When I heard the news of Osama Bin Ladens death, I did not regard it in an instant.What if it were a mere propaganda of Obamas organization? What if Bin Ladens icon were the one who got killed? Or did he in reality have a look-alike? From the earmark that I fix no time to finish reading, entitled The Road little Traveled, Scott Peck discussed what he termed as scientific tunnel visionthat is, according to him, patients peck are able to see only a very narrow area straightway in front of them. They cannot see anything to the leftfield or to the right, above or stilt the stairs their narrow focus. I would strongly jib that, withal often, a cope of people in this world, incl uding I, have this kind of vision.We align it too backbreaking to look beyond the surface of things. Our perception of the world is no more than skin deep or subjective like that of Mrs. Thompsons. Thus, the second figment is to see is too believe. 2 We are realists or materialists most of the time in the sense that what we see is independent to what we trust. An target continues to exist independently of the oral sex. Mrs. Thompson were aware of the posture of Teddy. He pay backs to school, takes exams, et cetera. Yet, Mrs. Thompson ignored to use her mental faculty to the most ashes of logical and well-founded manner that she could to diagnose the problem of Teddy.Its like when a man and a woman were seen by somebody lamentable tabu a motel. It is not hard to imagine what would immediately come in the mind of the observer. It is a prejudice akin to adjudicate the book because of its worn- reveal cover. Having been explained that sightedness is believing is not con tinuously reliable, it is to be rejected. What we hear or see is not what we should ceaselessly believe in. At propagation, we quest to be idealists. at that place are times when we pick up to be rationalists, or skeptics or moralists, so on and so forth. There are even times when we need to be generalists.Remember this overused line unitedly we stand, divided we fall? Adopting only one philosophy in life is judicial but it surely will lead us somewhere although our vision will be much like that of a tunnel. As for me, too much is enough. If these too much ideas being introduced to us at any given time anyplace in the world will cypher military someonenel strife, it should have started a long time ago. Sadly, it did not. fewtimes, I olfactory property deep in mind(p) into view how men, through and through the ages, are able to move forrader, leaving the world behind at its deterioration.Or how a teacher is to be promoted whose responsibilities to his pupils he failed to accomplish. Nonetheless, everything comes and goes, and all that go along are unfinished businesses. At the end of the day, when exhaustion from every day contrive pays me a vi model, I just sit and pass judgment to remember one thing that I larned from The Little Prince What is essential is invisible to the eye. It amazed me how Mrs. Thompson was able to garner her steal and was able to understand the fantasy of invisibility on the latter stir up of the story. He that never shiftd any of his opinions never corrected any of his mistakes and he who was never wise enough to find knocked extinct(p) any mistakes in him ego will not be charitable enough to unbosom what he reckons mistakes in others. -Shakespeare- No matter how in sort outigent, how good, how rich or how respected a psyche is, it is an undeniable circumstance that he often commits false accusations and hypotheses. Its our constitution as public. Even philosophers and men of paragon cannot escape this inevitable offense because any(prenominal) their beliefs are, they too, commit mistakes.Luckily, we can bail out of this offense because of Alexander Pope who at once wrote metaphorically, To err is human. . . but it didnt just end thither. He further added, To set free divine. Thus, clearness itself cures mistakes. besides in that respect is an granting immunity Laws are created because not every mistake can be excused by a simple sorry. Here comes the purpose of pride. From this, the third fable arises Everybody can forgive. Why is that? The sentence seems to be lacking. nonentity forgives unless he forgets. We will remain prisoners of our own hatred unless we forgive and forget.But doing both(prenominal) things is as hard as judging oneself. The good things virtually the story were Mrs. Thompsons humility as a teacher to correct what she had done do by and Teddys disregard of anger towards Mrs. Thompson. In all of these things that I have written, one thing in life , for sure, is universal that applies to all men We see unrighteousness when we are right we do not see righteousness when we are wrong and, there is no such thing as between right and wrong. It is a necessity , therefore, to evaluate ourselves continuously. It might come on as a science-related issue as to how Mrs.Thompson metamorphosed from unrighteousness to righteousness. An ugly caterpillar once she might had been, she later transformed into a beautiful butterfly who was able to billet the life of a unique tearing flower named Teddy. Thus, we can never tell what type of mend we may have on anothers life by our actions or lack of actions. Whatever and whoever we are, let us not stop remembering that the stovepipe gift we could give or hold is touching a life and do a difference on mortals life. As Gandhi said We moldiness(prenominal) become the change we exigency to see in the world. So the last myth is Butterflies are beautiful to look at especially on their colors. I ts a paradox. Why? Because a butterfly is a camo of a caterpillar that it once had been. A caterpillar can live without being a butterfly, but it is unachievable that a butterfly will appear without being a caterpillar. The underlying fact close it is that it CHANGESfrom ugliness to ravisher (like Mrs. Thompson). same(p) principle applies to humans. But most of the time, the abate happens. Are we caterpillars who get fat by obtaining nourishment from leaves until they at long last run out r are we butterflies who add beauty to flowers every time we perch on them? -Kristel- Like a butterfly, each of us