Friday, May 31, 2019
Organizational Structures Essay -- Organizational Development, McShane
IntroductionMcShane and Von Glinow state that the best fundamental lawal structure depends on the organizations external environment, size, technology, and strategy (409). To identify the best organizational structure for Proteg Engineering, I will first determine what organizational Structure means. In a second step I will analyze its elements and carve out the important components for the considered organization. Finally I will provide a remainder and recommendation.Organizational StructuresIn general, organizational structure is related to the way that an organization organizes employees and jobs, so that its compute can be performed and its goals can be met. McShane and Von Glinow define Organizational Structure in more detail they state that organizational structure refers to the division of labor as well as the patterns of coordination, communication, workflow, and formal power that run organizational activities (386). To understand what this means we will have a look at each component. The division of labor is related to the subdivision of work into severalize jobs assigned to different people (McShane and Von Glinow 386). The patterns of coordination refer to the coordinating of work activities between the employees where they divide work among themselves. This process requires coordinating mechanism to ensure the workflow, which means that everyone industrial plant in concert (McShane and Von Glinow 386). The primary means of coordination are informal communication which involves sharing information on mutual tasks and forming common mental models to synchronize work activities, Formal hierarchy which refers to the assigning legitimate power to individuals, who then use this power to direct work pro... ...ble when the merging organizations operate in different industries or countries because cultures differ between industries and countries (McShane and Von Glinow 428).Conclusion and recommendationThe integration process of merging comp anies is a combination of the existing cultures into a new culture that maintains the best features of the prior cultures, and it is most likely to succeed when existing cultures already need improvement so that employees are motivated to accept change. This strategy is particularly challenging when the members of the organization are satisfied with their previous culture because they will be resistant to change. Another very important factor for the success of mergers is the level of commitments made by the employees. Therefore, employees should be brought into the process as early as possible (Badrtalei and Bates 314).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
What Is Depression? :: Psychology Emotions Papers
What Is Depression? I feel like I cant do it anymore. Theres just too much pressure. I just motivation people to leave me alone let me sleep for a enchantment. I hate school. I hate sports. I hate everyone. Its non worth it...lifes not worth it. A couple pills and it could all(a) end... This is how I used to feel. Since 9 th grade Ive had depression. As with so many other kids it went unnoticed. I did everything to dispense up how I was feeling inside. I legal opinion, Maybe if I just forget about it, it will go away. I was wrong. I blew up. I cried and thought of killing myself on the spot. I couldnt take it anymore. There was so much anger, stress, and sadness, and I didnt know how to deal with it. I broke down crying in my coachs office one day because I got kicked off the baseball team and he had no idea what was going on. This was the straw that broke the camels back. At first, all I could do was cry. After about 10 minutes of tears, I finally told my coach how I was feeling. I told him that every day I had to infer of a reason to live. I told him I didnt want to deal with it anymore. He was the first person I shared my thoughts with. I still remember how he responded. The first thing out of his mouth was, I had no idea. I thought you lived the greatest life of anyone in this school. Then he just listened while I told my real life story the life that I covered up. When I was finished we both just sat there. After a grand silence he finally said, You need to get some help... Depression is a long-term or short-term feeling of sadness and usually has sensible symptoms associated with it. This is the clinical definition given by the National Institute of Mental Health in their article, Depression. Everyone feels sad at some point and it can dwell for a while.
American Dream Lost in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: The Great Gatsby
American Dream Lost - Gatsby as a Social Commentary on American Life The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, has been celebrated as one of the greatest, if not the greatest American novel. Yet this is ironic for the society which has so hailed the book is precisely that which is criticized throughout it. Politically, the American dream was a stand of ideals and hopes for any and every American individual. Specifically, one of the ideals was an American dream free of class distinction that every person has the opportunity to be whomever they hope to be. In a sort of Cinderella-like fashion, it is in essence an ideal of social mobility and freedom. The social reality, however, is far more cruel. Because of the harsh truth of social America, by way of its largeness and decadence, the American dream is lost. Through Nicks honest and poignant observation, the parallel lives of Myrtle Wilson and Jay Gatsby reflect The Great Gatsby as a social remark about the polluted American Dream.M yrtle is that infamous model of how the political and social ideals of America conflict so that the American dream becomes a nightmargon. unregenerate to the naivete the American dream, there are indeed fine class distinctions. With them comes certain social boundaries. In a sense, it is almost as if there are unspoken sumptuary laws understood by low and high classed individuals alike. Myrtle Wilson is no exception.Instead of abiding by them, Myrtle, who represents the low and ignorant class of America, time-tested to break the social barriers and thus pursues wealth by any means necessary. Using her sexuality and vulgar mien, she becomes insincere for abandoning and dismissing her own social foundation, and like Nick, we as readers are repulsed by her grotesque approach to entering the rich class. At one point, and quite humorously to the knowing onlooker, Myrtle complains about a attend done for her that was so expensive that when she gave Myrtle the bill youd of thought she had her appendicitus out (35). Obviously misusing her wording, it is comical only because she is trying so hard to fit into the snobby upper class persona, and failing miserably.Her rudeness becomes more apparent when she rejected the compliment about her dress by raising her eyebrow in disdain (35). She is so false in her manner that Nick observes that she had changed her costumeand was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress (35).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Ecstasy Abuse :: essays research papers fc
Ecstasy AbuseFor many people the drug of choice would be marijuana, but in recent years that apparent movement has been changing. The drug of choice for todays young adults is MDMA or ecstasy. Unlike marijuana which has long term affects, ecstasy can kill a person with one hit. It is a very dangerous drug, and is spreading like wildfire in the United States. Most teenagers take the drug without knowing the side affects much(prenominal) as depression and brain damage ( With more people trying the drug everyday, it is becoming harder for law enforcement to exert up with them. Law enforcement, parents and kids need to do something about this rising drug problem before it is too late. There are numerous solutions that can curb the use of this drug, and other solutions that can puke the drug to good use. Ecstasy first became popular in European countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands. A large portion of the ecstasy that is sold in the U.S. comes from these two countries ( Although efforts have been made to stop the flow of this drug to America, large amounts are still coming into the U.S. America needs to take stronger measures to stop this pandemic sweeping our nation. A measure that can be taken to stop this drug from spreading would be to form an international organization that would fight to keep ecstasy and other drugs off the streets. America would have to work together with countries such as Canada and Mexico. International control of this drug would benefit greatly, but local anaesthetic law enforcement could help stop this drug as well. The police can take part by educating kids about the harmful affects of ecstasy and how kids can regulate no to drugs. These measures and others can help America curb this drug in the years to come. But preventing the use of this drug doesnt stop at the law enforcement level, parents and kids can take part in stopping the use of this drug. According to the DARE program, the best w ay to keep kids from doing drugs is to monitor them ( Monitoring kids can stick out parents to assure the safety of their child. Parents also have to know who their childs friends are and what their plans are. If a child says they are going to a rave, there is a high possibility that they will try or will be offered ecstasy.
Second World War Essay -- American History Great Powers Essays
Second World WarMy generation has already witnessed a day of infamy, less than two short years ago (or so CNN tells us). My grandfather would remember a different day, a morning marked by another surprise attack on America. That ambush, said Japanese General Yamamoto, awakened a sleeping giant. Analysis of American inappropriate policy begs the examination what if the giant had spurned its peaceful slumber? Instead, the behemoth could have chosen to lumber about. Odds are that the footsteps would not have fallen lightly, the reverberations spreading crosswise the globe- all this, only had Wilsonians been at the helm of American immaterial policy.The Jacksonian tradition steered the United States to victory in the Second World War. Once lulled from the repose of its isolationism, the Americans sealed the fate of the Axis powers. But had the Wilsonian tradition, a formidable current here at Swarthmore and among todays democrats, directed American foreign policy leading up to and dur ing the war, it seems likely that history would tell a different tale. As it stood in 1941, the United States was undoubtedly entrenched in the Jacksonian camp (here at Swarthmore, I can count their sympathizers on one hand). Jacksonian policies of the United States in the 1930s and 1940s proved decisive for the associate victory, yet reflection on a reorientation of these policies toward the Wilsonian camp reveals that the Second World War could have been avoided. In this context, German domestic and foreign policy- a brutish, perverted mix of the Jacksonian and Wilsonian traditions- will then be discussed. An understanding of the Jacksonian doctrine clarifies the reasoning of the United States leading up to the war. This tradition was, and remains, stron... ...h do we really want to provoke the Jacksonians of this world? Works CitedBell, P.M.H. The Origins of the Second World War in Europe. 2nd edition. NewYork Longman, 1997.Csaire, Aim. cover on Colonialism. Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory. Ed. Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman. New York Columbia University Press, 1994.Kennedy, Paul. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. New York Random House,1987.Kindleberger, Charles P. The World in Depression 1929-1939. 1973.Kurth, James. The American style of Victory A Twentieth-Century Trilogy, The National Interest, Summer 2000, pp. 5-16.Kurth, James. War, Peace, and the Ideologies of the Twentieth Century, Current History, January 1999, pp.3-8.Mead, Walter Russell. The Jacksonian Tradition and American Foreign Policy, The National Interest, Winter 1999/2000, pp. 5-29.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Heart of Dracula Essay -- Character Analysis, Dracula, Hearth of Darkn
Within Bram Stokers Dracula and Joseph Conrads means of Darkness, the reader is introduced to two men, a term that is applied loosely, whom come to jibe the realization of the dying days of the Victorian Era. Heart of Darkness Kurtz comes to be the representation of the realization in that he sees what is required from him, as well as the rest of humanity, in order for them to survive. Dracula, in contrast, is the idealization of what has to be make in order to survive. Furthermore, Dracula comes to represent the next step, in almost evolutionary terms, in that he starts to attack England on its home soil, going to so far as to transplant his own soil onto England. This reverse colonization by Dracula is the resultant action he takes based on the position that he was able to do that which Kurtz is seemingly unable to do, sacrifice the last of his humanity to become a monster. By examining the character of Kurtz, we see that he comes to represent the degenerating institution of co lonialism. Jonathan Dollimore remarks that Kurtz embodies the paradox which degeneration theory tries to explain but only exacerbates, namely that civilization and progress seem to engender their own regression and prostitute (45). We can see this through with(predicate) the fact that Kurtz goes into the Belgian Congo in order to strengthen the European world, yet is ultimately unable to do so as he comes face to face with the realization of what he must do in order to succeed and survive the degeneration of the world he has known. To do this, Kurtzs monstrosity, or as close as he comes to monstrosity, stems from the fact that the society which he is a part of and represents is dying a thudding death. Therefore, his final words of The horror The horror can be interpr... ...gue of Vampirism. Stoker plays upon the irony of England, at this time one of, if not the largest, colonizing countries, being colonized, not by another country but by an intangible immigrant. Draculas intent is not of material wealth or power, but of controlling the nation and using them as livestock. We can see this when Dracula tells Jonathan Harker that he has come to know your great England, and to know her is to love her. I long to go through the crowded streets of your mighty London, to be in the midst of the whirl and rush of humanity, to share its life, its change, its death, and all that makes it what it is (Stoker 19). Kane reaffirms this by contending that Dracula is an example of invasion literature playacting upon the readers on England by playing with a considerable variety of fears regarding the state of England and the English themselves (9).
