Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Prisons would not exist in a truly Christian society Essay
â€Å"Prisons would not exist in a truly Christian society.†Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more that one point of view. All societies have different forms of punishment for people who break the law, some of these punishments are; the death penalty, imprisonment and fines. In this question I will explore both sides of the argument. Firstly I will be talking about the ideas of prisons not existing in a truly Christian society then compare them to those of prisons existing. Christians believe that God is merciful and compassionate; this therefore gives the sinner the chance to repent and to turn away from their sins. An example of this is when Jesus does not condemn the Adulterous Women but tells her not to sin again. This gives her the chance for her to acknowledge her sins and therefore not commit this crime again. Moreover this will encourage people to take the chance to change and they won’t commit any crime again, then being no point for prisons to exist. However this may not be the case as people might not just change, maybe they don’t want to be a better person. Another reason for prisons not to exist is if you send all the criminals to the same place prisons could turn into a college of crime and there people would only educate each other in more law – breaking ideas, and organise and take part in criminal activities. Thirdly, sending people away to prison is making them outcasts to the out side society, this is not what Jesus wanted as he deliberately sought out those people on the edge of society such as; lepers. Prisons would not exist as sending someone to prison is not a sign of forgiveness, it is taking someone’s life away, and only God can do this. However Prisons could exist in a truly Christian society as prisons offer people the chance to reform through the support of other people such as counsellors or Chaplin’s. Again, Prisons could exist in a truly Christian society as it is the Christians responsibly to create the Kingdom of God and therefore prisons could lock away those who would cause harm to the society and stop the Kingdom of God coming about. An example of a teaching for Prisons existing in the bible is of the Cain and Abel story. In this story Cain murders his brother Abel, and God gets angry with him and gives him the punishment of him being banished from his home and curses him so that he will never be able to earn a living on the land again. Some Christians would say that Cain’s exile resembles prison. Sending a criminal to prison gives the person time to reflect on what they have done wrong and gives time to change. In conclusion, it would seem that prisons would not exist in a truly Christian society because it is not showing or practicing the signs of forgiveness, yet it is possible that prisons are compatible with Christian teaching because of the Cain and Abel story, what with Cain being made an outcast. In my opinion, I believe that prisons should not exist as people should always be given a second chance, the chance to change.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Managing Operations, Information
Managing Operations, Information, and Knowledge of Gate Gourmet Words 3,000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract 4 1. 0 Introduction 5 2. 0 About Gate Gourmet 5 3. 0 Systems that enable efficient use of input resources and their impact on output of goods and services supplied by Gate Gourmet 6 3. 1 Transformation Process 6 3. 2 Production Techniques 6 1. Cuisine Sous-Vides 6 2. Hot Filling 6 3. Modified Atmosphere Packing 6 4. Food Safety Checks and Assurance Systems 7 5.Gate Serve Provisioning services 7 6. Post Flight Aircraft Stripping 7 2. Existence of Trade-offs within Gate Gourmet and challenges faced by following this approach 8 4. 0 Supply Chain Management issues and supplier selection 9 4. 1 Supply Chain 9 2. Supply Chain Management 9 3. Impact of integrated system in the management of suppliers and supplier selection 9 1. Alpha Flight Group 9 2. Pourshins 10 3. Supplair 10 4. DeSter 10 5.Potmstudios 11 6. Harmony 11 4. Recommendations for less advanced suppliers to establish con sistent standard of operations with the supply chain activities 11 5. 0 ERP System 12 5. 1 Scala 12 1. E-Gatematrix 12 1. Challenges faced by the company in implementing ERP System 12 2. ERP implementation problems and solutions 13 1. Galley Planning 13 2. Complications of Data 13 3. Business Intelligence and Reporting 14 4.Selection of menus according to the passenger mix 14 6. Huge information used by Gate Gourmet to deliver their service 14 1. Human tacit and implicit knowledge is essential to make sense of hard statistical information and the same is used for enhancing performance 14 7. Conclusion 16 References 17 Abstract A biggest challenge for the companies in today’s world is the managing operations, information and knowledge throughout the organisation. Each and every company is struggling for the management of operations, information and knowledge in the competitive market.The whole production and delivery process, challenges with the existence of trade-off, supply chain activities, ERP, and human tacit and implicit knowledge to deal with the processes are discussed in this part with reference to the Gate gourmet Company. Managing Operations, Information, and Knowledge of Gate Gourmet 1. Introduction Each company wants to sustain in the highly competitive market. For this, the companies are involved in the management of operations, information and knowledge throughout the organisation, which has now days become of utmost importance.The company go for integration with other firms to improve their processes and for the application of software, which are used uniformly by the different departments of the organisation and their suppliers as well as customers. In the business of catering, providing right quantities at right time at the right place is of greatest importance. For the achievement of the goal, the company that enable efficient use of input resources to generate the effective output uses those systems. The company in integration with th e other companies to provide the quality meals uses new production techniques.Also the supplier selection plays a critical role in supply chain management process. The company to improve their processes uses the ERP system and human tacit and implicit knowledge. In this part of study, all these activities are discussed with the case of Gate Gourmet. 2. About Gate Gourmet The Gate Group brand was introduced in early 2008 after several acquisitions after being founded in the year 1992. The company offers catering and last mile provisioning for airlines and railroads, lounges and business aviation. The company’s main force of secondary revenue is onboard retail operations (Gate gourmet). . Systems that enable efficient use of input resources and their impact on output of goods and services supplied by Gate Gourmet 1. Transformation Process It includes the processes, which converts the input to the output by adding value to the product. There are two categories of input resources i. e. transformed resources which are converted from input to the output and include materials and information, and transforming resources which helps to convert input to the output and include facilities like buildings, equipments, process technology and the staff (NSW Government). 2.The new production techniques are used by Gate Gourmet to provide the meals of restaurant quality and also manageable in terms of cost, quality, service and safety. These production techniques help in efficient use of input resources. 1. Cuisine Sous-Vides The company to achieve amazing flavour and texture uses this technique. This technique relies on temperature-controlled circulator in which the food is vacuum-sealed and cooked in a precisely controlled water bath. As the method is very easy to learn, it helps in better control and reasonable results every time (PolyScience). 2. Hot FillingThis technology is very easy to handle even by unskilled workers. This high temperature helps in the sterilisat ion of bottles and other equipments to maintain the high quality standards. 3. Modified Atmosphere Packing The technology helps in expanding the shelf life of fresh food products. The modified atmosphere packing technology substitutes the atmospheric air inside the package with the protective gas mix which ensures that the product will stay fresh for long time. The company used this technology for packing of red meats, fruits and vegetables. This helped to achieve the minimal spoilage of the input resources and lowers the costs.The company has established sophisticated machineries for this purpose (Modified Atmosphere Packaging). 4. Food Safety Checks and Assurance Systems The company voluntarily follows HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) to ensure food safety. The company inspects every vehicle that delivers the raw materials, check by digital probe food temperatures during the production and delivery process, temperature checks on every batch food; every dish and surf ace is cleaned while food preparation, this helps in production and delivery of food that is clean and safe (Gate Gourmet). . Gate Serve Provisioning services Gate Serve, a subsidiary of Gate Gourmet, helps in assembling soda drawers, packing silverware, provisioning packaged food items, and aircraft watering. This helps in efficiently responding to changes of new procedures in the marketplace (Gate Serve). The provisioning of items helped in making the trip safe and comfortable for the passengers. For these services, the company has installed cooling systems, onboard cameras and state-of-the-art engines. 6. Post Flight Aircraft StrippingIn the catering process, the carts are removed and taken to the flight kitchen and unloading and sanitisation. Using the recycling system, the trash is separated from the general waste stream and sterilised before disposal. Crockery and other reusable items are sent for dishwashing and sterilisation line (Gate Gourmet Aircraft Provisioning). 3. Exis tence of Trade-offs within Gate Gourmet and challenges faced by following this approach The tradeoffs between economising and flexibility were noticed within the organisation.The reduction in expenditures helped the company to gain the competitive advantage whereas; the flexibility needs to be applied to meet the last minute demand of the clients, sometimes, which may cause wastage of food products. With the conflicting demands of the organisation, trade-offs were considered within the organisation. The trade-offs are considered for balancing the transformation process. Main challenge in front of managers is to maximise the cost reduction with flexibility and the dilemma cannot be completely eliminated.The stabilisation mechanism needs to be established within the organisation to meet the uncertain demands and to maintain stability in the production and delivery process. Also, the company had dilemma of trade-offs between making and buying of certain products. Buying of food product s included outsourcing to the other company. But the challenge was that the making led to increase in costs and buying which will lead to outsourcing has hidden costs that will diminish its advantages with time. And, at the time when Texas Pacific bought the company, it was under enormous stress to cut down its costs (The Guardian, 2005). . Supply Chain Management issues and supplier selection 1. Supply Chain Supply chain includes procurement of raw materials from the suppliers, conversion of raw materials to intermediate goods, and then finally to finished products. It also includes the distribution of it to the customers. Three kinds of flows exist in supply chain i. e. material, information and finance (Ganeshan R & Harrison T, 1995). Upstream refers to the activities that take place before the supply phase. And, downstream refers to the activities that take place after the supply phase.IFx system was used to integrate the whole supply chain (AirlineHubBuzz, 2012). 