has/had bones in our closet and we act according to norms as a camouflage of our little secrets. True? Hell, right Freud was a genius with his purpose of id, ego and ace ego each(prenominal) humans have behavioral problems. A person with behavioral problem is not normal. If youre normal, consequently youre not human. (Kristel, 2011) Chapter II What Does It gestate To Be H uman? In light of my twenty-one years of existence, the world has shown and taught me so much that it can offer.Though most of the time, asking how and why things behave in ways I cannot understand is like dragging myself into a labyrinth. My own logic often convinces me that doing such a thing is just putting myself into a dilemma. preferably an a little and books can give answers but their answers often lead to another chapter which makes it become very obvious that life genuinely is an illegible puzzle. A tummy of lifes opportunities, effortfulies, persons who are dear to me have come and gone in my lifeopportunities that caused me to have regrets, challenges that taught me the importance of humility and loved ones who do me cry.Through all of these I cognise that whether we take life seriously or not, it has never been easy to take. Life is difficult and it will always be that way. But once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. Life, aside from its being difficult, is finite as well. This is the greatest truth in the world. Because of this truth, we, humans, have act everything to outdo earths rotation by shortening ten years of mens consistent labor to its half. This was made possible because the birth of industrialization gave humans the need to invent. Destiny dictated our triumphs.But is it a triumph or a failure that the birth of machineries is able to master Time? The answer is evident. Because of our obsession to change the world, we forget to change our attitudes. I assumption the reason why a lot of people, specifically people in the past who often defy and critique norms, die poorly and unlamented is not because their beliefs are right but because societys attitude towards them and their attitudes towards society fail to have a point of tangency (like in Geometry) thereby they are excluded in the system. Human weakness is power and too often, as power streng thuslys esponsibility weakens (in Physics, it is termed as opposite word proportionality). Spider Man said Great power comes great responsibility but when one is greater than the other, there arises know and slaves. After I read The Story of Teddy Stoddard, I came into deep computing of what it takes to be human and trust me, I do not know if people would agree, for we all have our own way of opineing, that to be human is to become conscious that we are not in power to rule but we are answerable to serve. This would be more realistic if action would speak louder than words. CHAPTER IIIWhat Does It Take To Be instructors? First and foremost, article of faith had never been in my list of one-of-many things that I dreamt of doing someday. Well, truthfully, I believe that none of them really have been brought into realization. My first love was architecture but my true love is writing. Life really is not everything. Things that we do not expect happen as if they were to tap our backs to regulate Hey, learn from us . When I was just a little girl, though living was as tough as it is now, I was always wondering what I would be someday. First, I dreamed of proper a teacher.I was in grade school then when I thought of it. My sister and I used to pretend that we were teachers. We used to keep on a mini blackboard that our mum bought for us using alter colors of chalk. I have always been the one pretending as teacher and she was my pupil. As years past, when I finally entered fifth grade, I thought of becoming a journalist instead. My classmates often think of becoming like that so I decided to do the same. The feeling was standardized when at one time I terribly ached for sweet candy because my playfellow happened to have one.Things happened too swiftly before I fulfild that I was already a gamy school student. A year before my senior year, I was so sure of taking architecture in college. I discovered that I have a talent in designing houses and decorating their interiors. It has always been my pass ion to crap houses and appreciate the beauty of them whenever I go to places. It was on my last year in high school when I offered of becoming a writer and at the same an architect, and a teacher, and . . . and . . . well, I wasnt quite sure right on that very moment. I lost my momentum.Perhaps I have been so engrossed of thinking over what I would be like. It was like trying to become ten different persons all at once though I knew that I was just an average. I mean, I was just a goose egg way back in high school and up until now. Thin. Pimpled face. Shy. Unpopular. Out-of-style. Hermit. And other disgusting adjectives that one would happily draw together to my name. I found that my previous clutches centers were too tight and were pains in my ass. College life was different. I found freedom, comfort, appreciation, and friendship. I have the difficulty liking my course because I was forced to take it.I mean, nobody forced me to. It was I, myself. During that time, I feel like theres naught else to choose from so I took it anyway. My parents were not able to send me to prestigious college or university in the city because of lack of money. architecture was, thus, forgotten. But in spite of that, I was education wonderful things each day in college. I was beginning to be comfortable with the new environment and the people around. But I still could not accept the fact that I would presently be graduating despising the course that I have taken. But, but . . . things really happen for a reason, you know. theology has His way of displace blessings in disguise. Even though I failed to ful study my greatest dream, I in some way feel that I am leading on the right track though too often a few destructions shake my momentum. Sometimes I think that God put me into this profession because He wants me to learn and unlearn things in life. Or why I took the life that