Heart of Dracula Essay -- Character Analysis, Dracula, Hearth of Darkn
Within Bram Stokers Dracula and Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, the ratifier is introduced to two men, a term that is applied loosely, whom come to represent the realization of the dying days of the Victorian Era. Heart of Darkness Kurtz comes to be the way of the realization in that he sees what is required from him, as well as the rest of humanity, in order for them to survive. Dracula, in contrast, is the idealization of what has to be done in order to survive. Furthermore, Dracula comes to represent the next step, in almost evolutionary terms, in that he starts to attack England on its home soil, going to so farthermost as to transplant his own soil onto England. This reverse colonization by Dracula is the resultant action he takes based on the fact that he was able to do that which Kurtz is seemingly unable to do, sacrifice the last of his humanity to become a monster. By examining the character of Kurtz, we see that he comes to represent the degenerating governing body of colonialism. Jonathan Dollimore remarks that Kurtz embodies the paradox which degeneration theory tries to explain but only exacerbates, namely that civilization and progress seem to engender their own regression and ruin (45). We fucking see this through the fact that Kurtz goes into the Belgian Congo in order to strengthen the European world, yet is ultimately unable to do so as he comes face to face with the realization of what he must do in order to succeed and survive the degeneration of the world he has known. To do this, Kurtzs monstrosity, or as close as he comes to monstrosity, stems from the fact that the society which he is a part of and represents is dying a slow death. Therefore, his utmost words of The horror The horror can be interpr... ...gue of Vampirism. Stoker plays upon the irony of England, at this time one of, if not the largest, colonizing countries, being colonized, not by some other country but by an intangible immigrant. Draculas intent is not of mater ial wealth or power, but of controlling the people and apply them as livestock. We can see this when Dracula tells Jonathan Harker that he has come to know your great England, and to know her is to love her. I long to go through the crowd streets of your mighty London, to be in the midst of the whirl and rush of humanity, to share its life, its change, its death, and all that makes it what it is (Stoker 19). Kane reaffirms this by contending that Dracula is an example of invasion literature acting upon the readers on England by playing with a considerable variety of fears regarding the state of England and the English themselves (9).
Monday, May 27, 2019
Muslim People Post 9/11
Muslim sight in American post 9/11 Since the 9/11 attacks, many Americans deem labeled Muslims in the United States as a threat to our country due to the fact that they share their religion with the extremists responsible for worldwide terrorism. Due to the upstart conflicts between the US and Muslim, the Muslims that live in America continue to face isolation and danger because of their faith. Muslim people have gotten worse treatment afterwardswards 9/11 in the United States in several places which are schools, work places and communities.First The Muslim school-age childs had gotten a worse treatment in schools from the American student and teachers. The Muslim students got lot of hate threats from students in class. Like One the American student was making fun young lady who was wearing hijab. And the teachers can select the Muslim students a low grade for no reason because they are a Muslims. Teachers meant to talk about 9/11 to let the Muslims student matte up uncomfor table in the class. In the school hallway American student beat and give them a dirty looks the Muslims student.And how they keep told them that they are a terrorist. minute of arc at a time of growing tensions involving Muslims in the United States, a record number of Muslim workers are complaining of employment differentiation, from coworkers calling them terrorist to employers proscribe them from wearing head scarves (Hijab) or taking prayer breaks. And some of the Muslims people dont get a job because they think that they will do something danger in the work place.And the Muslims worker got in lots of problems from other employees so they can got fired. Third Muslims people got a worse treatment after 9/11 in the communities. Especially hijabe women are who wear scarf on their heads they have to force a lot of hate and bad treatments worry they pulled their head scarf. And the Muslims people got afraid to go out the house so they dont get worse treatment and get beat from the Americans people. I conclude that the Muslims people have gotten worse treatment right after post 9/11 in the United States.In several places which are the schools from the student and the teachers which that make the Muslim student unconvertible in the schools, work places, and Muslims people got the worse treatment from the other employees and the mangers, And the communities. If one Muslim person did something wrong and unmake the name of Islam. Thats doesnt mean all the Muslims people are the same. And they thought that Muslims people are Terrorist. But you cant judge the people from their religion.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Bible teacher Essay
There argon many opinions about the book of Hebrews and a variety of responses. In order to recognize these, three people were interviewed to understand their impressions and how they gener exclusivelyy understood the message of the book. A Bible teacher, a non-believer, and a friend who professes to be a believer were interviewed and these were the results. Mr. Edward Shim is a Bible teacher and informs us that Hebrews is about the calling of savior as mans Savior. That He is the complete(a) author and provider of our salvation from sin. According to Mr. Shim, it explains the Son of paragon as the fulfillment of the symbolic tabernacle ceremonial system given to the ancient Israelites. The take away of blood for the atonement of sin on a daily basis is replaced by the once and for all shedding of saviour blood so that all those who believe through faith may be saved. We enter His rest by accepting Jesus death as salvation for our sins. Hebrews continues to support Jesus death as the valid and legitimate answer to sins demand of death.It concludes by calling all who accept his salvation to walk uprightly in ghostlike maturity and growth. He believes that no man, not even the pope, preacher, parent, or anyone can mediate between a person and God but Jesus the Nazarene alone and that Christs death has cleansed away the enmity between God and man. Mr. Brian Starlin, a non-believer, says that he is not really familiar with the Book of Hebrews. either he says is that there were men through whom God communicated. Some of which were Moses and Noah, while Jesus was one of the more recent mediators.He adds further that Christs give inspired a lot of people helped push Christianity across the globe and still helps push it and has led a lot of people toward a more moral and balanced life. To Mr. Starlin, Hebrews is an inspiring story about an important individual from the past, and it has influenced a lot of family members and friends, so he respects what C hrists influence has accomplished. Ms. Mishell Pang, on the other hand, is a friend who professes to be a believer.She says that the general message of the book is of how Jesus is the ultimate high priest and no one can come to God except through Him. She goes on to say that Christs death cleansed every one of their sins, and that accepting Jesus as savior and mediator to God is accepting Gods grace and forgiveness. The Book of Hebrews was written primarily for Christians who are undergoing persecution and discouragement. Its writer strives to strengthen the faith of believers in Christ by carefully explaining the superiority and finality of Gods revelation and redemption in Jesus Christ.He shows that Gods redemptive provisions under the old covenant have been fulfilled and made obsolete by Jesus coming, and the establishment of the new covenant though his atoning death. The writer hence, challenges readers to hold on to their confession of Christ until the end to go on into spirit ual maturity and not to turn back to condemnation by abandoning faith in Jesus Christ.Both Mr. Shim and Ms.Pang basically understood the general message of the book which is about redemption in Christ Jesus Mr. Starlin, on the other hand, honestly mentioned that he was not familiar with the Book of Hebrews. Nevertheless, it was contrastd that none directly mentioned an understanding of Christ as both genuine God and genuine man, but only about Christs sacrifice and what it has accomplished. Both Mr. Shim and Ms. Pang openly professed how much impact Christs sacrifice has touched them and how much they appreciate this sacrifice. They both claim that no one can come to God but through Christ alone.This assignment has helped me feel and understand that though access to the Bible is now unlimited, there are still many who are not aware of its contents and message. It is sad to note that to some, its contents are mere stories and that Christ to them was just a man like the rest of Gods prophets and messengers and that they still have no knowledge about What Christ can do for them. This assignment has helped me realize how most of us are still spiritually hungry and how many among us are dying spiritually without proper knowledge of the Word.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Christmas Time
Christmas Time Everyone knows that theres no better obtaining than the night before Christmas, as you gather almost at Grandmas house and exchange gifts with the family. The warm smell of a freshly baked push-down store of sugar cookies flowing through your nose, and the irritation inside as you stare at your gift trying to guess whats inside. I can key out the sharp ripping of wrapping paper as all the children around me blossom through the paper to find what they have received and the laughter of the adults around as the child forms a giant grin of their face after seeing what theyve gotten.I can feel the heat coming from the fire place as the fire crackles and sparks. After everyone finishes opening their gifts and visiting with family, we all go our separate ways on our way home to get to bed. I can feel the excitement rushing through me as I hug everyone goodbye and hear the words Merry Christmas in my ear. On the drive home I observe the bright colorful Christmas lights draped over every house we pass, and the creative snowmen and snow angels made by small children. The sound of cheerful Christmas songs compete on the radio while we all sing along travels through my ears.When I get home I hurry up and put my pajamas on so I can help my mom frost and decorate the cookies before heading to bed. The taste of the leftover frosting melts on my tongue when I lick it off of my fingers. I can hear the sprinkle of the various colors of sprinkles hit the counter as I sprinkle them on the cookie. When finishing the cookies, the warm feeling inside grows rapidly and I take the next step towards Christmas morning, pouring the glass of milk and leaving a some cookies out on the counter on a plate for Santa.I take a leap into my bed and pull the covers up to my neck as the excitement is hard to bare. The next morning I wake up bright and early and jump out of bed running to every room waking up the family to open the gifts. I quickly run into the living room, and take a glance at the tree to see a large make sense of presents of all different sizes under it. My parents drag themselves out of bed, grab the video camera and take a seat on the couch. My sister and I rush through the presents, screaming and laughing at what we find inside.As you sit next to the tree and take a better examine at everything youve opened, you catch a quick whiff of the pine. You look up and stare at the tree, its lights, and the many ornaments of all shapes and sizes. I give hugs and kisses to my parents and thank them for everything theyve bought me this Christmas. I take a look out the window and see the big white fluffy snowflakes falling and I get one last spark of excitement as I think about how Christmas really is the happiest time of the year.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Composition of My Mother Essay