2. Supply Chai n Management Effective supply chain management is the coordination between the various players in the chain and each channel member operates independently (Ganeshan R & Harrison T, 1995). 3. Impact of integrated system in the management of suppliers and supplier selection The company goes on maintaining the relationship with those suppliers who can meet quick and flexible supply in respect to the demand changes, deliver consistently and on time with high degree of mutual understanding and trust (Acorn live: 22). . Alpha Flight Group Alpha provided full catering and provisioning services in Amsterdam. Gate Gourmet intended maximum growth and operational flexibility with Alpha through its integrated system. The company aimed to serve 80 peak season flights a day with Alpha (aircraftinteriorsinternational. com). 2. Pourshins Pourshins, a fully integrated partner provides the tools required for supply chain model including sourcing and procurement, asset management and food and beverage logistics (Pourshins. com). The challenge in front of the company was to reduce the LEAN’s supply chain management cost, which was rising.The integration challenge was to merge the two teams of employees in the United States and understanding the Gate Gourmet’s existing warehousing, distribution and software functions (Andersen, 2008: 29). But at the same time, the integrated system helped to aggregate purchase volumes, which resulted in lowering of costs, optimisation of products and services for the total value (Pourshins. com). 3. Supplair The company designed food including fresh food preparation and packaged food to keep them safe, appealing, and requires minimum handling.The challenge in front of company with the integrated system was to review the food offered for the crew consumption and introduce the same within four weeks for Easy Jet. The elements for the key success with the integrated system were the proven web-based ordering system, which was easy to use and the excellent distribution supply chain (Supplair. com). 4. deSter Gate Gourmet selected deSter as its supplier, deSter being leading supplier in service solutions across all aircraft cabins. To win the competitive advantage over the other bidders, the tender was in the favour of Gate Gourmet with Etihad Airways.This was because of technical know-how and production capacities of deSter (deSter. com). 5. Potmstudios The company offers design for packaging, cutlery, food and beverage service ware and passenger facilities for the in-flight services. The positive implication was the best computer aided design software, which was used by the company for the fast and accurate designs (Potmstudios. com). 6. Harmony The company is totally integrated airline service provider and involved in the designing of amenity kits.Harmony provides tailor-made solutions for enhancing the passengers’ comfort on board. The operational excellence of the company helped in managing the quality of the service (Harmonyonboard. com). 4. Recommendations for less advanced suppliers to establish consistent standard of operations with the supply chain activities First of all, for implementing integrated system, the less advanced organisations analyse their business processes. It helps in the modernisation of processes during the time of changes.It is quite easier for the centralised organisations to implement the integrated system. Secondly, balancing of work designed according to the requirements of the customers is of prime importance. The software should be configured before use. Lastly, the company needs to establish a system to convert the existing data into the integrated one. For this, the company may have to move for data migration planning like identification of data, data templates generation, and deciding migration interrelated set-ups and reporting policies.This will help the less advanced suppliers to gain the competitive advantage and will also help in modernisation. The genuine trick for the integration is the free flow of information, cooperation and respecting each business’s independence (Andersen, 2008: 30). 5. ERP System ERP system is the organisation wide network for harmonising the resources, information and functions of a business. It is the modern extension of MRP1 (Materials Requirement Planning), MRP11 (Manufacturing Resource Planning), and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing).It helps in communicating with the customers and the suppliers to improve the quality of supply chain management (Acorn live: 19). 1. Scala system Scala is the ERP software and support ERP processes. This system was exercised by the company to cover the maximum business processes of catering operations. 1. E-Gatematrix The real-time data was fed into the Scala system through ‘e-gatematrix’ system, which is the web-interface system for capturing data. 2. Challenges faced by the company in implementing ERP System 1.The company has to face the challenges due to demand fluctuations- As food has to be prepared just before 12 to 24 hours before departure, the demand keep on fluctuating till the last moment. The ‘just-in-time’ delivery after the preparation and supply of food with the last minute fluctuations become difficult and challenging (Fidanza). All the last minute changes using ERP systems become difficult sometimes. 2. The company has to re fix the schedules with flight delays- The whole process of delivery becomes cumbersome with flight delays.All the data communication through ERP in rush becomes complex. 3. ERP implementation problems and solutions 1. Galley Planning Problem-With the technological support, galley planning becomes time consuming process. Solution-Galley Planning System (GP4) of the e-gate solutions can be easily incorporated into other material planning systems to increase the precision of the data. It leads to the fuel-cost impact analysis, automatic publishing of packing instruct ions and the online communication of changes to the supply chain (e-Gate Solutions). 2.Complications of Data Problem- There was complications of data and their application using the e-marketplace application. Solution- The company replaced it with ePix application to improve the order search capabilities and for the simplification of the data (e-Gate Solutions). 3. Business Intelligence and Reporting Problem-The reporting of real-time sales and analysis was difficult with ERP implementation. Solution-Onboard Retail Technology (TS4) was selected for reporting functions, as TS4 was able to reconcile the real-time sales to inventory.It was also used to identify the passengers’ buying trends (e-Gate Solutions). 4. Selection of menus according to the passenger mix Problem- The main challenge in front of the company was to reduce the inventory using ERP, when the menus were fixed but the types of passengers’ keeps on changing even six hours before take-off. Solution-The Pour shins’ trademark forecaster system for food helped to build new menus and reduce the inventory and costs (e-Gate Solutions). 6. Huge information used by Gate Gourmet to deliver their service 1.Human tacit and implicit knowledge is essential to make sense of hard statistical information and the same is used for enhancing performance Inventory management includes the processes involved in maintenance of optimal number of goods and services to avoid over and under inventory. The company focuses on inventory management through state-of-the-art software. Gate Gourmet collects the necessary data from state-of-the-art software with the help of Pourshins for inventory management (Gate Gourmet). The experienced personnel are hired by the company for the use of different software’s through their tacit and implicit knowledge.The main difference between tacit knowledge and implicit knowledge is that the implicit knowledge can be codified but it is impossible to codify tacit knowle dge (Toolbox. com, 2008). Suppose a flight from Taiwan to New York, may stop at Los Angeles for 2-3 hours, the company will be required to unload the trash items in this time and have to load the 5 tons of new food with cutlery and other equipments. But the challenge now appears when the last minute passengers come up and like to have the menu according to the menu of the airlines. Also, the special meals like low fat meals are required by certain group of passengers.Through the use of software, it is easy to get the statistics but the right quantities are decided by experts so as to keep the wastage and costing minimum. Here comes the use of human tacit knowledge used by experts for the inventory management, Through the use of tacit knowledge the over-catering and under-catering is avoided. As the production and delivery of more meals than actual required is both the loss for airlines as well as for the Gate Gourmet. The software covers almost all the business processes involved in inventory management.The delays in flight arrivals upset the work schedules. It becomes crucial for the company to provide right quantities at the right place to the right person. The dedicated team members take action with flexibility and quickly to achieve the goal. The costs have reduced to the great extent with the management of inventories through the tacit knowledge of the staff (Donna, 2009). Hands do the majority of food preparation, which is also a time consuming process. The inventory of finished stock of goods needs to be kept ready with the demand fluctuations.They to reduce the wastage at the bottom level use the culinary expertise and implicit knowledge. The culinary trends and expertise is used to design the menus as per the trends. This has helped the company in gaining the competitive advantage and food and journey becomes enjoyable by the customers. Inventory forecast is a mix of statistical data with the use of human tacit and implicit knowledge. The company has been using the vast information and statistics, which finally gets evaluated by the experts to decide the optimal level of inventory.As a result, it helps in improving the function of the processes; reduce inventory wastage, optimal quantity ordering to the suppliers. 7. Conclusion Concluding the whole discussion, it is very imperative for the company to go for managing operations, information and knowledge to survive in the market cutthroat competition. The company has to face various challenges for the achievement of aspirations. Besides tough times faced by Gate Gourmet, the company has been successful in the administration of operations, information and knowledge. For this, the company has deployed experienced staff all over the organisation.