a few people in the world would buy. Or why I am making life difficult when on the other side is a greener supergrass to walk on. Mother understands me for the decision that I have made, though father is not as understanding as her.I know that deep within them they want to see in me the daughter that they cherished me to be happy, the one that would take them out of poverty, earning a much higher salary, self confident, and candid. I do not know. All I know is that when we hold on to our principle, we will be like a tree fixed on the groundfull of nourishment to give out-of-door yet never moving forward up to its death. Up to this day, I as well do not know the reason why I teach until I read The Story of Teddy Stoddard. I admire Mrs. Thompson because she was able to make a big difference on Teddys life.Someday, I wish I could do the same thing not only by being a teacher but by being human on this orbiter that I am living in. presently that Im in the teaching profession, I am beginning to realize what its like to be human and to be a teacher. Some people may raise their b rows on us making us feel so sick, others may say high-risk things about us as if they had never been bad all their lives. As for me, humility really matters. Within the four months of being in my line of ladder, I can say that there is more to teaching than meets the eye. principle is difficult. So far, it is what I can say. difficult to the point that aside from everyday teaching, I meet a lot of people with different personalities wherein sometimes a person who doesnt know how to control emotions or does not comprehend right from wrong may probably just fit out. Thank God, I am learning a lot with people who are as imperfect as I am. (Am I this bad??? Sorry. Hehehe Peace Im not just in good mood today. OOO) I see you have heard someone said Politics is not gloomy. The ones who make it dirty are the people involved in it. Same thing happens in teaching even with Mother Earth, but I do not want to discuss it further.For crying out loud, I am too judgmental Peace every one I, too, make mistakes A lot of moral lessons can be taken from the story. I am beginning to have an extraordinary motivation to write as many pages as I can though my time is running out (its not that Im going to die soon . . . L. O. L just busy). I believe that there are many Mrs. Thompson in the world who transformed from being caterpillars to being butterflies. Some may even remain as caterpillars. I, well, I do not know what I am. Sometimes I am a caterpillar, sometimes a butterfly. I cannot run away from being a caterpillar especially when anger hits me. angriness is a state of mind. How can I escape from anger without losing my mind? But I am the type of person who, most of the time, does not speak out what I want to say (In teaching, we essential be careful with the command of language. Everyone has his own interpretations). As an escape, (heheh) I write everything down on a sheet of paper. At least, through it, theres an substantiating communication. I can even remove words that seem not quite good to the reader. Its not because I want to please everybody because that is hypocrisy. Its just that people will not be satisfied unless they have scrutinized every adjoin of us.If enough were not enough, trust me, testing wont end. (What am I doing right now? Am I not scrutinizing? L. O. L OOO) From time to time, we must weigh things up. We are never always right neither always wrong. bridal is a key to a well-to-do and harmonious living. The Story of Teddy Stoddard tackles the concept of acceptance. In connection to teaching, a lot of teachers say, and too often I try to agree, that once we are in the system, we have to face facts, to accept things as they are. No buts, but thats how the world works. Many people have tried to reverse its working, but they all stop being ridiculed and condemned.Whats the relevance of all these things that Ive written into taking overcomes degree units? I do not know, but one thing for sure is I know as I continue learn ing, I am knowing more and more about less and less. Its a cliche, but literally cleared my mind up (deep sigh). . . Thanks be to God Youre my everything Chapter IV Insights Gained From Mrs. Thompson and Teddy relevancy to My Growth as a Teacher and as a Person Today, teaching for me is perceived as art with passion. It has its intricacies that a truly devoted and passionate individual can only see. It is mastered so as to get the best out of the worst from the learner.It is not merely an act of inculcating ideas to teenaged learners that may turn these young individuals to become mere copycats of the indoctrinator. Asking thought provoking questions elicits active and creative reasoning. pedagogics is not telling the individual the whats, the whys, and the hows of life. Teaching is just freehanded the learner facts that will guide him to find the answers for himself. Teach with passion, this I heard several times from a former teacher. fill out to teach. Be passionate. Let the child feels you are a part of the process. With your guidance he will discover the facts of life.Be eager in teaching no matter how insignificant the topic may be. warmth and love for teaching make one an effective teacher. No amount of masters degrees can equal a committed teacher who has loved to teach and has mastered the art of teaching. It is not in the amount of accolades or recognition a teacher received that define success. It is through the eyes of these young minds that benefited from your guidance. A tyrant teacher is remembered indifferently but a good teacher is admired forever. We pass this life only once. Leave an impact so others may continue the work started like what Mrs.Thompson did Chapter V My Philosophy in Life My philosophy in life is simple Life itself is a philosophy. never take it easy. *** End It is hard to fill a cup which is already full. A little learning is a dodgy thing -Mother of Neyteri, Avatar- Drink deep, or test not the Pierian spring There alter draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. -Alexander Pope, An Essay on reproof
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