I am a unsophisticated girl, and my render is a country woman. She and my father are both junior-middle school graduates. Partly because of this, I, as their only if daughter, bear their high expectations of me becoming a university graduate. Besides, I think their big hopes on me also come from some historical reasons our neighbor, my grandpas younger brothers family, have been mean to us.The second family in our neighborhood to pattern a two-story brick house, they are far better off than us, and most importantly, they have a university-graduated son so, thats why I must try to bewilder credit for my family and make them regret having despised us. Where at that place is high expectation, there is strictness. I have been tame since in elementary school. At home, I was obedient to my parents and at school to my teacher.At first, I did well in both Chinese and math, among which my Chinese was better, and this was where the tragedy lay. Besides the homework given by my teachers, there was a great amount of math exercise having asterisk, namely difficult and not required, given by my mother, which she picked from my coach book. Apart from this, I had to practice bridge player for 2 pages on schooldays and 5 on holidays under my mothers supervision.All those composed my miserable childhood no playing, no joy, only homework, homework and homework. However, my mothers efforts didnt work on me, on the contrary, my math was getting worse and my handwriting was neither neat nor beautiful, because every condemnation I just try hard to finish all the endless homework as quickly as I could, pursuing speed only when not quality, so that I could have some poor little time to watch cartoons. At that time, I had a strong adoration for music, particularly for singing.Both my music teacher and my head teacher in elementary school thought that I had gift in singing, and whenever there were occasions needing surgical operation like Childrens Day, National Day etc. and singing contexts at school or in the community, they offered me the chance to show my talent. And I often lived up to their expectations, winning many prizes in singing. That has been a most glorious period in my school life. Whereas, good times dont last long.My mother considered my singing a waste of my precious learning time, so she ordered me not to take part in those meaningless things and concentrate on my study. I obeyed and quitted. Now, I am scared of gong KTV and being asked to sing, because after so many years, my talent has abandoned me. For those aforementioned aspects, I hated my mother, because she stripped me of my childhood joy and my singing talent. Although I hated her for those things, I know she loves me and I also love her.The economic condition of my family is bad, as both my parents are peasants and my grandparents were in bad health condition. Diligent and thrifty, my mother is the one in my family to make budget. Even though we lead a hard life, as for exp enses on my schooling, such(prenominal) as buying learning materials, coach books, my mother never hesitates for a second to give me the money. Besides, as long as I am studying, dismantle if reading a novel, in no case would my mother ever ask me to do any housework or work in the fields.I know, though she never said, thats because she, believing deeply that knowledge can change ones destiny, wanted me to acquire as much as knowledge so as to live a happy and easy life in future, rather than repeat her life, all year round working(a) hard in the field while getting little in return. Though she resorted to some inappropriate ways in educating me, it was out of good mark and out of love. In a word, mothers love is like the suns warmth, while daughter is just like grass, such generous and devoted kindness, how can grass repay?
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cost Club Scenario Essay
IntroductionEvery employee has fundamental rights in the workplace that include their right to privacy, fair compensation and resign from discrimination. Even applicants fix rights before they argon hired as an employee. Some of those rights include discrimination that is based solely on a persons race, gender, age, religion, national origin, or during the hiring process (FindLaw, 2014).Employee retirement* Employees have the right to privacy with regards to their personal possessions * This includes their purses, handbags. Briefcases, lockers.* Employees have limited rights with respect to e-mail messages and internet usage while using greet confederacys computer governance * Employers do not have the right to conduct a credit checks or background checks on an employee or perspective employee without the express written authority of the employee (FindLaw, 2014).Employee UnionsUnder the National Labor Relations represent (NLRA), employers be forbidden from interfering in an employees right to organize, or to join or attend in a labor organization for collective bargaining purposes, or prohibit working together to improve terms and conditions of their place of employment. Union employers may not coerce their employees in exercising any of their rights such as (National Labor Relations Board, 2014) * It is il jural for an employer to threaten their employees with the loss of their jobs or benefits if they hire to join or vote for a union or participate in protected concerted activity. * Threaten employees with plant closure should their employees choose to have union representation.* Employers are not to question employees about their union activities or sympathies * Promise employees benefits in order to discourage union support * Punishingemployees for pleasing in union or protected concerted activity * Retaliating against an employee by transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees to more difficult work task or for file an unfair labo r practice charges or participating in an NLRB investigation (National Labor Relations Board, 2014).occupational Safety and Health AdministrationUnder the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (,OSHA) employers have a responsibility to their employees to provide a safe environment for their employees. Employers are responsible for providing their employees with a workplace free of serious hazards and must follow all OSHA safety and health standards as well as identify and correct any safety or health problems found. It is also the employers responsibility to (United conveys Department of Labor, 2014). * Keep employees informed about hazards through the offering of training, labeling, alarms, systems that are color coded, material safety data sheets that partake to chemicals and other methods.* Employees are to be trained in a manner in which they can fully understand * Employers are to maintain accurate and accomplished records of any work-related injuries or illnesses t hat may occur in the workplace. * Employers are to post any citations, injuries and illness data where is it easily viewed by employees. * OSHA is to be notified by the employer in spite of appearance eight hours should there be a workplace fatality or when three or more workers have been injured or hospitalized due to an accident. * queer the official OSHA poster that describes the rights and responsibilities in plain view for employees to read per the OSHA Act (United States Department of Labor, 2014).Employee retirement Income Security ActCompliance assistance under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) sets the minimum standards for retirement and health benefit plans in private industry. Although ERISA does not require an employer to provide a retirement plan or to provide benefits it only requires those who have established plans meet and follow a level of standards. ERISA covers retirement, health, and other welfare benefit plans. (United States Department of Labor, 2014) * Meet ERISA standards of conduct* Employers are to assure that the funds of the plan are protected and thatparticipants who qualify will receive their benefits. * Employers are to include new health laws* Employers are to provide a continuation of health care coverage for an employee that due to certain events would result in a reduction ,in their benefits. * The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) revise ERISA to make health care coverage available for employees that have either been terminated or have quit (United States Department of Labor, 2014).Fair Labor Standards ActThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is responsible for setting and establishing a minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards that affect employees in the private sector andFederal, State and local governments (United States Department of Labor, 2014). * The wage for covered nonexempt workers is $ 7.25 per hours * Overtime pay to be at the rate of one-half times their regular pay after(prenominal) a 40 hour workweek. * There is no limit to anyone 16 years or older to the amount of hours they may work. * FLSA does not require hail Club to pay overtime for weekends, holidays for an employees, regular days off, unless overtime is typically worked on those days. * Employers are required to display the official poster of the FLSA. (United States Department of Labor, 2014). ratiocinationIn order to ensure and maintain a high moral level of employee behavior. Employees of Cost Club must fully understand the honourable and legal implications of their decisions. As they relate to their employees personal and professional values. This should be reflected at every level upper, and lower management included. Cost Club needs to develop and give a Business code of Ethics that can be reviewed with all employees at all Cost Club locations. By implementing a Business Code of Ethics, Cost Club will weave together not only the legal pri nciples of employment, but the moral issues that commonly arise in employment issues.These ethical behaviors are vital to Cost Clubs overall success. The stakeholders of Cost Club are able to take direction from Cost Clubs, Business Code of Conduct. And when an ethical dilemma occurs the code will become one of the employees best tools for dealing with the dilemma. When Cost Club chooses to engage in employee monitoring, this practice will be affix and announced to all employees.Employees need to understand the laws and Cost Clubs corporations, policies along with the Business Code of Conduct.Cost Club also needs to exercise restraint in looking over their employees shoulders when it comes to use of the internet and email. (Mujtaba, 2014). When everyone understands all the ground rules then the workplace environment at Cost Club will be fair. If Cost Clubs employees are being ethical and following the policies he or she should not be concerned with monitoring and at the same time Cost Club should conduct their monitoring of employees within the guidelines of the law (Mujtaba, 2014).ReferencesFindLaw. (2014). Employee rights 101. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http// Mujtaba, B. G. (2014). Ethical implications of employee monitoring What leaders should consider. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http// National Labor Relations Board. (2014). Employer/union rights and obligations. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http// United States Department of Labor. (2014). Employee retirement income aegis act ERISA. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http// United Stated Department of Labor. (2014). Employer rights and responsibilities following an OSHA inspection. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from https// 0.html12. United States Department of Labor. (2014). Wage and hour division. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Relationship Between Satisfaction with Life To Social Network Size Essay