Ecological Interaction Of Humans And Reptiles Environmental Sciences Essay
Ecological interaction is the relation between species that live together in a community ; specifically, the consequence an person of one species may exercise on an person of another species. Reptiles and amphibious vehicles seems non to play a really important function in the sustainability of human life on Earth but deeper research into the functions of these beings indicates that they are of importance. There are assorted ecological menaces which can impact reptilians. Habitat loss and devastation is a major ecological issue impacting reptilian species. Habitat loss is widely recognized as the taking menace to planetary biodiversity. While hard to specifically categorise, habitat loss take topographic points on an overlapping scope from small-scale to large-scale and from absolute devastation to subtle debasement. There are many factors which contribute to this phenomena. Activities such as excavation, logging, switching cultivation and glade of secret plans of land can present menace to the natural home grounds of many herpes. This promotes migration of species from one country to another therefore cut downing the diverseness of the country. Climate alteration is another deduction which can act upon the lives of herpes and reptilians. Climate alteration responses will be influenced by a figure of factors: ( 1 ) expected alterations and incompatibility in local environmental and habitat conditions ; ( 2 ) the phenology ( clocking ) of life-requisite activities ; ( 3 ) interactions with emerging pathogens and invasive species ; and ( 4 ) interactions with other environmental stressors ( e.g. , chemicals ) . Over the short term ( e.g. , yearly ) , the interaction of these factors will find generative success rates and endurance to metabolism. Over the long term, the regularity and extent of utmost temperature and precipitation events will probably act upon the continuity of local populations, distribution capablenesss and therefore the construction of meta-populations on the landscape. Alternation in air and H2O temperature, precipitation, and the hydro period ( Carey and Alexander 2003 ) tends to impact amphibious and reptilian species since they are extremely sensitive to and react strongly to these alterations. This is due to them being poikilotherms ; their organic structure temperature depends on most favourable environmental status. Amphibians require aquatic and damp home ground for puting egg and larval development and station metamorphous life phases severally. Amphibians are more likely to see lower endurance rate to metabolism as the temperature warms and variableness of H2O proceed. Speciess related with passing Waterss, such as low pools and jumping watercourses may be preponderantly susceptible to altered precipitation forms. Temperatures outside of their thermic optima will besides do physiological emphasiss. Some reptile species exhibit temperature-dependent sex finding during egg incubation that could be influenced by alterations and variableness in planetary climate.Because of their affinities to aquatic home grounds and their little size, amphibious vehicles typically have comparatively little place scopes and low dispersion rates. Reptiles are more nomadic and have a greater ability to defy the expected drier and warmer conditions. However, because cardinal home grounds and species scopes have already been altered and fragmented by human usage and development, the physical tracts to link animate beings with suited home grounds ( e.g. , upwards in latitude or lift ) may non be. Direct ecological interactions between herpes includes: niche differenciation ( resource breakdown ) , predation and competition. Niche differenciationrefers to the procedure by which natural choice thrusts viing species into different forms of resource usage or different niches. This causes one coinage to partition resource with another so that one does non wholly out compete the other, accordingly coexistence is achieved through the distinction of their realized ecological niches. Niche partitioning may non happen if there is sufficient geographic and ecological infinite for beings to spread out into. A typical illustration of resource breakdown is shown by the Anolis lizards in the tropical rain forest. Although they portion common nutrient demands – chiefly insect, they evade competition by shacking in different parts of the rain forest. Some live on the foliage litter floor while others live on fly-by-night subdivisions, thereby avoiding competition over nutrient in those subdivisions of the forest. Resourse breakdown is a type of niche distinction. Resource partitioning occurs when biological species require different parts of the same resource.Human interactions with amphibious populations.Human existences have impacted about on every life animal on Earth both straight and indirectly. Worlds have interacted with amphibious vehicles since antiquity. Some of these exchanges are direct and easy understood while other connexions are more hard to spot. Human activity has caused the disappearing of many carnal species, the deceases and diseases of others and as a consequence, pose major a menace to the Earth ‘s biodiversity. Due to human interactions, many at that place has been dramatic diminutions in amphibious populations, including population clangs and mass localised extinctions, have been noted since the 1980s from locations all over the universe. These diminutions are perceived as one of the most critical menaces to planetary biodiversity, and several causes are believed to be involved, including, over exploiataion, pollution and chemical usage, habitat devastation and alteration, clime alteration, and increased ultraviolet-B radiation ( UV-B ) . Human interactions can be direct and indirect. Direct interactions with amphibious vehicles: this involves straight taking species of amphibious vehicles which includes toads, frogs, salamanders, triton and utilizing them for commercial and economic intents. One direct human interaction is over development. As with many other resources that worlds consume and over exploit, Amphibious species are no exclusion. Frogs are commercially of import for their nutrient value. The legs of some Rana catesbeiana species are in heavy demand in China, Europe ( particularly France ) and in parts of the United States, particularly Louisiana. The worldwide crop is an estimated 200 million Rana catesbeianas ( about 10,000 metric dozenss ) yearly. Major Rana catesbeiana providers include Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, and Japan, with about 80 million collected each twelvemonth from rice Fieldss in Bangladesh entirely. As a consequence, populations have fallen drastically from inordinate development ( Economic and Ecologic Importance of Amphibians: Investigating the Connections Between Amphibians and Humans ) hypertext transfer protocol: // # ixzz15aCfnKk6 ) In add-on, many amphibious species are removed from the natural state to be used as pets, and to provide biological markets. This development of species has besides lead to mass diminution of amphibious populations. Indirect human interactions: these include all the activities that human existences do to change the environment, which intern affects all carnal populations and planetary biodiversity. The current planetary loss of species is a procedure generated by the activities of worlds. As we modify our environment for our ain terminals, it is clear that the devastation of the home grounds of other species leads straight to their disappearing. Indirect human interactions, that has lead to mass diminution includes: Water quality factors ( chiefly caused by pollution and chemical usage ) : Many H2O ways are polluted by human activities particularly agricultural and industrial activities. These pollutants contaminate the H2O ways that many amphibious vehicles use as home grounds and since amphibious vehicles have permeable, open tegument and eggs that may readily absorb toxic substances from the environment. Their eggs are laid in H2O or in damp countries, and their larvae ( polliwogs ) are aquatic. Because amphibious vehicles are closely tied to an aquatic environment, the quality of the H2O in which they live can impact their growing, development, and endurance. Because pollutants, waterborne pathogens, and planetary environmental alterations can all affect H2O quality, these factors can in bend affect amphibious vehicles. Conversely, amphibious vehicles are of import indexs of H2O quality, and are considered a lookout species, intending that what affects amphibious vehicles soon may impact other carnal species in the hereafter. Acidification. A figure of surveies have shown that acidification of fresh H2O ( that is, a decrease in pH to acidic degrees ) via acid rain, acid snowmelt, or other manners of pollution are harmful to amphibious growing and development. Some species are more tolerant of acid conditions than others. Therefore, depending on the species, the sum of sourness, and other environmental variables, amphibious vehicles may see developmental malformations and increased mortality due to acidification. Acidification potentially affects amphibious populations and the communities in which amphibious vehicles live. For illustration, some populations of frogs in Britain have likely been reduced by H2O acidification. Salamander populations in Colorado seem to hold declined because of increased acidification during snowmelt. Several surveies have shown that acidification of the H2O can impact competition and predation between amphibious vehicles. Therefore, the larvae of some frog species may hold increased survival rates under acerb conditions because their salamander marauders show reduced predation at low pH. Nitrates and Nitrites. Many chemical merchandises used in agribusiness and industry pollute aquatic home grounds, doing potentially terrible harm to ecosystems. For illustration, the addition in concentration of nitrate in surface H2O on agricultural land due to legion beginnings may be risky to many species of fish, Toxic Substances. Merely as amphibious species display fluctuation in sensitiveness to nitrate-related compounds, they besides show fluctuation in tolerance to other toxic substances that may be found in H2O. Insecticides such as organophosphates, carbonates, and man-made pyrethroids, which are used chiefly in harvest production, have a broad array of effects on amphibious vehicles. Depending on the concentrations used and the species involved, some of these substances may be deadly, may impact growing and development, or may impact metabolism. Habitat alteration change and atomization. Habitat alteration or devastation includes the building of substructure and roads, excavation and logging activities etc. and is one of the most dramatic issues impacting amphibious species worldwide. As amphibious vehicles by and large need aquatic and tellurian home grounds to last, menaces to either home ground can impact populations. Hence, amphibious vehicles may be more vulnerable to habitat alteration than beings that merely necessitate one home ground type. Large scale clime alterations may farther be modifying aquatic home grounds, forestalling amphibious vehicles from engendering wholly. Climate alteration Anthropogenic planetary heating has unambiguously exerted a major consequence on amphibious diminutions. For illustration, in the Monteverde Cloud Forest, a series of remarkably warm old ages led to the mass disappearings of the Monteverde Harlequin toad and the Golden Toad. ( decline_in_amphibian ) . An increased degree of cloud screen, which has warmed the darks and cooled down daytime temperatures in an effort to command planetary heating, has been blamed for easing the growing and proliferation of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( the causative agent of the fungous infection chytridiomycosis. Chytridiomycosis or Chytrid Fungus is an epizootic and a major subscriber to the diminution of amphibious populations around the universe, endangering many species with extinction. This fungus is a planetary emerging amphibious pathogen which is turn outing to be one of the worst craniate infective diseases found so far. It is doing a immense sum of extinction and disease within amphibious populations. More than 100 species of amphibious vehicles are known to be affected by the chytrid fungus ( Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ) . Some are really susceptible and die rapidly while others which are more immune are bearers of the pathogen. This disease is already credited with pass overing out toads and frogs in big Numberss in Australia and South America. ( decline_in_amphibian ) The increased temperature caused by planetary heating has besides caused the disappearing of many species from progressively hot home grounds. The rise in sea degrees which causes attendant implosion therapy and devastation of home ground has besides lead to extinction of some species. Ultra violet radiation Degrees of UV-B radiation in the ambiance have risen significantly over the past few decennaries, due to stratospheric ozone depletion and clime alteration. Research workers have found that UV-B radiation can kill amphibious vehicles straight, cause sublethal effects such as slowed growing rates and immune disfunction. The sum of harm depends upon the life phase, the species type and other environmental parametric quantities. Salamanders and toads that produce less photolyase, an enzyme that counteracts DNA harm from UVB, are more susceptible to the effects of loss of the ozone bed. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation may non kill a peculiar species or life phase but may do terrible harm to it.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Contemporary issues in international event management Essay - 1