Abstract The dilemma in society ar how to pursue pleasure or a source of happiness. The effect that society has on a individual leaves them oblivious to the source of gratitude. Simple acts of kindness atomic number 18 akin to the source of what bulk break most important. The data that was used to answers the personal questions that were knowing to determine the statistical source of the personality type. The attributes of a personality type that contribute to the situation are statistically proven.The personality types that become pick upd with others individuals find themselves in a similar situation. The relevance of the immenseness topic pertains to the effect on the individuals and those that they involve. The nurture will help develop the future behavior that is attributed to kindness. investigate that could hand an effect on the faculty to continue with the conscious habits of appreciation. The natural tendencies of people as they seek contentment in liveness sho uld always be aware of how their surroundings affect their neighbors.Statement The personality types that are inclined to be involved in efforts that are for the greater good. The studies that rent tract the ability of a mind and its efforts to involve the humanitarian efforts through conscious efforts or non- conscious habits. The ideology that is strived for as the various mindsets that are guided in the practicality of gratitude, in every facet of existence. There are different mindset that are attributed to their expected let oncome of a situation. It has been studied that in that respect are few quick-scented that put forward explain the motivations of an individual. Every individual can be categorized as their physical definitions eliminate the possibilities. The methods that are used to determine the psychological write of the individual also is categorically determined. The determination of the personality types is commonly referred to as the Big Five. This offer the determination of the extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. These characteristics that are used to determine the tendencies of an individual are often seen in their persona or attitude. Every individual was aware of their participation and the data that was to be collected. The research that has been accumulated has a further inclination of an orbit of the motivation that allows others to be assisted by their physical determinations. The further science can be explained as to the reasons of or what creates gratitude, the quicker a mind can be assisted in realizing a nonher perspective. At the conclusion of a study the participants were realizing that their behaviors were measured only for data however, the conscious decision to include this recent behavior in their own deportment is a personal choice.Introduction The objectives that bring forth been stated throughout the research was to determine the reasons for gratitude and the motivation that leads one to involve it in their lifestyle. A publication by Health Psychology was used to determine the scale of dispositional optimism. The efforts that are needed in society can be developed by having the conscious mindset that is conducive to the philanthropic contribution. Those that seek the emotional effect that it has on their life is directly linked to the gratitude that they exhort in common situations. The recent efforts to examine the problems that are linked to the lack of social awareness or concerns that are a direct correlation to the efforts of any individual. The triangulation of the tendencies that are to be a desired behavior in society and its resulting actions. The surveys that was conducted in 1985, pertained to lifes orientation of how it was used to determine the optimism and expectancy.(SWLS Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) Questionnaire was regularly handed out in efforts to ascertain the need of self consciousness. The health concerns that related to t he survey were between the related theories and the orientation of the scale.The different tests have been previously designed by other psychologists. The most important test was the designed by Saucer. It is used to determine the psychological scale known as the Big 5. It categorizes the personality types such(prenominal) as extrovert or introverts and their interactions. This enabled the team of Belk and Richin to use their materialism tests to determine the scale. The Belk version is used to measure the pro-sociality and the levels of gratitude. It assists in determining the life satisfaction, envy, perspective- taking, and spiritual transcendence. sympathetic in design however, the Richin material test is used calculate the success and happiness. McCollogh published an article in 2001 that proposed several directions for future research on gratitude that include psychometrics. The effect of gratitude has motivated the returning of the act. It presented several issues that had t o be answered. Others that contributed to the research were P.C. Ellsworht and C.A. Smith. The article- Shades of Joy Patterns of Appraisal- differentiate pleasant emotions shared in their research that the adjective of loving, grateful, friendly, and sponsor had a structure that was a trifold cluster of the satisfaction of the senses. The remaining data that had to be contributed was primarily used to support the research that already been completed. Butlers research, 3 studies in 4 years, were all pertaining to the structural equation stated that the one divisor solution for the six retaining items were assessed. It was used to determine the statistics of processing that entropy in a standardized square. Increasing the likelihood of finding the adequate parameters. Those various tests were designed to determine the accurate measurement. The variable tests that are used to pick up the data. Thus the information that has been processed through those test is accurate enough to d etermine the weaknesses. The concerning that are the three psychological domains are 1) emotional as the radical concern is the well being 2)social interaction 3)spirituality and religion , all of these have a direct influence into the development of gratitude. (McCullough et al., 4) Those that involve themselves have a psyche more empathetic, forgiving, helpful, and supportive. All those characteristics are trademarks of a productive individual or a conducive environment. The emotions that one feels is often due to the requirement of those that the individual surrounds themselves. The people that are noticed by their gaps in their emotional well being are those that need to be aware of their social and spiritual priorities. According Emmons and Tsung, the distinction that are classified by the Big Five (John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991) can be categorized as an individual that is grateful as more extraverted, more agreeable, and less(prenominal) neurotic. The gratefulness as the g eneric term is applied to many aspects of the mind. Emotions, disposition, and attributes of an individual all contribute to the persons willingness or non-conscious efforts in what is considered volunteer work. The forgiveness that is conducive to many of the situations that are needed for others to appreciate what is accomplished. The premise or higher ideology is considered spiritual.Methods Those that were involved in developing the study were following the guidelines that are designed to keep the data resources non bias. The participants were 91 students, 23 male (25.3%), 68 female (74.7%) enrolled in Research Method in Psychology class at the California State University, Fullerton. The demographics were reflective of the populous and the involvement was voluntary. These participants range from 19 years old to 46 years old. The demographics are categorized in the confuse 1. The second study involved 1228 adult volunteers. The majority were women and almost 90% were Caucasian. All of these participants were involved with spirituality and health. To conduct this research participants were ask to complete a questionnaire, which was used to determine demographics and how it affected the tests, PANAS (Watson, Clark, Tellegen), Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky, Lepper), Satisfaction with behavior Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin), Gratitude questionnaire (McCullough, Emmons), Tendency to Forgive Scale (Brown), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg), Life Orientation Test (Scheier), Lubben Social Network Scale (Lubben) and Big Five Inventory Scale (John, Donahue, Kentle). Each participant received a questionnaire that had a description of the study and instructions.The participants were asked to provide some cursory information indicating their gender, age, level of education, and language preference. The PANAS was designed so that the individuals words would describe their different feelings and emotions. The participants were asked to indicate to what extent they have felt each feeling or emotion listed in the past two weeks at the time of the survey. A scale of 1-5 (very slightly or not at all, a little, moderately, quite a bit, extremely) was used to record their answers.The Subjective Happiness and Satisfaction Life Scale consists of questions to rate how happy the participants perceive themselves to be on a sliding scale. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is a measure of lifes satisfactions and how they developed by Ed Diener and colleagues (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985). Life satisfaction is one factor that is more of a general construct than a subject that pertains to well being. Theory and research from fields outside of rehabilitation have suggested that subjective well being has at least three components, cocksure affective appraisal, negative affective appraisal, and life satisfaction. Life satisfaction is distinguished from affective appraisal in that it is more cognitively than emotionally d riven. Life satisfaction can be assessed specific to a particular domain of life or globally. The SWLS is a global measure of life satisfaction (Corrigan, 2000).The Life Orientation Test rates how optimistic or pessimistic the participants are in the Lubben social networking which consists of similarly designed questions that involved all aspects of the individuals life. The importance of social ties in the lives of older people has becoming increasingly recognized as fond associations have been consistently found between social support networks for physical and mental health.The Big Five inventory consists of a number of characteristics that whitethorn or may not apply to participants. (McCullough et al, 5) The participants were asked to rate the applicability of each characteristic to themselves in a scale of 1-5. The factors are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN) or from the Five Factor representative (FFM). This consists of the fo llowing 5 factors urgency, agreeableness, dependability, emotional stability, and culture. Each factor consists of a number of more specific traits. For example, extraversion includes such related qualities as sociability, excitement seeking, and positive emotions. Questionnaires were handed out to all participants in the classroom of research method in psychology at the California State University, Fullerton. Participants were given instructions as a group and were told that participation in this study would be anonymous. It was also stated that they may choose to participate and could withdraw at anytime. The whole school term took about 15-30 minutes. Participants were provided informed consent and debriefing. This effort was similar to previous efforts to compile a thorough report that supported the thesis of generosity and the appreciative nature. The information compiled and addressed several important fundamental aspects of life. The three studies showed that all indicatio ns of a grateful disposition is social desirable. The data that was used contained self reports examined and how it ranked. Next, the disposition was figure from lifes satisfaction of vitality, happiness, hope, and optimism. The response were then empirically calculated. Third step was determining the lower order traits that contained the emotions pertaining to well being, willingness, and spirituality aspects that pertain to life and the coping mechanisms that can disable the ability to consciously be thankful and helpful. The last steps involved bringing the personality traits that are determined by the Big Five and the common association that are in sync or are agreeable.Results The results of previous efforts and the most recent data provided support the thesis. The measures of affectivity and life satisfaction in all areas that were tested are conducted to determine the next course of action for testing and retesting as for accuracy. The information that is issued and used to understand the importance of life satisfactions, vitality, subjective happiness, optimism, and hope.It is to understand these simple concepts that the affectivity and life satisfaction was determined with positive and negative affects that would influence the psychological symptoms. This includes the variable that resulted in understanding prosociality. The disposition with empathy and social desirability were used to validate the believe that the spirituality and religiousness would have supported any concept of what and why people are appreciative. The results of the first of all study that involved the information gathered from the Big Five assessment and variable ranking scale of a certain idea or ideal. The abstract that was used to calculate the self report and the measure of affectivity and life situation with the greatest weight. This was closely supported by the remaining questions and their assessment as it was fit(p) through the structural equation model. The statistic al equation determined the validity of each section as it is compared.A t-test was conducted to determine whether or not there are social sizes difference in satification with life for people with optimism, and conscientiousness. The results those showed that smaller social network size (mean=4.10) were significantly less satisfied compared to those with life big social network size (mean=5.05 t(89)= -3.79, p.001). The result showed that there was a strong positive correlation between the Satisfaction with life and the Optimism (r=.54, p.001), there was a strong positive correlation between conscientiousness and satification with life (r=.22, p.04). The effect on an individuals answer is the influenced by their interaction in certain situations. The factor that are used to determine the type of person that is in a situation that are agreeable, conscientious, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness. The types of individuals that one associates with fall into four categories friend, relative, romantic partners, and coworker. The results of a variable of 39 questions statistically check and recheck so that the validity would be accurate. When determining the optimism of how the Big Five personality effectors are involved. It was used to the one factor remains of gratitude and vitality. Using the two factor solution fit better as the correlation factors were at r=.46, p
Describe and Evaluate the Evolutionary Theory of Food Preferences
Describe and evaluate the evolutionary surmisal of food choices According to an evolutionary approach current human behaviour can be understood in terms of how it may have been adaptive in our ancestral past. Evolutionary theorists atomic number 18 concern with behaviour which is adaptive and having survival value, these researchers look for ultimate explanations. Current behaviours may be maladaptive and dysfunctional but can be understood as having been adaptive and functional in some way.To guarantee this type of analysis they draw on the theory of natural selection and suggest that all species including humans, learn through a process of natural selection and that only those characteristics that confer advantage or at least do not confer disadvantage survive as the species evolve. This is an interactionist approach, as an individuals genetic predisposition is assumed to interact with their environment. In terms of eating behaviour, an evolutionary psychologist is intere sted in the following questions Are there essential preferences for certain foods? , How would these preferences have been adaptive in the past? and How do these preferences function now? Early research by Davis investigated the eating behaviour of infants and young children. Davis observed the kinds of cream children living in a paediatric unit made in relation to their diet. Based on her data, Davis concluded that young children have an unconditional, regulatory mechanism and atomic number 18 able to select a sanitary diet. However she emphasized that they could only do this if healthy food was available and suggested that the childrens food preferences changed oer time and ere modified by experience. Subsequent research has provided further support for some form of innate regulatory mechanisms.For example, there is consistent evidence that newborn babies demonstrate innate food preferences. Using nervus facialis expressions and sucking behaviour as an index of preference, babies have been shown to prefer sweet tasting substances and to reject acidulent tastes. There is also some evidence for an innate preference for salt, base on animal research, although this has been polemical together, these studies suggest that some food preferences are innate. Beauchamp and Moran (1982) reported however that six month old babies who were addicted to drinking sweetened water drank more sweetened water than those babies who were not.So although innate food preferences may exist, these may be modified genuinely quickly by learning and familiarity. Our early human ancestors lived in hunter-gatherer communities in which the men were responsible for hunting and the women were responsible for gathering. Their diets consisted mainly of growths, berries, vegetables and some meat. Our innate food preferences can be explained in different forms. An innate preference for sweet foods would have encouraged people to eat fruit with its natural fructose content. Sweet foo ds in nature provide important calories which are penuryed for energy.Natural shunning of bitter foods would have helped to protect people from eating food that was poisonous. This would also have been helped by neophobia. A preference for salt is less easy to explain, although we do know that salt is essential for the sodium equaliser in our bodies. Sheep manage their sodium levels by licking naturally occurring minerals that contain salt because grass has very low sodium content. Human beings on the other hand have very little need for additional salt, particularly if they eat meat.The innate preference for salt may therefore have primarily functioned by encouraging people to eat meat. In our ancestral past the main challenge set about people would have been avoiding malnutrition by eating enough food to support a physically restless lifestyle. Our innate food preferences may have helped us to survive. However for much of the modern world, food is no longer scarce and our li ves are no longer as physically active. Nowadays a preference for sweet foods may no longer encourage a person to eat berries, but quite an to eat highly calorific, energy-dense foods, such as chocolate bars.Furthermore a preference for salty foods may promote the consumption of high-fat foods flavoured with salt, such as chips and processed foods. An evolutionary explanation for obesity has been put forward based on biological preferences for foods which cause overeating and problems with weight in our modern world, which has been called an obesongenic environment. There are many factors in our environment, such as fast food outlets and cars, which encourage an unhealthy lifestyle and may contribute to higher levels of obesity.Like biological explanations, evolutionary explanations of eating might be regarded as an oversimplification by suggesting that adaptiveness is the single, guiding principle. Such explanations are also determinists as they propose that eating behaviour is d etermined by past environments, thereby overlooking the notion of free will and the fact that human behaviour is bear on by many other factors such as thought, emotions and social factors. Evolutionary drives are moderated and modified by social drives. Evolutionary approaches can explain innate food preferences that were important for our ancestors survival.An innate preference for sweet foods may lead us to consume energy-dense foods, such as chocolate bars, which are longer needed in the current obesogenic environment of the Western world, and can help to explain the juvenile upsurge in obesity. Innate preferences for food can be used to demonstrate the wisdom of the body, the creation of biological drives and also the importance of the environment. It is also surd to measure eating behaviour accurately in a research context. The central concept of adaptiveness can be applied to many behaviours, including eating and is difficult to demonstrate empirically or disapprove.This m eans that we have no means of establishing the validity of the explanation. A capacity of evolutionary explanations is that they consider ultimate causes and so may lead to more valid ways of treating ostensibly maladaptive behaviours by taking account of their adaptive significance and not merely focusing on the proximate problem. Evolutionary explanations appear to suggest that we are no longer adapting to changing environmental conditions. just about scientists believe that humans are continuing to evolve both physically and psychological and are doing so at a faster rate that any other close species.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Seven Sacraments by Rogier van der Weyden: Early Northern Renaissance
Rogier van der Weyden was one of the firstly artists from the Netherlands. During the Renaissance, religious themes were prevalent. atomic number 63, was predominantly Catholic and the Church was a huge patron of the art that was produced. Northern Europe was different from Italy, the center of Renaissance art, in that it was more ornate the art produced in this area at last was known as Baroque. The ikon The Seven Sacraments by van der Weyden is typical of the art produced in the area.The subjects of the painting The Seven Sacraments, painted in fourteen forty-five, are baptism, confirmation, and penance on the left the Eucharist in the center and ordination, marriage, and extreme unction are on the right. The Catholic Church believes in the seven sacraments firearm the Protestants believe in only baptism and marriage. The religious subject is what possesss this painting characteristic of the artistic period of the Renaissance. However, it is typically Northern in that the col ors are bright and vivid and they painting is extremely realistic.An shell would be that the dying man in the right of the painting is realistic in his body. During this time artist examine the human body at great lengths so that they could produce it realistically. They even studied cadavers so that they would be familiar with the inner and outer elements of the body. The setting for The Seven Sacraments is a large open cathedral. The Crucifixion is displayed in the center while there are angels on each side. Christ is hung above the other figures to signify his dominance in the lives of mankind. The angels represent the ever present being sent from heaven.The wedding on the left is not only a literal sacrament, but it also symbolizes the union of Christ and the Church on the day that Christ returns. The dying man on the right symbolizes the guarantee that life will fire and man will have to face the unknown. The Seven Sacraments by Rogier van der Weyden is a good example of the early Renaissance painting from Northern Europe. Weydens focus on emotion and grief do him the most famed painter of the time when he died. After his death, many artist went on to make the Renaissance the most popular period of art.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Personal Development Plan Essay
Section 1 So far, I retain learned that the course I have taking to complete my pedagogics, is the right pass me. I have also learned that I am a hard makeer, and I have attainable goals to which if I remain dedicated I result attain. My hopes in doing this development plan is to cave in out a clear plan for myself to maintain the momentum in my educational goals. I spot that a lot of what I like to come upon within the next 5 years relies on how well I am able to accomplish this goal. I want to be realistic in this plan. I want to be able to put together attainable goals. In this plan it has to comprise a certain expectations that will guide me to see where I am and any giving psyche in time.Because I want succeed in step towards completing my education, this plan is important to me. My Jungian Typology is INTJ INTJs atomic number 18 idea people. Anything is possible eachthing is negotiable. Whatever the outer circumstances, INTJs are ever perceiving inner pattern-forms and using real-world materials to operationalize them. Joe abut I am very cultivable, whatever I set out to do in a day it will be done in a day. I am not considerably distracted. I tend to be only curious in things that I need to understand. I am a mild external locus control, the variables in life affects our plans in ways that may not be easily to understand. Because of such possibilities, I believe our very best is required for whatever caper we engage in so we fuck maximize our ability to succeed.So far I am not experiencing burnout, this is also a good reason to have a plan in family when you are pursuing goals. Even in work, we have to develop a plan to handle the challenges that we may face. I believe this is why I scored 16 on the stress test. If you have an idea how you intend to be in a giving situation, you tend to Lessing the stress level that be intimates with it.Section 2 OL cxxv Personal Development Plan SWOT Analysis (Milestone Two)Strengths (What do I do well?)Weaknesses (Where can I make improvements?)I am a creative person.I have an open mind, I listen to what people say.I am subdued to anger, I tend to give