Contemporary issues in international event management - Essay Example role of this paper is to look at the international standards of sustainable event management, which are key concepts that make an event a success (Anderson 2010). According to Bowdin (2011) sustainability in event management refers to the decision-making, planning and participation in an event while being environmentally and socially responsible. An Event Management Industry, which does not respond to sustainability and does not operate within the sustainable management then the company, is likely to fail. Events have extraordinarily been used as a part of the organization’s brand experience. Hence it should be accessed alongside with the impact that it has on the environment. A company has to ensure the sustainable management of events and supplier activities in a more organized manner. The general public is demanding a clear and transparent system from the companies that has a higher brand value attributed to a certain service or a product. Sustainable event management is becoming more diverse, any industry now can host any event. The products and materials that are used to produce an event all have the negative impacts on the enviro nment, but these negative impacts can be reduced through using products that are environmental friendly, organic and fair trade(Bowdin 2011). Without doubt, a manager is a person who is held accountable to development of things that will promote the condition that they are controlling. There are several elements that are considered for one to be a manager of sustainability. Ideally, one needs to possess the ability to control matters and establish solutions that will be sustainable. The movement towards sustainable management establishes that institutions are starting to carry out a systems extensive approach that connects in the numerous segments of the business with greater focus on the environment. As sustainable management organization adapt to certain approaches, it becomes critically significant they integrate a picture
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Outback Steak house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Outback Steak house - Essay Example An effective employee selection method helps achieve a competitive advantage for organizations in terms of accepting only those applicants that are deemed fit, qualified and competent to perform identified responsibilities. As indicated, Outback Steakhouse further assess successful applicants though a series of tests that gauge their cognitive ability, personality and judgement (Author, date, p. 234). These tests are known as psychological testing instruments which are designed to effectively â€Å"predict job skills acquisition and job performance†(Schieltz, 2011, p. par. 5). According to Schieltz (2011), â€Å"the idea of competitive advantage essentially underlies the use of psychological tests to select employees. To achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace, organizations and businesses need qualified employees with personalities, skills and talents that best fit the organization and its culture. To hire these types of individuals, a company must have a set o f procedures at its disposal that can accurately identify the characteristics of an individual who can ultimately contribute to the success of the organization†(Schieltz, 2011, p. par. 3). As rationalized, organizations who have successfully selected the right human resources who are perfectly fit for the responsibilities, perform better and deliver accurate results which increase the competitive advantage of the organization. The importance of fit to Outback Steakhouse is crucial since they structurally sift the potentially good applicants from a number of recruits and get the best among the screened applicants depending on the Dimensions of Performance, the responsibilities and the organization’s culture. Only those applicants who perfectly fit the qualifications with the standards are accepted to ensure that low employee turnover would be achieved. A perfect fit would ensure that human resources are utilized to the fullest
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Year of Living Dangerously - Vision Can Be a Model for Knowledge Essay
The Year of Living Dangerously - Vision Can Be a Model for Knowledge - Essay Example The symbol comes through Billy helping Guy to see. Guy internalizes traditions of the west as a way of objectifying and distancing the virtue of knowledge when he says, "I gave her to you, and now I'm taking her back (Gibson 16)". By defining self in the opposition context, Guy develops a primary demeanor and attitude of disagreement. The guy makes it clear from the start that there is no way he will involve himself in ensuing affairs. However, Billy takes the initiative of going parallel in a connective and paradoxical manner in exploring the function of vision. Billy associates vision with empathy, commitment, and contact. Billy replaces communion in likeness Guy’s opposition via difference. In his view, Billy wants the verb ‘to see’ remain synonymous with ‘feeling’ as a verb. This is different from other parts of the world as â€Å"Algonquian Indian languages do not have tenses (not that they cannot express time if they wish), but rather have "ani mate" and "inanimate" verb forms, so they automatically think in terms of whether things around them have a life essence or not.†Billy makes effort to visualize the real Djakarta that covers thousands of people living in poor conditions because of humble backgrounds. Therefore, they die from multiple diseases and starvation. Conclusively, the film in celebration of the medium as a movie highlights pessimistic statements concerning possible opportunities. Weir, the director, encounters inherent features met by the visual image when it tries entering the human conscience.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Business Law - Case Study Example To save the marriage couples from such unfortunate happenings, the government thought to have compulsory counselling for the to-be-married interracial individuals. There are many arguments that can be used against the statutes. Firstly, it can be notified that the for the people whose vehicles are registered outside the state of Minnesota, are compelled to purchase and install an expensive device to reduce radioactive emissions to save the birds. This can be treated as injustice to those vehicle owners. If the device can really check pollution, the device should be made mandatory to all vehicles and not just to those registered with a different state. In the second case, the two weeks of counselling for the inter-racial couples prior to marriage can be identified as state imposition. The law of the land preferably should not dictate the matured adult citizens. Marriage is a personal agenda and varies from person to person. The law should not be mingled with the requirements of the pre-marriage counselling sessions. The prime duty of the court of law is to ensure that the justice is ensured to all the parties. It functions with in the broad guideline that the legislature has provided with. Also, the court does not have the weapon to execute the law. For such purpose, it has to depend upon the executive. The court would ensure that the all the legalities are maintained in its best form. Ralph feels that the company of drug free enterprise has breached his trust. For the purpose, Ralph wants to sue the company with $ 79,000. The most appropriate court would be the place where the agreement was signed in between the enterprise and Ralph. It could also be the place upon where Ralph was supposed to oversee the distribution. The basis for the jurisdiction would depend upon the minute details that were penned down in the agreement between Ralph and the company. There may be lot many reasons. Some of them might involve deviation from the agreed price or
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Crusades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Crusades - Essay Example The first text comprises of an eyewitness account of the sermon of Pope Urban II and the details of Crusade as given by various Christian eyewitness. Pope’s sermon has been embellished with lots of imagination and gory details of mass killings of Christians by Turks in the city of Jerusalem. Robert The Monk’s account of Pope’s sermon is interspersed with gruesome details of the killing in order to incite Christians to take part in the war and avenge the desecration of Church. Baldric of Dol says that Pope had exhorted the Christian by telling them that ‘you may deem it a beautiful thing to die for Christ in that city in which he died for us’ (Allen and Amt, p44). Most importantly it tells that the crusaders not only fought for religious purpose but many had vested interests. Bohemond, a great warrior, had to be bribed by the Emperor with ‘land in extent from Antioch fifteen days’ journey and eight in width’ (Allen and Amt, p62). T he text shows that the crusades against Turks had defied human dignity with extreme brutality and violence. Indeed, Letter of Stephen of Bloise to his wife covers the religious fervor of the crusades and also describes the bloodshed and indiscriminate killing in the name of holy war. An Arab Syrian Gentleman and Warrior: Memoirs of Usamah gives insight into the Arab culture and shows a humane perspective of people who were viewed as barbarians during the period of crusades. He gives personal accounts of his experience of Christians with whom he had maintained good relationships. In a personal account, Usamah describes how Frankish physician had saved the life of the son of an Arab artisan, whose neck was afflicted with scrofula, a dreaded disease. The text gives a more civilized picture of Moslems in Jerusalem and shows that Moslems and Christians had co-existed peacefully as contrarily described in the earlier text.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sociology - Essay Example The research methods should be realized as means of acting on the environment and their quality can be judged by their ability to yield reliable results. The act of making observations in life is largely dependent on personal fancy, bias, ideological preferences etc. Therefore, the scientific process of building reliability and validity in life is essential and it should be based on the features of discovery and verification. Both discovery and verification are essential components of finding reliability and validity in life. Consequently, the scientific basis of sociology clearly suggests that the discovery process and the issues of verification should be given equal significance in research methods. â€Å"If priority is given to the discovery process, the issues of verification, reliability, and validity become more than technical in nature†¦ If issues of verification are placed above the discovery process, a wedge is driven between the goals and the methods of sociology.â₠¬ (Douglas, 268) In the former case, the quality of research is determined by the public elements, whereas the latter case the goals and the methods of sociology are affected. Therefore, discovery as well as verification should be given equal relevance in finding reliability and validity in life.
Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 8
Contract Law - Essay Example Moreover, section 29(5) of the SGA states that delivery should be made within a reasonable period of time, and that such reasonableness depends on the circumstances of each case. As such, a clear illustration of the principles on which damages are awarded for breach of contract was provided in Hadley v Baxendale. The court held that damages for breach of contract should be such that they had naturally followed from the breach, or which could reasonably be assumed to have been envisaged by the parties to the contract. If the contract had been formed under special circumstances that had been intimated by one party to the other, then the damages for contractual breach would be what these parties could have realistically expected from such breach3. As such, the rule in Hadley v Baxendale provides a rationale for restricting damages relating to infringement of contractual terms. In addition to being a tenet of remoteness, it also provides the dividing line of recovery4. Consequently, the NGC’s expression of inability to supply the ornamental plant pots to Gerda, within the time specified by her in the normal course of events. . Thus, the NGC is justified in demanding additional payment for speedy delivery. However, if the NGC fails to deliver the ornamental pots, within the stipulated time; Gerda can repudiate the contract or claim damages, under the provisions of the SGA 1979. The greenhouse delivered to Hari was too small, broken and not delivered on time. Under the provisions of the sale of goods act, a retailer cannot exclude statutory implied terms. Any such act would make him liable for criminal prosecution. In addition, a retailer cannot attempt to restrict liability for breach of statutory implied terms. In goods sold to a buyer, an implied term exists, which requires that these goods should be appropriate for any purpose that has been made known to the seller.5 Applicability extends to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Project Management - Module 1.6 not 1.4 Coursework
Project Management - Module 1.6 not 1.4 - Coursework Example Subsequently designer is expected to insure that all sub-consultant work is coordinated. Pertinently conceptual design approves further details that may emerge. This document should clearly outline the prearranged civil, architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection design and plumbing. It is vital to include up-dated cost approximation of all key features and component of design. Upon the approval of the design by the owner, the design team immediately starts the execution of this final contraction design particulars (Norman, E. et al 2008).The authenticated design development package entails a completer concept therefore no further alteration to the plans, elevations, or building systems will be permissible except when it comply with construction or code supplies. 1) Guideline and objective establishment- the first project stage is to outline the scope which sets up the expectations, estimated cost, constituted high level plans, and finally established timelines for each activity to be executed. 2) The concepts which involve mapping, user training, and walkthrough phase where the new system is learned, business process is revised to ensure that they carry out flawlessly corner to corner in meeting the organization’s objective. 5) Customization (infrastructure phase); it is the stage where the data from the old system is transferred into a newly developed supplementary system. The appropriate information technology infrastructure is constructed. 6) Cover phase is the final phase in that the old system is closed down and new system kicks off fully with a constant improvement in the method of undertaking business. However, the methodology used does not contend to limit the choice of the software to be used for word processing, spreadsheets, etc. The pertinent issue is faithfulness to the methodology in organization for the team to produce
Monday, July 22, 2019
Hooliganism Essay Example for Free
Hooliganism Essay At first we are being asked as the reader, what we prefer. Wealth or happiness. David Brooks uses the actress Sandra Bullock as an example of the dilemma. Sandra Bullock won an Academy Award for best actress, but then a news report came and claimed that her husband is a cheating jerk. That puts things in another perspective, because who does not want to be recognized for your work, but is that better than loosing your love. David points out that winning this Award is one of the best things that can happened to an actor/actress; not only because of the credit and the money, but it has been proved that Award winners live longer than people who only have been nominated. After that David is very clear with his opinion on this situation. If you need to think about the question, what you want to choose, between the husband or the Award, you must be crazy in his eyes. He says that the relationship between income and happiness is tricky. If you are poor and you earn a lot of money you become happy. Let us say that you are in the middle-class and your income increases. That will not have the same effect as if you go from poor too normal, because you have lived with such a small amount of money you learn to appreciate even a small amount of money; compared to a middle-class person who wins the lottery, because it does not change his life majorly. 2. How does David Brooks engage the reader in text 1? David is very good at engaging the reader. He uses an example from real life and involves the reader by asking questions most of the time. He makes the reader think about what we just read by asking questions about the readers opinion. He is a very distinguished reporter for the New York Times, examined the relationship between wealth and happiness in his article â€Å"The Sandra Bullock Trade†: a seemingly simple – almost clichà © – concept. He is however able to draw the reader in by the use of 2 simple literary techniques. Primarily, Brooks captures the readers’ attention by his title and his intro paragraph. Many newspapers readers make snap judgments about whether they should or they should not read an article or not by just looking at the title. It was not a mistake that Brooks used Sandra Bullock as his example. She is a famous, beautiful, and successful actress whose general popularity will make his article – not only appealing – but relate able to his audience. Another technique that Brooks utilizes is his choice of language. It is very colloquial and understandable. By using phrases like â€Å"nothing to sneeze at†instead of words like â€Å"insignificant†the author makes his text more relate able to his readers – as if they are speaking with a friend. If they are more likely to understand his meaning and his lively tone then they will more likely to continue to read. The task of a newspapers writer is different than an authors task. Their job is to lure the reader in and to keep them interested for a short amount of time the reader will spend on each article. Brooks does this effortlessly by using simple and accessible vocabulary and comfortable and using a relate able vignette to initially catch his readers’ attention. 3. Based on the opinions voiced in texts 2 and 3, discuss whether spending money makes people happy. In text 2 Stephanie Rosenbloom discuss with herself if it is possible to buy happiness and if â€Å"yes†then would it be an experience or just a simple piece off clothing. It is a longer lasting happiness if you buy a vacation, than a couch. That is the idea. Living in the world we live in now, we need these little things that make our everyday life a little better. Of course a vacation is good because it is something you will not forget that easy and you will cherish the memories for the rest of your life, compared to a simple couch that might only last 5 years. Almost every time you spend money it will make you happy. You do not buy something that does not make you happy. The research there has been made tells us that greater wealth implies greater happiness only at quite low levels of income. But when the researchers have asked people about their happiness they have simply been asked how satisfied they are with their lives. Which is a very difficult question. Because it is not possible by asking people about their life satisfaction, to measure what the amount of money they have in their lives play in their everyday life, in terms of happiness and satisfaction. Spending money can make you happy, but the level of happiness depends on what you buy and it will not be enough. There is more to life than just being in a good mood. Happiness can be more than that, but not just by spending money.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Debate on Guns on School Campus
Debate on Guns on School Campus To carry or not to carry: aiming at safety on campus On March 10, 2017 when I was in my English class, my phone vibrated as messages from the school warned student to stay away from an evacuated area on the campus. The evacuation was then lifted after a suspicious item was found and determined to be safe. This was the first time I had encountered such security activities which raised my awareness of firearms on campus. In the wake of several campus shootings, the heated controversy surrounding the permit of guns on campus has circulated the nation for years. Even though people should have rights to protect themselves, it is not enough reason to allow guns within learning institutions, therefore, I believe guns should be banned on campus. First, presence of guns on campus will have negative impacts on the dynamics of learning environment. College campuses are the living and learning community of students and staff from different backgrounds, where freedom and openness in academic debate and intellectual exchange are encouraged. If guns are allowed in campus, the entire campus community will be in fear of their life, wondering if other fellow students or staff are carrying any guns and can pull them out if a dispute arises. Lecturers could fear that the students with poor grades may threaten them for better grades. An example is the notorious campus shooting at the University of Arizona in 2002: a failing nursing student shot three professors to death due to his anger and depression (Holguin). Campus will become emotionally threatening and crime-oriented environment. Dangerous weapons should never be carried around, even in concealed form, in such open learning environment. Another argument for why guns should be banned on campus is young adults brains does not fully mature despite their physically mature appearance. Darby Dickerson, former dean of Texas Tech University School of Law, is an expert in higher education law and policy and is an elected member of the American Law Institute. She states that researchers have discovered that human brain change significantly during adolescences, and are not fully developed until about 24, with regard to thinking ability and judgment. Also, high-risk alcohol and other drug use among student population have long-term negative effects on brain development, which leads to poor decision making. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2015), 58 percent of full-time college students ages 18 to 22 drank alcohol in the past month compared with 48.2 percent of other persons of the same age. Researchers also estimated that each year, 1825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-rel ated unintentional injuries; 696000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking (NIAAA). Therefore, granting college students access to guns will pose increased risks of incidents of self-injury, accidental shootings and even murders. Furthermore, multiple individuals with firearms will negatively affect law enforcement officers response during emergency situations. It will lead to confusion over identifying attackers among many people who are carrying guns which they claim to protect themselves. Also, without training, armed individuals may harm innocents in an attempt to halt a bloodshed.  Advocates for guns permit on campus claim that licensing of guns will increase their safety. They believe one should carry a gun in self-defense. Especially when newspapers splash headlines of campus shootings across the country, giving an impression that American college campuses are not safe, in response, there is an increasing urge for self-protection. Supporters for concealed carry on campus argue that armed students and staff will deter any aggressive acts toward the school, rather than becoming victims of violence. They claim that it will reduce crime. In contrast, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Inc., (IACLEA), in its position statement, points out that: There is no credible statistical evidence demonstrating that laws allowing the carrying of concealed firearms reduce crime. In fact, the evidence suggests that permissive concealed carry laws generally will increase crime. Ian Ayres John J. Donohue III, Shooting Down the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis, 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1193, 1285, 1296 (Apr. 2003); and Ian Ayres John J. Donohue III, The Latest Misfires in Support of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis, 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1371, 1397 (Apr. 2003). The organization also insists that use of a gun in self-defense appears to be a rare occurrence. As explained, there is not enough evidence to prove that campus carry would reduce crime rate or guns would be used in self-defense solely. Another argument gun right activists make to call for guns on campus is to protect women from sexual assaults. They argue perpetrators would less likely to attack women if they knew women around them might also be armed. Also, victims could have a chance to shoot attackers, assuming they would be able to use it effectively to protect themselves. However, reliable social science research indicates that based on the way victims typically react to these experiences, solving campus sexual assaults by arming women with firearms will not work. Studies show that 89 percent of campus sexual assaults involve drugs and/or alcohol (Krebs, Lindquist and Warner) and 90 percent of college sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows (Sampson 6). In such situations, victims would likely have a difficult time pulling out the gun to someone they associate with or when they are in frozen state due to drugs, alcohol or tonic immobility. Even after looking at all the evidence there are still people who believe that firearms should be allowed on campus. Their argument could be valid if we consider the broader legal rights to carry guns if one has gone through mental health screenings, had extensive trainings and passed all the tests before obtaining the license. It would be ideal if every gun license holder had gone through many difficult exams to determine if he/ she is qualified to use guns. However, it is easier than before to obtain a license in many states these days, raising the question if those license holders are well-trained and mentally stable or not. Allowing everyone to carry a gun cannot solve the crimes; indeed, it may have the potential to dramatically increase violence on college campuses. Campus security must be left to well-trained professionals. They have proficient techniques to defend campuses against violent attacks without harming innocent students. Instead of granting permission to carry guns on campus, preventive and preparative measurers should be taken and well developed to improve school safety. References Dickerson, Darby. White Paper-Guns on Campus. 17 February 2011. The National Behavioral Intervention Team Association (NaBITA) Web site. White Paper. 19 March 2017. . Holguin, Jaime. Eerie Letter From University Killer. 31 October 2002. Web. 19 March 2017. IACLEA. IACLEA Position Statement: Concealed Carrying of Firearms Proposals on College Campuses . 12 Agust 2008. 24 March 2017. . Krebs, C. P., et al. College womens experiences with physically forced, alcohol- or other drug-enabled, and drug-facilitated sexual assault before and since entering college. Journal of American College Health (2009): 639-649. Print. NIAAA. Alcohol Facts and Statistics. December 2015. 22 March 2017. . SAMHSA. 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Table 6.84B-Tobacco Product and Alcohol Use in Past Month among Persons Aged 18 to 22, by College Enrollment Status: Percentages, 2014 and 2015. 2015. SAMHSA Website. 22 March 2017. . Sampson, Rana. Acquaintance rape of college students. Problem-Oriented Guides for Police. n.d.