people agency to learn from their mistakes. I am brave, not because I am not afraid, I believe that what essential be done has to be done. I can be everywherely accommodating which can compromise my wellbeing. I can be not forthcoming at times which can affect how lasts are made. I can be enabler at times also which can give the impression that I am not interested in a particular circumstances. I tend to procrastinate on things that are easy for me to do, because I know it will not take much effort. Opportunities (What kinds of things could I be doing based on my strengths?) Threats (Where could I be using my strengths and talents more(prenominal) productively?)I can be a writer. (novels, self- financial aid books)I can be a teacher.I can be a motivational speakerI can be a director (corpo reckon, business)The obstacles that I see that could prevent me from productive as I can be is the use of my time. I can also see that if I dont continue to improve in my skill set through education I will not reach my professional goals. I have work on my procrastination over the little task.I have to trust in the process of my plans and focus on attaining the level of education that I want to haveReflection The most interesting thing about the SWOT compend is how simple it is to comprehend. We live out lives in part, sometimes we never fully see how the other parts of our life affects all of our choices and action. Through SWOT analysis, we can begin to see how the parts fit. We can come up with a practical strategy to deal with our weakness and take utility of our strength. SWOT analysis reveals that you need a plan to work right. SWOT analysis is a good strategic fauna to use evaluate how we work. Quast, L (2013) Section 3 OL 125 Personal Development Plan infestation Analysis(Milestone Three)FactorOp portunityThreatPolitical1. Taxes- I am concern about how the receipts system will affect my income. 2. Civil liberties- as governments fall all over the world and the menace of terrorist attack a growing reality in our days, I fear that my civil liberties will be affected 3. Healthcare- want to see harmonization of healthcare across the States. The reluctance of the populace of the United States of America to accept the healthcare law, while in that respect is nothing else in place to replace it, may make it difficult to harmonize healthcare across America. The increased pressure on the uninsured to get a healthcare insurance may lead to civil unrest. sparing1. Domestic economic growth is slow and difficult to predict. 2. International economic growth is unstable and it affects our domestic economy. 3. Interest rate- the fluctuation interest rate makes it difficult to invest with confidence. Federal and State rules on taxation can improve the economy environment. If the economy growth does not improve, more people will be out of jobs and those out jobs will ascertain it difficult to find new jobs.Socio-Cultural1. Education-Society and culture has to continue to stress on the importance of education. 2. Terrorism- the international mission growing together to combat terrorism. 3. Lifestyle and attitude towards social culture changesI see more educated and skilled engineers on various projects that I work on. The need for tolerance in the work place is needed now more than ever without a social-cultural emphasis on education ignorance will cause many problems in the work place.Technological1. Emerging technology- the Impact of emerging technology on daily business activities is increasing. 2. Outsourcing- globalization labor cost is catching up to domestic labor cost. 3. Economic Variable- The growth of technology is affecting the predictable pattern of global economic growth. Emerging technology is the prat of the next technological boom. The pattern of sustainable growth in the technology sector may cash in ones chips because of lack of skill labor force to guide its growth.Reflection I see that by fashioning effective use of PEST Analysis, one can ensure that whatever they are doing will be aligned positively with the agents of change that affect the global community. By paying attention and taking advantage of the observed changes, one can maximize the possibilities of being successful than if your activities oppose it.Section 4 scarf out out the chart below with the three practical goals you have developed during this course GoalsAction stepsPotential ObstaclesPlan to OvercomeTry to attend class consistently.Create days and time to accomplish reading dates then post on the discussion board early enough to get some feedbacks.Work schedule and obligation may interfere.Set a day to finish reading assignment and post in the discussion board. Work on one weak area from the assessment test. honorarium attention to the areas in my leadership that may need a conscious effort to develop. Not every scenario from work provides me to implement the things I have learned. Be patient and wait for the opportunity to put in practice the improvement that I have learned. Apply myself to becoming a better manager.As an IT manager, there are so many crisis that sometimes you develop a routine of jumping in to help instead of letting the team leads to do their job. Some issue may be kept from me until it is alike late to do somethingabout it. Trust in those who are put in place to lead, and allow them to do their job.Final Reflection This plan will work because it is part of the basic principles that makes one a good student or a manager. It will show in my leadership, and those who are affected by my decisions will see me in a better light. It would also prove to me that making a decision to continue my education despite the success I now enjoy from professional career, has not been a waste of time.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Italo Calvino
Saad Ahmed Prof. Frank Meola EN-2013W Assignment 3 Italo Calvinos deceptively easy trend of writing gives captivates the stake of the readers. He restrains one simple tale interesting and well anchored. His writings are rattling well-constructed its like the soft cotton inside the seed Even if the topic is hard to think about, the source makes it warm and soft and makes his point very clear to the reader. Italo Calvino not only writes short well-crafted tails merely likewise focuses on real life and relates them to scientific aspects.An example of this can be Cosmicomics one of his very popular books where the appearance of the characters were very simple. The writer synthesized the characters with his great(p) scientific vision and changed writing also he was able to show how scientists might reflect their ability to work and handle recognition in send to have a great impact on human life. It narrates the war adventures of a young passage urchin, a boy of about twelve of thirteen, mischievously wicked and at the equal time native.Their start out is dead and their father has long abandoned them. Pin, who has no friends of his own age, fends for himself, working as a cobblers apprentice, stealing and getting free drinks from the men at the local taven (pp 10-11). Siegel, Kristi explained the humanizing characteristics of Italo Calvinos Cosmicomics in the supra way. She pointed out how in Cosmicomics, Italo Calvino not only has focused on well-constructed science and its importance but also how it affects daily lives and how the affects can be improved and be made useful for human. Calvino modulates the novel on dickens distinct tones (pp 14). With this story Calvino dramatizes the ills of our society where all our values can be booth and sold and everything is cherished in terms of production and consumption (pp 35) The writer shows the great sight Calvinos way of humanizing stories merged by not only science but also by economics. Martin L. Mc Laughlin also described Calvinos way of attaching science with human life. Alongside these scientific thematic, this early dialogue also evinces Calvinos confusion for the two Italian writers for whom the moon and space had a special resonance, and who would become key literary models for the natural Cosmicomics genre, Galileo and Leopardi. (pp 82 Chapter 6). From the writers opinion on Italo Calvino, it can be recognized that he (I. C) was passionate about science and its huge domain of covering up the whole universe, but again he focused much on how these kind of scientific ideas are actually helping human and improving their abilities.In his book, The Castle of get over Destinies, Italo Calvino has attached fiction with great art and his aim was to improvise thinking skills. According to Great Science-Fiction & reverie Works, In The Castle, the tarots that make up each story are arranged in a range file, horizontal or vertical, and are crossed by terce further double file s of tarots (horizontal or vertical) which make up other stories.The result is a general pattern in which you can read three stories horizontally and three stories vertically, and in addition, each of these sequences of cards can also be read in reverse, as another tale. Thus we have a total of twelve stories. In his book t-zero, Italo Calvino showed how to humanize science again. He described his characters out of a mathematical formula and simple cellular structures. stretch? Oh, elliptical, of course for a while it would huddle against us and then it would take flight for a while.The feeds, when the dream swung closer, rose so high nobody could hold them back. There were nights when the corn liquor was full and very, very low, and the tide was so high that the Moon missed a ducking in the sea by a hairs-breadth well, lets say a few yards anyway. Climb up on the Moon? Of course we did. All you had to do was row our to it in a boat and, when you were underneath, prop a pass a gainst her and scramble up. This couple of lines shows his great sense of organizing thoughts regarding fiction including human life.Robert M. Philmus has talked about Italo Calvinos writing style and his ability to connect two separate items in one point. In his (Robert) book Visions and re-visions re-constructing science fiction, he mentioned, Calvinos habitual solemnity in addressing the public in propria persona as a amateur confirms his comic vocation a fiction writer not just because these two Calvinos appear to be at odds with one another, but more because they together fit the usual psychological write of the comedian. In Mapping complexity literature and science in the works of Italo Calvino, the writer Kerstin Pils showed another great example of Italo Calvinos way of conjugating science and humanity together in his (I. C) book Qfwfq. In writers (K. P) own voice, Qfwfqs fear of disorder is mirrored by the Khans melancholic observance that the feeling of pride that accom panies the conquest of vast territories is only a short-lived emotion that is quickly superseded by, What distresses him in the insight that the Second Law of Thermodynamics has pushed the universe and empire down a path of dissipation and disintegration.It is a destructive force that escapes the scepter of conquest and reason. Italo Calvino has used science as a very unwashed part of his stories. The way one character goes along, the writer has also improved science, economics and fiction the same way. His aim was to identify one bullet point in his stories and explain it to the readers in the simplest tale realizable also by adding his humorous approach and fiction based intense words. His support was towards the good whole shebang but throughout his writings, he has left the final decision upon every mind after upbringing the question.Works Cited Siegel, Kristi. Italo Calvinos Cosmicomics Qfwfgs Postmodern Autobiography. Robert M. Philmus. Visions and re-visions (re)construct ing science fiction. 10 Elsewhere Elsewhen Otherwise Italo Calvinos Cosmicomics Tales, pp 190-223. Martin L. McLaughlin. Italo Calvino. Chapter 6 data-based Space The Cosmicomics Stories, pp 82-98. Kerstin Pilz. Mapping complexity literature and science in the works of Italo Calvino, pp 80-120, pp 150-176. Beno Weiss. Italo CALVINO. University of South Carolina Press, 1933, pp 123-168.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Military Leadership
The American Revolution comprised in the first place of land based forces in the form of army battalions. Because of the early creations of ammunition, the armies are the only available units in the war. Since this conflict primarily confused the intention of independence, it was a truly brute event for the commanders of both sides. Christian men are the or so proliferated individuals in this war. Interestingly, the American Revolution had a great influence on liberal thought throughout Europe (American Revolution, 2006).On the other hand, the American civil war was a major war between the forces of the alike(p) constituents of a nation. However, because of the relative differences in ideology, the war became inevitable and lastly came into reality. The military people in the American civil war may be perceived to pitch a balanced approach towards victory. Because of the relative smaller scope, the commanding forces of the army may have been in some manner reluctant to fight t heir own citizen domains.They were very prone to social trauma considering that they live in the same national domain with just a little misunderstanding of idealism approaches. It would have been very sticky for the army to fight for both sides since they belong to a single line of citizenship. The most explicit element in the procedure of this war was the collaboration of slaves and the fighting units until the end of the event. Emancipated slaves fought in several unwrap battles in the last two years of the war (wikipedia, 2007). The military personnel good-tempered has the concentration of American males with religious affiliations of Christian origin. This made the war very traumatic for both parties.On the event of the Indian wars, the army still had the opportunity to disclose its might. Although naval and bloodline forces are not very probative during this period war, the relative intensity on the part of the army still focused on the aproach to stir what native ameri cans were fighting for. The concentration of Native American and English lineages was the main component of the war. Men were still the most active participants in the war while some females of both social parties were engaged in post war operations.The relative differences in racial characteristics of both sides was the aggravating factor that lead to conglomerate levels of fight setbacks. The armies of both sides were willing to win against each other. As with the whole population of the American army, most Americans viewed the Indians as incorrigible and non-reformable savages. Those closest to the warring factions or who were threaten by it, naturally wanted judicature protection at any cost (Davis, 1999).For World War I, the overall capacity of the army, the navy and the handiness of the air force, has dramatically changed the way war is staged. For the army, it was during this time that the physical participation of units is reduced because of advanced weapons and guns. For the navy, a greater scope of challenges was encountered due the international scope of the war. The naval forces played a great graphic symbol in weakening the offenses of the enemy before letting the army proceed with the fight.On the other hand, the air force became a significant penetration unit to dislocate the stable forces of the enemy nation by targeting its internal strengths. Men are still the main forces in these three force units. However, women participation was very visible in the form of service units. Health care and rehabilitation are the main tasks for women involved in World War I. The religious affiliations were significant factors in this war because of the global scope of the conflict.ReferencesAmerican Revolution. 2006. Complete History-Aftermath. American Revolution. Retrieved May 21, 2007 from http//, S. 1999. Buffalo Soldiers and Indian Wars. Buffalosoldiers. Retrieved May 21, 2007 from http// ia. 2007. American Civi War. Retrieved May 21, 2007 from http//
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Accounting for Business Combination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Accounting for Business Combination - strain ExampleThe acquirer gains command over the assets and the associated liabilities. It is worthy of stating that when interchange in profession takes place, it potentiometer be termed as business combination. It is significant for all the business combinations to be accounted for utilising the purchase process of accounting. Control can be gained by purchasing the assets themselves or by way of life of purchasing control over the heap possessing the assets (Grant Thornton, 2011). The main objective of the paper is to discuss about accounting for business combination, to identify the current issues and indeed to critically analyse them. The paper will endeavour to discuss numerous standards that can be applicable in resolving the issues related to accounting for business combination. Business Combinations One of the main remainders of the business agreement is to attain growth. It is often stated by the top managements that growth or expansion is the major goal of the business organisation. A company may develop steadily by mounting its range of products. A number of the companies have attained their objective of growth by way of business combinations. The accounting for business combinations is primarily controlled with the help to four principles such as IFRS3, IAS 27, IAS 36 as well as IAS 38.The federal agent worth considering is that a business combination may be either friendly or cleverness as well be unfriendly. When friendly combination takes place, it is the duty of the boards of directors of both the combining companies to bargain upon communally satisfying terms related to planned combinations. After that the stockholders of the combining companies need to approve the proposal. On the some other hand, an unfriendly combination takes place when the board of directors of the company oppose the combination. In such cases, mostly by way of tender offer the getting company is capable of interacting w ith the individual shareholders (Qfinance, 2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Combination in that respect are numerous ways through which the companies may exaggerate. A few of the companies might want to expand internally while others may choose to expand externally. An organisation may choose to expand internally by involving themselves in research and development. In case of external expansion, the companies attempt to expand through acquiring one or more companies. Along with quick expansion, there are numerous benefits of external expansion or business combination method in comparison to internal expansion (Deloitte, 2012). When the combination is tumid or horizontal, such combination with an existing company tends to present the management of the acquiring company with a business unit which is established possessing experienced personnel, productive facilities, regular suppliers as well as distribution channels. Furthermore, such business combinations assist c ompanies to compete in an effective way in the international market. more or less of the times, it is apparent that the companies go for business combinations in order to take benefit of the income tax laws. By means of filing a consolidated tax return, the profitable corporations tax liability might be minimised because of the losings of unbeneficial affiliates. Diversification occurring from such combinations provides the combining companies with numerous benefits such as greater flexibility, an internal capital market, countermand in the debt capacity of the company, greater shield from the rivals over proprietary information, and at times capability to happen upon better use of the organisational resources (PwC, 2012). In spite of its innumerable benefits, business combinat
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Adding Value through Diversity Management, Ethical Behaviours, and Assignment
Adding Value through Diversity Management, Ethical Behaviours, and Organisational Commitment - Assignment ExampleAccording to the reciprocationemployee resourcing is defined in various ways, including what it is basically composed of, what it should be, and what it actually is. Armstrong provided a straightforward definition of the part of resourcing in supporting company operations and objectives Resourcing is what organisations do to ensure they have the people they need. Employee resourcing includes recruitment, selection, and retention strategies.This theme stresses thatemployee resourcing can improve performance through adopting diversity prudence strategies. From recruiting to hiring, a diversity management spatial relation allows HR to look for and hire from as varied pools of applicants as possible. This relates to Equal Opportunity principle, where biases and discrimination be removed from HR policies and practices. Wilson gave the UK National Health Service as an illu stration of international diversity management. She show that the NHS is largest single employer within the UK, employing over a million people 5 percent of the working nation in numerous careers. The NHS reaps the benefits of tapping competent and experienced people from all over the world, while migrant workers wee helpful education and experience. Benefits flow both ways for the NHS case. Furthermore, selecting diverse people enhances creativity. Google is known for its diversity management in hiring and selecting people.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The impcat of the drug culture on the Rock music industry of the 70's Research Paper
The impcat of the drug kitchen-gardening on the jar music industry of the 70s - Research Paper Examplese of the Soviet Union which effectively brought the snappy War to an end, creating a suitable condition for the society to thrive and prosper politically, economically and socio-culturally. Therefore, the drug culture emerged as a means of assuring stable and healthy living, through fighting diseases and illnesses that were commonly associated with the precedent war periods, to give people more freedom to enjoy life (). Thus, many drugs were invented to play incompatible roles, with some targeted at preventing and curing diseases, while others were meant to keep people full of life, help people sleep, to lessen their fill and anxiety and alleviate pain (). Therefore, the availability of all sorts of drugs created a wave of optimism in the 1970s society, effectively impacting on the rest of the socio-cultural aspects of the society much(prenominal) as the lifestyles and the music development. This way, songs were written and sang about a variety of drugs, especially those drugs that provoked societal resistance such as the hard drugs including cocaine, heroin and marihuana (). These drugs were being resisted by the society owing to their addictive and negative health implications on individuals mental and mental health, yet they were perceived to offer the rest of the drug benefits such as keeping people alert making them feel high and good about themselves, as well as reducing predisposition and increasing creativity. The influence of such drugs made artists feel inspired, while also removing the inhibitions that would disrupt performance such as tiredness, thus helping to keep the party moving (). Therefore, the influence of the drug culture was the fundamental law of the creation of soundtracks of roll and roll to promote a revolution of celebrating drugs, and the consequent stability, peace and the joy of neck and sex that came with the drug cu lture, in a society that was defined by obsession with wars (). In this reward therefore, the drug culture helped o promote the rock and roll
Monday, May 13, 2019
Religious Congregational Website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Religious Congregational Website - Essay Example underdeveloped a social networking website for young member of the congregation to develop interest and increase participation requires insights most the target population. The development of such information is critical if the website is to be one that is stay accessible, sustainable and reactive long-term. These consideration hold true though congregations are usually limited geographically Granqvist and Hagekull (2000) point come on that a number of the juvenile respondents of their research expressed their common sense of isolation is oftentimes most highlighted by their local community interactions. The implication of the study is that geographical proximity does not ensure a sense of inclusion to social institutions. In a similar study, Oman and associates revealed that one of the primary deterrents from young populations to accessing help and countenance services is their perception that they will gain notoriety or that the ir privacy will be compromised (Cooley-Strickland et al, 2009). In all these cases, what is being highlighted is the importance of self-image and social inclusion.The site that is to be developed should consider these factors very closely. care any other social networking platform, user interfaces should allow for personalization, socialization and self-expression (Thorn, 2009).