Zuzanna Zommer Case Study
Zuzanna Zommer Case Study The following essay examines a case study on a young child that was sexually abused and murdered by a known sex offender, and the serious case review that was written on the case. This essay will also discuss the basic legal policies and the frame work of the Children Act 1989, 2004 and Every Child Matters: National Service Framework. It will demonstrate the understanding of the different types of abuse, an understanding of the child protection system and how it applies to the common assessment frame work. Also the importance of working in a child centred manner will be understood. This essay will criticise the different approaches of multi-professional tactics on child protection. It will take a look at the Lord Laming and Munro reports that were put in place between the death of Victoria Climbie and baby P and safeguarding reforms planned to prevent future deaths. Zuzanna Zommer was a 14 year old girl who came to live the United Kingdom with her parents and young bother from Poland. Not long after the move, Zuzanna was sexually abused and murdered by a known sex offender named Michael Clark who lived two doors down from the Zommers. Unknown to the family and his past history, Clark befriended the Zommer family and would go to family barbeques (Brooke 2008). See appendix 1. Statistics show that nearly a quarter of young adults are sexual abused during childhood, in 2010 and 2011 17.727 children under the age of sixteen were sexually abused in England and Wales (NSPCC 2012). Several agencies failed in the case of Zuzanna Zommer (BBC News England 2012) due to failed communication between agencies. Michael Clark moved to Leeds after being released from Hull prison prior to meeting the Zommer. Humberside police failed to provide the public protection agencies in Leeds with enough warning that Clark would be moving to the area (BBC News England 2012). See appendix 2 A serious case review was released in March 2012 on Zuzanna Zommer which states that Clarks childhood was unhappy. His parents divorced when he was three years old and was brought up by his mother and stepfather, of which he witnessed domestic violence with his mother regularly using physical abuse. Clark was bullied at school and then expelled from junior school before going to a school for the deaf (Cocker 2012). See appendix 3 Over the past thirty years, theories of child maltreatment have shifted from single- cause models (e.g. the transgenerational transmission of child maltreatment, which saw children who grew up with abuse becoming abusive adults) to more integrated and multi-faceted perspectives, emphasising instead a number of interacting factors (Azar et al, 1998; Thomas et al, 2003). Research repeatedly suggests that a history of childhood abuse is associated with low educational attainment and poor physical and mental health in adulthood (Gilbert et al, 2009b; Safeguarding and protecting children are supported by a complicated system of legislation, guidance, regulation, and procedures (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). Within the UK, the Department of Health defines child maltreatment in terms of inflicting harm and/or by failing to act to prevent harm to children (Department of Health, 2006 p26). Significant is not defined in the Act, although it does say that the court should compare the health and development of the child with that which could be reasonably expected of a similar child. So the courts have to decide for themselves what constitutes significant harm by looking at the facts of each individual case (NSPCC factsheet 2012 p2) Within the overall category of child maltreatment, four categories of abuse are traditionally recognised (WHO, 2006) World Health Organisation (2006) Preventing child maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence. World Health Organization and International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. The abuse towards Zuzanna Zommer took 11 months to result in her death during which the sexual abuse of the child went undetected. [Accessed 25 Feb 2010] Sidebotham et al (2006) observed that a wide range of factors are associated with child maltreatment, with the strongest risks coming from socio-economic deprivation and parental background, including poor mental health. Community-level variables consistently linked to child maltreatment include lack of social support (including the availability of childcare), neighbourhood poverty and the accessibility of alcohol (Coulton et al, 1995; 1999; 2007; Korbin et al, 1998; Molnar et al, 2003). Social factors, such as beliefs about using physical punishment to discipline children and the portrayal of violence and sex in the media may additionally contribute to abusive behaviour towards children (Belsky, 1993; Straus and Mathur, 1996). Belsky, J. (1993) Etiology of child maltreatment: A developmental-ecological analysis. Psychological Bulletin 114: 413-434. Following the death of Victoria Climbie, who was known to the social services and many other agencies within the social sector? Victorias parents stated they had noted that the social worker blames the doctors, front line staff blames the management, mangers blame the council, and the councils blame the government for lack of funding. Response to the fallings were I am poorly managed, not my job, (Laming,2003, evidence 19 February 2002,p97). Lord Laming was invited to carry out an enquiry looking at the situations leading up to Victorias death. His report had a 108 recommendation to safe guard children in the future, this inquiry became known as the Laming Report (Laming 2003). Deryk Mead of Action for Children stated, I do believe that inquiry reports have made a positive difference to the child protection system, and I have every confidence that Lord Lamings report will do so too (Katwala and Ciglerova 2003 p5). However there was some criticism to his report Caroline Abrahams and Debora Lightfoot from the Action for Children stated the report was looking more at the case of Victoria Climbie and not at children in general in regards to child protection (Abraham and Lightfoot 2003). .According to Harry Ferguson, a professor of social work at the University of the West of England, Lamings report focuses too heavily on the implementation of new structures and fails to understand the keen intuition that child protection work demands. (Ferguson 2003 p5) All areas of the UK have policies to safeguard children and young people, to be able to protect them and advertise their general well-being. In 2006 Working Together was re- published on which ideas have been further developed which was again called Working Together to safeguarding Children: A Guide to inter- agency Working to Safeguarding and Promote The Welfare of Children (HM Government 2006). In 2004 England and Wales were the first to deliver the policy frame work Every Child Matters and recognised the five outcome for children and young people. This was a response to the Laming Report (2003) and to safeguarding children (Department of health 2002). From this the Common assessment framework (CAF) was implemented and used when assessing children and familys Suffolk County Council (2012) Every Child Matters was planned to be put in place in 2008, however before it was due to be released the tragic death of baby P happened and the medias response was very critical to all the services involved in his case (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). The system had failed again baby p there had been over sixty visits with the family different health and social care professional he died after 48h of being in hospital (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). Criticism has been made regarding Every Child Matters and the Children Act 2004 on what should have been a positive social policy programme, is that it only relates to England. Hilton and Mills (2006) Stated that Every Child matters invades the rights of childrens privacy under article 8 of the European Convention Rights. The loss of space the officer of the Information Commissioner found that children themselves were worried about the invasion of their own privacy (Hilton and Mills 2006). While they create a way of seeing and suggest a way of acting, they also tend to create ways of not seeing, and eliminate the possibility of actions associated with alternative views of the world.(Morgan, 1986, p 202) Other criticism has been made regarding Every Child Matters and the Children Act 2004 on what should have been a positive social policy programme, is that it only relates to England (Hoyle 2012) All areas of the United Kingdom are committed to promoting all areas of the national frame work for young people and children. (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). There is no separate legislation for child protection but legislation covers childs welfare, including support for children in need and children in need of protection (Lindon 2008). While all parts of the United Kingdom have had some restructuring in recent years to the child protection policy, not much change has been done to the legislation. The children Acts which was put in place the 1980s and 1990s these acts are an intervention in family life to help protect children from abuse and neglect ,and the definition of significant harm and children in need theses have not been amended (Owen,2009) The 1989 Children Act still remains, but the Children act 2004has made some amendments. The Children Act 2004 is primarily about new statutory leadership roles, joint planning and commissioning of childrens services, and how organisation ensure their functions are discharged in a way which safeguards children and promotes the welfare (Owen 2009 p.17). Section eleven enforced agencies that are working with children and young people to safeguard and promote their welfare, another change was that the Child Protection Committees were replaced by Local Safeguarding Boards ((Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). In 2010 the Government- commissioned Professor Eileen Munro to evaluate the safe guarding practice one of the recommendation was to ask that the ministers establish a national chief social worker whom will advise minister and that the council should be obliged to ensure sufficient provision such as sure start and other support schemes.(Butler 2010) The report found that safeguarding had indeed become overly dependent on procedures and paperwork, with frontline professionals spending over 60% of their time in front of computer screens(Butler 2010 p4) Munro said: A one-size-fits-all approach is not the right way for child protection services to operate. Top-down government targets and too many forms and procedures are preventing professionals from being able to give children the help they need and assess whether that help has made a difference.( Munro review 2010) Some key weakness were found in with the Munro Review this was from social workers, stating that the review states what is being done but dose not offer the path to a better child protection system in the future? (Parliament 2012). In Conclusion this essay has examined an horrific news report on the sexual abuse and the death of Zuzanna Zommer and the back ground of her perpetrator it has looked at how the system failed to protect her from such an ordeal. It has also
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Increase in Crime in the United States :: Crime Research Papers