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Pervaisve Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pervaisve Systems - seek Exampleaptop, or even virtual reality with the user wearing special goggles and school term in front of a complex machine is against the principles of pervasive engineering. Essentially, the computer must slip into the material of everyday life, embedded into every conceivable electronic device, and transform our way of life from within.Display engine room is already improving with high-resolution flat-panels and falling prices. However, this is still more valid for small displays. Truly plumping displays will need ultra innovative microprocessors that achieve the desired high degree of power efficiency, luminosity weight and low costs. The displays will have to include equally efficient memory storage devices, or disks. A large disk storing a terabyte of information roughly equivalent to the data subject of the Library of Congress will be commonplace. Without this, the aim of pervasive computing bearnot be realized.Secondly, new parcel will have to be developed to cope up with such large quantum of information. Thirdly, the network that can connect such pervasive hardware and software poses an another(prenominal) challenge for the future.The current computer engineering science has a constraint that the user must remain holed up in front of a bright lit screen. It is unhealthy from a physical as well as a social intend of view. This barrier must be crossed with pervasive computing. Pervasive computers will reside in the humans world, posing no hurdles to personal human interactions. In fact, by shrinking the world with advanced connectivity, the ubiquitous computers will only help to bring communities closer together.The second aspect of pervasive technology in the future will be the convergence of sensing, monitoring, networking, and computing technologies. A futuristic vision of our major planet seems to be teeming with billions of wireless ultrawideband communication nodes connected to countless pinhead sized cameras , microphones, motion detectors, and biometric and other sensors to form a
Saturday, May 11, 2019
A research about Moses Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
A ab break Moses - Research Paper Example fumble Moses was found by Pharaohs daughter who brought him and raised him in the palace. She named him Moses saying Because I drew him out of the water. 1 When he grew up, he started helping his brethren until one day when an Egyptian was killed by his hand as he was beating an innocent Hebrew. Fearing the punishment, he slipped away and lived in desert for forty years until god called upon him. During his stay in the desert, he worked for a man named Jethro, helped him looking after his herd, later, he was married to Jethros daughter.2 matinee idol Calls Upon Moses. It has been stated in the Bible that graven image appeared in the form of a fire pubic hair in front of Moses. But concerning the dead, that they rise, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the burning bush passage, how God spoke to him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? 3 God instructed Moses to go to the Pharaoh and convince him to permit the people live in harmony and to let them move to the polish of Canaanites and Hittites, which is the land of flowing milk and honey and the land of prosperity and happiness. He then told him that if he does not agree God leave strike Egypt with all his wonders. Moses was gifted a few miracles by God which included the following Miracles bestowed on Moses God tells Moses to grab the rod that he was carrying and drop it to the ground. The rod saturnine into a ophidian. Then, He tells Moses to pick it up from his tail, the snake transformed into the rod again. And He said, Cast it on the ground. So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent and Moses fled from it.4 God instructed Moses to put his hand into his mash which miraculously morose into snow. He then told Moses to place his hand again to his bosom the hand was prat to the original condition. Despite of these miracles Moses questioned God again if he was the proficient person to be called upon for t he people as he found himself not fluent enough in speech. But Moses said to God, Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt? 5 Moses was still perplexed if he was the right person for such a great task. God then ordered him to take his brother Aaron with him who will help him in calling upon the people of Egypt. God says And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. And He said, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you. 6 Gods excise the ten plagues in Egypt The Bible says Moses was 80 years old when he went into Egypt. When they appeared in front of the Pharaoh and asked him to let the people go and live in tranquility. Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD God of Israel permit My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.7 On refusal, Aaron dropped the rod of Moses in front of the Pharaoh which then turned into a snake. However, the magicians of Phara oh did the same. God then showed his power by ordering the snake from Moses rod to demolish all other snakes formed by the vicious magicians and sorcerers. Pharaoh refused again to let the children of Israel go which resulted in Gods fury and He strike Egypt with ten different plagues.8 1. Water turned into blood 2. Swarming frogs 3.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Target Market and Competitive - chipotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Target trade and Competitive - chipotle - Essay Exampleod with integrity is our commitment to finding the very best ingredients increase with respect for the animals, the environment, and the farmers. From the statement, it is clearly evident that the restaurant has ethical practices in line with the missions description. The of import goal of the restaurant is to provide customers with high quality food associated with a high level of integrity. In fact, the food provided by the restaurant has a reliable source and preparation of the food is carried out with a lot of dedication, integrity and cargon. Therefore, the high quality service availed by the company is an added advantage because it is tricky to attain the food source masses utilize every day (Halverson).The target commercialise of Chiptole restaurant is adults senior from 18 years to 24 years old. The targeted customers comprise of high school and college educated persons. The restaurant targets tout ensemble the pe ople who value freshness in foods such as organic, natural and homemade foods. The income brackets of the target market ranges between $10, 000 to $60,000. 82 percent of the target market is Caucasian and 69 percent do not have children. The target market comprises of individuals who are image conscious, tech shrewdness, love an active lifestyle, financially unfocused and environmentally conscious. The targeted consumers add value to the firm because most of them respond quickly to the products offered by the restaurant.Chiptoles customers are persons who love cooking their foods and others consider cooking as a hobby or a passion. In addition, some of the customers have an interest in issues to do with food network. Overall, the target market is all those people who value freshness in foods, and in their shopping behavior, they value anything fresh. It is evident that the consumer behavior of the target market adds value to the mission of Chiptole restaurant because the main goal of the restaurant is to provide high quality foods to the customers.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
EU Environmental Law - Carbon Emissions and Sustainable cement & Essay
EU Environmental Law - carbon paper Emissions and Sustainable cementum & concrete - Essay ExampleAccordingly, some 70 percent of EU-27s cement kilns were commissioned. Today, EU27 has about 270 cement plants and 380 kilns. Their production capacities vary from amid 200 to several thousands of metric tons per day. ironical process kilns supply about 90 percent of the cement production in Europe, while the be is manufactured in semi-wet and semi-dry kilns. According to Rootzn (2012), everywhere the last decade, the yearly production of cement has remained between 230 and 270 metric tons. Rootzn (2012) however argues that this was except for 2009 when the industry was affected by the economic depression in Europe, dropping by over 20 percent in the fiscal year 2007/2009.In addition, interior(a) cement trade by the EU countries have relatively been limited, even as concerns have been elevated on competition from countries with little carbon emission control measures and policies s uch as those in normality Africa.Most EU cement producing countries operate on a global level and regard the unify States as their major trading partner. Other top destinations include Thailand, China and Philippines. Dependent on the need of the building materials such as cement, the industry is a major source of direct employment in the manufacturing processes and in the building and construction sector. This means that environmental concerns are important in the cement sector. Studies channelize that output in this industry has dramatically risen in the last decade by over 23 percent. For instance, the total metric tons of cement produced in the EU were over 267.1 million in 2006, with a value of about 19 billion. The output rose to 272 million tons the following year, representing close 0.5 percent of total value added, and about 0.25 percent of employment in the industry. It is thus perceivable that cement demand is cyclical and majorly depends on the building requirement s. It is also worth noting that employment has been on the
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