A crime is defined as "an act committed in violation of a law forbidding it and for which a variety of punishments may be imposed." Crimes are classified into two basic groups; "mala in se" which are crimes that are evil in themselves, and "mala prohibitita" which are crimes that are only crimes because society at the time deems them wrong. In these days crime is more easy perceived by society. Surveys of public opinion in the United States show that more and more people believe that crime is increasing. People feel less safe in their environment and have thus taken measures to protect themselves. But is this view accurate? Most of the crime rates from 2003 to 2015 have risen greatly. In 2003 there was a murder every 27 minutes. Now there is a murder every 22 minutes. The astounding fact is in 2003 there was a violent crime every 6 minutes but now it has increased to a murder every 16 seconds. Crime per thousand from between 1993 and 2015 rose 9.4 percent but from 2010 to 2015 it went down 4 percent. In recent years crime has been decreasing. Property crime, murder, robbery, and burglary have all decreased at least three percent in recent years but that is not much. There is one exception; rape which has gone up 3 percent. Violent crime has risen 40.9 since 1997 while in recent years it has only gone down a tenth of a percent. This may be one of the reasons people feel less safe. People aren't afraid of larceny or property crimes. They are afraid of violent crimes, which is why is recent years they feel insecure. Many people believe the problem is in the trial system itself. Not enough people are convicted. In our trial system where you are innocent until proven guilty and to be proved guilty it must be done beyond reasonable doubt or preponderance of evidence in civil cases. After it has finally been very well proven a judge or jury must unanimously decide the criminal is innocent or guilty or it is declared a hung jury. It also is too easy to get a shorter sentence on a plea bargain. For instance a person accused of armed robbery, an offence that on average a person would get thirty years for; the criminal will often plead guilty to a lesser offence such as carrying a concealed weapon. Carrying a concealed weapon would often give a six year sentence but the criminal often gets off in half that time. So you see how the sentencing just
Friday, July 19, 2019
Morgan Spurlock?s Super Size Me Essay examples -- Obesity Crisis Ameri
Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me After watching Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me it became even clearer to me that there is an obesity crisis in this country. While this was not news to me; I was surprised by Dr. Satcher, the former U.S. Surgeon General, stating that 'left unabated obesity will surpass smoking as the number one preventable cause of death in this country.' Morgan Spurlock focused his attention on McDonalds in his documentary, but I think to simply blame the fast food companies grossly simplifies the issue. The obesity crises in this country is a lifestyle issue, big food corporations may be partially to blame, but lifestyle is something that is culturally decided not solely foisted upon us by the corporate world. The obesity problem in this country has gotten worse, a lot worse, and the surge in obesity can be tied directly to fast food. I was appalled by the fact that since 1980 the number of people either fat of obese has doubled, and in that time frame there are twice as many overweight children and three times as many overweight adolescents. Looking strictly at the numbers, it is very easy to find a direct correlation between the number of overweight or obese individuals and the number of fast food establishments. However these fast food outlets are not created in a vacuum, they are servicing a demand. Each day one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant. Our culture has evolved to one of immediate gratification, we want it convenient, and we want it now. The fast food industry has simply seized that cultural demand and has taken advantage of it all the way to the bank. I think we have a cultural weakness that looks for someone to blame for our problems and McDonalds certainly mak es a nice target. I think Super Size Me poses a very interesting question in asking if fat is the next tobacco. It is clear that obesity is a very serious health issue but to me the real concern is whether we should consider unhealthy food items such as fat and sugar the same way we consider drugs and alcohol. According to Kelly Browning PhD of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, ?we live in a toxic environment of unhealthy food.? Morgan reacts to his first super size meal as his body would physically react to an overdose of toxic matter and he throws up. His body had in essence no tolerance for the fat and sugar and other processed... ...oft drinks, or candy. Parents like me trying to give their children a healthy example are overwhelmed just as the 5-a-Day campaign?s $2 Million advertising media budget is overwhelmed by McDonald?s $1.4 Billion media budget. Morgan Spurlock jokingly suggests fighting fast food?s impact on his child by punching the child in the face every time they pass a fast food restaurant to attach a negative association to fast food. Instead I plan to show Super Size Me to my child when he is old enough to understand it, as should all responsible parents. The obesity crisis has been muddled over a concern about the line between corporate and personal responsibility. More than 60% of Americans get no form of exercise whatsoever and at the same time we super size everything. The fast food chains are not forcing us to super size and consume these mass quantities, they are simply responding to the market. Just as we as a society are slowly recognizing the dangers of smoking, we must recognize the dangers of a high fat, high sugar diet that is paired with a sedentary lifestyle. Culturally we need to step up to the plate and see that there is a huge problem and then see what we can do about it.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Term Paper Intro to I.T.
Week 10 Term Paper Tommy Coney, Jr. CIS 106 – Introduction to Information Technology Week 10 Term Paper Professor Clifton G. Howell, Ph. D. The technology that I feel has created a paradigm shift and is now as well as further in the future is Cloud Computing. By definition Cloud computing is s a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e. g. , networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Mell & Grance, 2011) Cloud computing is one of the leading buzz terms in the world of IT today. Seemingly every possible solution has been enhanced with the mere addition of the word â€Å"cloud†. Cloud computing refers to applications and services offered over the Internet. These services are offered from data centers all over the world, which collectively are referred to as the â⠂¬Å"cloud. †This metaphor represents the intangible, yet universal nature of the Internet. The idea of the â€Å"cloud†simplifies the many network connections and computer systems involved in online services.In fact, many network diagrams use the image of a cloud to represent the Internet. This symbolizes the Internet's broad reach, while simplifying its complexity. Any user with an Internet connection can access the cloud and the services it provides. Since these services are often connected, users can share information between multiple systems and with other users. Examples of this technology include online backup services, social networking services, and personal data services such as Apple's MobileMe.Cloud computing also includes online applications, such as those offered through Microsoft Online Services. Hardware services, such as redundant servers, mirrored websites, and Internet-based clusters are also examples of cloud computing. (â€Å"Technology terms,†2009) In its own way, â€Å"paradigm shift†has lost much of its meaning over the past twenty years through overuse. Each year, changes in technology are heralded as paradigm shifts, changes that will alter the IT landscape. There are two keys to this definition.The first is the recognition of value produced from an IT environment. Value is less clearly defined than a more concrete metric like cost or performance, but value multiplies throughout an environment and increases with the expansion of the scope and reach of systems. Reduced cost for the same eventual value is a plus, but mere lower cost does not create the dramatic value required in the definition of a paradigm shift. The second key is the recognition that the value must be accrued by the eventual users in an organization.Once again, allowing IT departments to fulfill their mandates better or for less expense is certainly positive, but without the demand for value driven by consume rs of IT services, you will not see the sort of changes required to classify an innovation as a paradigm shift. Cloud computing does, when properly implemented, deliver vastly more value to IT consumers, it does in fact, fit the definition of a paradigm shift. And cloud computing will, over the next 3-5 years, dramatically change the landscape of information technology.Because of this, an errant choice could not only waste money but, more importantly, lead you down a detour that will delay your adoption of cloud computing and leave you at a competitive disadvantage (Greenwald, 2011) A paradigm shift can produce a tidal wave of increased value from IT resources, but nothing comes for free. In order to get these great accumulations of new value, IT departments may have to modify the way they think about, design and implement systems.To understand this, you only need think back to the dawn of graphical user interfaces, where old applications were created with a â€Å"GUI†(Graph ical User Interface) interface, but ended up as just a bit of makeup on an earlier generation of technology. The new look did not produce new value, and were fairly rapidly rejected by consumers. In the same way, the great benefits of the cloud do not naturally accrue by simply shifting your IT stack to an outsourced provider.You may, for the sake of expediency or organizational necessity, choose to follow this route to get some advantages without extensive modifications to your existing solutions. (Greenwald, 2011) There are however advantages and disadvantages to cloud computing. Some of the advantages are; Convenience, Security, Backups, Collaboration and being environmentally friendly. Convenience meaning you can access your data anywhere you can connect to the Internet. Security being that most companies use industrial level security software and practices which make it harder for hackers to get at your data.That’s harder, but not impossible. Backups being, you have a ba ckup of your data in case your local computer crashes. Collaboration being that with your permission, others can access, view, and modify your documents. Environmentally friendly means it takes fewer resources to cloud compute, thus saving energy. Some businesses take it a step further and incorporate cloud computing into their telecommuting strategies. (Morris, 2011) The disadvantages to cloud computing are; security breaches, outages, storage limits, slow speeds, and limited features.Security breaches meaning that remote server security makes it harder, but not impossible, for hackers to reach your data. If there is a compromise of the server or servers where your data is stored, your personal information may be exposed to the world. There’s also a good chance that more than just your information may be affected, we're talking possibly millions of other users. Outages meaning, have you ever been unable to access your email due to your provider being down? Now, imagine if you needed a document for an important business meeting or presentation and your storage provider’s site was down.Believe me it happens, and it happens at the most inconvenient times. Storage limits meaning that while your local hard drive may be able to hold 500GB or more of data, unfortunately a remote server may only allow you to freely store about 5GB. If you want more room, you’ll have to pay. Still, even with a paid account, it can’t begin to touch the amount of room you have locally. There also may be a limit on the size of the data that can be stored. Slow speeds of course being uploading and downloading of large documents may take a long time.Limited features being that if you use remote software that’s provided by the storage service to manipulate and modify your data, it usually lacks the features of a program running locally. (Morris, 2011) To understand exactly how cloud computing works, let’s consider that the cloud consists of layers -mainly the back end layers and the front end layers. The front layers are the parts you see and interact with. When you access your profile on your Facebook account for example, you are using software running on the front end of the cloud.The back end consists of the hardware and the software architecture that delivers the data you see on the front end. Clouds use a network layer to connect users’ end point devices, like computers or smart phones, to resources that are centralized in a data center. Users can access the data centre via a company network or the internet or both. Clouds can also be accessed from any location, allowing mobile workers to access their business systems on demand. Applications running on the cloud take advantage of the flexibility of the computing power available.The computers are set up to work together so that it appears as if the applications were running on one particular machine. This flexibility is a major advantage of cloud computing, allowing the user to use as much or as little of the cloud resources as they want at short notice, without any assigning any specific hardware for the job in advance. I think the easiest way to explain this was through Wikipedia â€Å"End users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile application while the business software and user's data are stored on servers at a remote location.Proponents claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand. †(Wikipedia, 2012) Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility like the electricity grid over a network typically the Internet. C loud computing is as described above and should be seen as such.It can be a benefit if used properly but make no mistake about it, it needs to be configured correctly to maximize each and every benefit. I gave 5 pros and cons to using the cloud computing but there are more and all should be explored before committing to the use of cloud computing. References Mell, P. , & Grance, T. (2011). Retrieved from US Department of Commerce website: http://csrc. nist. gov/publications/nistpubs/800-145/SP800-145. pdf (Mell & Grance, 2011) Greenwald, R. (2011, November). Creating value with the oracle database cloud service. Retrieved from ttp://www. oracle. com/technetwork/database/database-cloud/public/extreme-productivity-wp-1844125. pdf (Greenwald, 2011) Technology terms. (2009, April 23). Retrieved from http://www. techterms. com/definition/cloud_computing (â€Å"Technology terms,†2009) Morris, K. (2011, Spetember 26). Five advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Retrieved from http://www. examiner. com/article/five-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-cloud-computing (Morris, 2011) Wikipedia. (2012, August 13). Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cloud_computing (Wikipedia, 2012)
Toyota Prius
1. What little purlieual calculates affected both the initiative genesis and flake contemporaries models of the Toyota Prius? How rise has Toyota dealt with these factors? The micro environmental factors atomic number 18 those forces close to a company, yet outside its internal environmental, that warp the ability of a avocation to mete out its clients, forces such as customers, suppliers, competitors and other business that assistor influence a businesss ability to sell, distri preciselye, promote and develop increases or services.In regards the Toyota Prius case, the factors that the company dealt with be Customers Toyota launched the offshoot generation in 2001 with a small, cramped and non attractive elevator carmobile into a grocery were the big SUVs were dominating the business. They were deliverance to the food marketplace a confused run off, environmentally friendly and high tech vehicle. In my opinion, Toyota took a risk launching a vehicle that was fitting future needinesss that customers were going to have with the forthcoming scotch situation (gas price increment).Toyota launched the present moment generation ameliorate the fuel enjoyment and improving the lacks on the first stochastic variable style and capacitance. The biggest success was to anticipate the customer needs. Suppliers Without the support of suppliers, Toyota would not have be able to launch the first generation. Toyota call for the suppliers to be onboard on this risky spue in which they were developing a novel technology that requires a high heavy(p) investment up front with a high risk of failure.Competitors First generation did not have direct competitors since it was the but hybridisationisation vehicle on the market. I consider that the challenge for Toyota on the first generation was to create a market box for this impudently vehicle belief. The scenario was dissimilar for the chip generation were the market niche existed already a nd fresh competitors were acquire into the business. Honda with the hybrid polite, Mercury with the Mariner and Ford with the pretermit were trying to bugger off their first step on this vehicle category but being a step back Toyota in price and efficiency. 2. Outline the major(ip) macro environmental factors demographic, economical, natural, technological, political and ethnical that have affected Prius sales. How well Toyota dealt with each(prenominal) of these factors? Demographic American population has been festering at around 10% since 2000 as well as the GDP per capita. This expire to an increase on the demand for simple machinemobiles and to a more(prenominal) than demanding costumer re consecrateable to his higher(prenominal)(prenominal) purchase power. Economic Toyota Prius was launched in regular army in a growing economic environment but right originally a scenario were gasoline price would setoff wage hike considerably.Looks like Toyota did not answ er against trends and fads but did a good long term economic analysis going ahead in respect his competitors that but wait until gasoline price started rising to start taking fuel ingestion into account as an important factor during the vehicle development. Natural December 1997 manhoods leading nations meet japan to discuss Kyoto protocol. Several months before, Toyota introduces in lacquer the first hybrid vehicle. Consumers start to channelise into account environmental factors on their purchases. other factor that push consumers toward lower consume vehicles is the gasoline price rise that occurs in 2004.Smaller SUVs, cars and hybrids see their demand increase due to these two natural factors. Toyota, being mindful of this factors, changed his targeted costumer investing $40 million dollars campaign on this set of customers, the environmental conscious. Technological late 90s is considered a high-tech boom. This may be the reason why Toyota targeted first on early adopt ers and techies who ar attracted by cars advanced technology. Political many another(prenominal) states are rewarding the car owners with impose breaks amounting to thousands of dollars.Furthermore, just about states government gave further impose breaks, in some circumstances complementing the national tax break. There were also some eco-friendly organizations involved in this incentive punt such as Google, Timberland and Hyperion Solutions providing employees as much as $5,000 toward the purchase of hybrids. some(prenominal) states level gave permission for the hybrids to use carpooling lanes which dispense with people to travel more rapidly to work. Lastly, lots of insurance companies offer discounts to hybrid cars. Cultural since the last decade, society is getting more sensitive in regards environmental issues.This is being reflected on customer decisions that are looking for environmental friendly product regular(a) at a higher price to them. 3. Evaluate Toyotas trade dodge so far. What has Toyota done well? How might it improve its strategy? trade strategy consist of 4 Ps which are product, price, place and forwarding Product Toyota brought to the market a new vehicle concept that fitted into the new economic, neighborly and political scenario. Toyota identified the lacks on the first generation and incorporated the improvements on the second generation improving also efficiency.Price Toyota Prius with Honda Civic were the only two Hybrid models in which customers were recovering the price premium and starting signal to save money after 75. 000 miles. invest Toyota was aware of the difficulty of introducing a new concept to the market. Lack of customer info could induce to a mistrust toward the product. Toyota amaze emphasis training specifically to the dealerships to make sure customers were being properly informed. In addition, Toyota opened a site on the web where customers could share their questions and modifications they made to their Prius.Promotion Toyota did not put too much labour on advertising this vehicle. Toyota used the dealerships as a communication line to the customers. In my opinion, the biggest success of Toyota comes from the long term strategy they planed that come up with a vehicle that fit perfectly to the changing economic and social context. In addition to the low consume advantage the Prius was, they continued improving their models to provide customers with the said(prenominal) comfort and capacity of vehicles that were dominating the American roads by increasing the capacity on his second generation for instance.Customers, in general, are aghast(predicate) to invest in new concept products due to a mistrust on their performances. Battery life and tutelage were the biggest concerns that customers were having. other automakers, such as Renault are pass to the customers a systems in which they take the indebtedness of the battery life. Automakers own the batteries and customer s just pay a monthly rent for the maintenance and replacement. I consider that this strategy offers more confidence to the new customers to invest on this new technologies. 4. GMs marketing director for new ventures, Ken Stewart, says if you motivation to get a lot of hybrids on the road, you put them in vehicles that people are buying now. They seems to summarize the U. S. auto makers approach to hybrids. Would you agree with Mr. Stewart? Why or why not? American market is being originally dominated by big SUVs and pickup trucks. Statistics pomp this customer preferences. The American auto makers are trying to provide to customers a more efficient vehicle keeping the current confront and performances.Obviously, the efficiency achieved is not the same as the one other auto makers are achieving by developing littler hybrid vehicles. In my opinion, what they are doing is to attain a short term dissolvent to the current customer needs sooner of anticipating the future ones which are smaller cars with even higher fuel efficiency. So, if the macro environment continues pushing auto makers toward the efficiency cars, they go away continue being ahead the others because even if they are trying to improve efficiency, it is not the main goal for them right now.
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